Ming Yu looked at her head and looked at the sky innocently. She suddenly smiled sweetly. When Tang Hanyan was too late to stop, she had already put her hand in the palm of Wen Tian. "Well, you have to take me to find me." Mother."

"I will take you to her." Wen Tian held a soft hand, and his heart was inexplicably warm.

For so long, only Xiaoyan and her daughter trusted him without any greed.

In the past, Xiao Yan believed that he could do everything.

"Miss Ming Yu..." The broken stone frowned, how could it be assured, but it smells!

What if he grabbed Mingyu in Tianbao?

Wen Tian did not pay attention to breaking the stone, and Xiao Long only looked at him with cold eyes, and did not prevent him from leaving with Mo Ming Yu.

Hey and other monsters will not stop it. They have already sinned and don’t want to seduce Murong Chong at this time.

"Let's go." Tang Hanyan said to Ye Muxin, hurriedly followed.

The broken stone and the white tiger frowned and looked at the sky. For the safety of Mingyu, they had no choice but to leave.

"Ming Yu, do you still remember me?" Fan Fan has come to Ming Yu's side and looks at her with anticipation.

"Remember, I have seen you." Ming Yu looked at her and was lying. She had seen it before in the North Ming Dynasty.

Fan Fan’s eyebrows smiled. “Well, we will not hurt you, don’t be afraid.”

Ming Yu said, "I am not afraid."

If she is afraid, how can she hold the hand of Wen Tian.

"The Kraken." Suddenly whispered.

They looked to the front, and the sea was full of strange quirks. The huge sharks were in the middle, and Mingyu saw the spring standing on it.

"That man!" Ming Yu pointed to Quan Xian, "Can you take him away?"

"Hey?" Wen Tian was cold and cold, and he understood who was caught by the sea at sea.

However, this monk should live in the Dead Sea, how can he get to the mainland.

"The Kraken has always been obedient, and it turned out that the monks are swearing."

Wen Tian said faintly, "With this monk still supporting so many monsters, it is a dragon."

The dragon is a beast in the water, and Ah will not be his opponent.

"It turns out that they are relying on Xiaolong." Vatican smiled disdainfully. "Do they think that Xiaolong can compare with the Lord?"

Ming Yu took the hand of Wen Tian. "So many Krakens, can we leave? They are very powerful."

"Don't be afraid, we respect the Lord is also very powerful."

"Can that take him away?" Ming Yu pointed to the spring above the giant shark.

Wen Tian’s head, “Yes.”

"He... isn't it an apprentice?" Was found that Yan Xiaoliu, who was behind him, how could he be here?

Although they should have been Vatican, they still used to call his previous name.

Ming Yu turned back and waved at Yan Xiaoliu, explaining that "Yan Xiaoliu grew up with me and was a very important person."

I remembered it. When I was in the North Ming Dynasty, there was a guard around Mingyu. I didn’t care much about the name. I only knew that it was taken away by Van Gogh. It turned out to be this boy.

Yan Xiaoliu saw them, but he and Wen Tian were just rushing. They didn’t expect to meet again. He was already the master of the Master’s mouth.

"Bring the spring back first." Wen Tian said faintly, holding the hand of Ming Yu soaring in the air.

"Wow!" Ming Yu looked down at the sea in surprise. Before she was worn by the fire phoenix, the feeling of this kind of feet was the first time.

"Afraid?" Wen Tian whispered.

Ming Yu smiled and shook his head. "No, it's amazing."

Wen Tianzui’s corner smiled lightly. “Did those monsters scare you?”

"No." Ming Yu said, "You are also a monster."

"Yeah." Wen Tian nodded. "I haven't been afraid of me."

Ming Yu looked back at Yan Xiaoliuyi, confirming that he had been following, and she continued to talk to Wentian. "You are not like them, call my mother, you know she is no longer a small sister."

The sky under the eyes flashed a dark color, "I know she is jealous."

"Oh." Ming Yu felt the sorrow that Wen Tian passed to her heart, but she did not know how to comfort.

No one can open her mother and her.

"Do you like Yan Xiaoliu?" Wen Tian asked.

"Like, we grew up together from an early age." Ming Yu said seriously that she did not know what she liked when she didn't know her love. She just wanted to be with Yan Xiaoliu for a long time.

Wen Tian looked at the cute and lovely Ming Yu, as if I saw the little singer who liked him at first.

He missed that time very much, but unfortunately he could never go back.

Quan was first left to leave, and although he knew it, he did not stop it.

"Where are you going to take me?" Quan first asked, and he knew that Wen Tian, ​​Aunt Sister spent so long, and also held two emperors, is not to let Wen Tian come back?

But how did he know that he had caught a little girl, and the problem would actually come to save him.

He felt that he must have been a big disaster.

"You came from the Dead Sea? Do you know Ah?" asked the whisper.

Quan Xian’s eyes lit up, “Auntie?”

"It seems to be known, then how do you get along with the dragons?" asked Vatican.

"I was caught by a god." The more I think about it, the more I feel wronged. I used to live a happy life in the Dead Sea. Suddenly I was taken by Murong Zhan for nine days. He was still in the weak water for so many days, and later forced him to come to the mainland, he just left the weak water, has been caught by Lu Wushuang, and directly took him to find Xiaolong.

He was watching the seal of Lu Wushuang to unlock the dragon.

To be honest, he has never seen anyone whose demon power is more powerful than Xiaolong. It may only be possible to compare Wentian.

"You said that God is Lu Wushuang." Vatican asked, "How does a **** get together with the monster?"

Quan said first, "I don't know, I am threatened..."

"Catch the jade is also threatened?" asked the eyebrows.

"Yes!" Quan first nodded hard. "It is the **** that threatens me. If I don't do it, she will cut my tail."

Van Gogh looked at him. "Whether you are telling the truth, if you see Ah, you can explain it."

Quan was excited first, and he finally saw Auntie.

Hey, he is so pitiful, I want to go back to the Dead Sea, don't be threatened, and don't have to worry about it all day.

"After you go back, can you give this person to me?" Ming Yu pointed to Quan.

"What do you want to do?" Wen Tian asked.

Quan first rounded his eyes, and his ears listened to what Mingyu would say next.

"He let the Kraken scare me, kill me so many guards, I want revenge." Ming Yu said crisply.

what? Quan Xian’s face was white.

Wen Tian nodded lightly, "Okay."

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