Only Ye Hao and Bai Hu are in the hall.

"Have you seen Xiaolong?" Ye Hao asked. "Is it with him?"

The white tiger gently daggers, "I have a hand, the demon power is very strong."

Ye Hao hesitated, "How is it compared with Wentian?"

"It's not much worse than Wentian's 10,000 years ago. It's not known to the current smell..." Baihu said.

"What is the difference between Lu and Wu?" Ye Hao asked, she remembered Lu Wushuang's most disdainful is the monster, how can it be with the monster.

White Tiger said, "I don't know. Even though she is covered, I can't see her clearly. Even the breath has changed, but I think it is her."

When I used to live in nine days, Lu Wushuang often harassed the white tiger. It was countless times to fight. The white tiger is very familiar with Lu Wushuang.

“Is it a dragon to unlock the seal?” Ye Hao was very skeptical. She did not think that Lu Wushuang had the ability to unlock the seal.

The ability to seal a big monster like a dragon is definitely not a **** to unlock the seal.

"Small, what are you suspecting?" White Tiger whispered.

"I suspect that Lu Wushuang is not secretly coming from nine days, but is ordered to come." She knows that Lu Wushuang hates her very much. If she is to deal with her, it can explain it, but what does she mean now?

Ye Hao can't figure out how to do it.

White Tiger whispered, "Is it because the Emperor let her come?"

"Tai Emperor?" Ye Hao looked at the white tiger. In fact, she had this suspicion, but why did Taidi do this?

Compared with the unparalleled land, the Emperor should hate the existence of the monster. He originally wanted to get rid of the smell of the sky, why bother to get back to the dragon that is comparable to Wen Tian’s strength.

"When we left, Lu Wushuang did not appear again." Bai Hu said.

Ye Hao gently beheaded. "I know, if this matter is related to Taidi, he will definitely do something."

"That Mingyu..." White Tiger whispered. "Her ability has never been heard before. I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing."

"I went to the ancient book to find out if I could find similar abilities," said Ye Hao.

After the white tiger left, Ye Hao went into the space to find an ancient book.

On the other side, after Ming Yu and Yan Xiaoliu left, they did not return to the room to rest. She went to find the spring first.

Quan was first stoned in a stone prison, and the whole person sat down in a corner and sat down.

This stone prison is a three-piece treasure, able to resolve the demon power of the monster, and any monsters will lose all the demon power in it.

Seeing the appearance of Ming Yu, Quan first turned his face to the other side.

"You don't want to see me?" Ming Yu asked with a smile.

If it weren't for her, he was already at the side of Auntie, and he certainly didn't want to see Mo Mingyu.

"But there is no way. You are now a prisoner. You don't want to see it." Mingyu's clear eyes are all smiles. "If you don't obey, I will shut you down forever."

"What do you want?" Quan asked first, "I didn't catch you, but that's not my intention. You are not hurt now?"

Ming Yu snorted. "I can be relieved if I am fine now. If it weren't for you, none of my guards would die, and my maid would not die."

Quan first whispered, "Not a few mortals."

"Several mortals?" Ming Yu picked up his eyebrows. "The lives of our mortals are so worthless in your eyes. However, in my eyes, your monsters do nothing, I will kill you, kill them. If you don't want to kill you, you will be able to play in prison."

"You..." Quan was mad at his face. "Do you want to shut me down for a lifetime? I tell you, Auntie will not agree."

Ming Yu smiled. "What if she disagrees? She can bite me, or she dares to take you away. If she takes you away, I will go to Wentian. You think Wentian will Will you give me to me again?"

Quan first thought of Wentian’s attitude towards this girl. She felt that even if she killed herself in front of him, Wen Tian would not blink.

"You...what are you going to let me go?" Quan Xian’s face became even more ugly. He felt that he was in the hands of Mo Mingyu. It was a life of nine deaths. No, he could not see the road at all. He was dead.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Ming Yu smiled and looked at Quan Xian. In fact, she did not intend to kill this monk. Although she was very angry because he killed so many guards, she felt that Quan first could The ability to confuse people may not be useful, so he will be brought back.

Quan said first, "Since you haven’t thought about it, it’s better to let me go first, and wait until you think about it."

Ming Yuhehe smiled. "You think it's really beautiful."

"It is better to take his Golden Dan first." Yan Xiaoliu said next to him.

"Then he will die?" Ming Yu asked.

"No." Yan Xiaoliu said with no expression, looking at Quan's delicate face, how to look is not pleasing to the eye.

The jade looks like a serious consideration of Yan Xiaoliu's opinion.

" can't listen to him. If you take my Golden Dan, I will definitely die." Quan Xian's face turned white. If he took his Golden Dan, he would definitely not be able to maintain his human form. He will only be in the Dead Sea. Survival will not die.

Ming Yu did not hear him, asked Yan Xiaoliu, "Can you take his Golden Dan?"

"Yes." Yan Xiaoliu said.

"I promise you what you want to do." Quan first shouted. "As long as you don't take my Golden Dan, you will let me do what I do."

Ming Yu said with a smile, "How do I know if you are lying to me, in case I let you out, are you running?"

"I... I will make a contract with you!" Quan first bit his teeth. "You can call me at any time. I can't go anywhere."

"Well, this can be considered." Ming Yu nodded. "Then you are here to rest, I will come to you when I think about it."

Quan did not think that Ming Yu actually refused to let him go out. He promised to make a contract with her. At that time, he could only listen to her orders, and he could not go anywhere.

Yan Xiaoliu has been frowning at Mingyu.

"What's wrong?" Ming Yu looked back at him, his face was really dark and it was going to rain.

"That slut... is a monster." Yan Xiaoliu licked his lips and couldn't understand why she brought the spring back.

Ming Yu smiled. "I know that he is a monster. As long as he can obey, it is not a monster."

"What do you want to do, I will do it, I don't need him." Yan Xiaoliu said, he didn't understand how the emotion came from. He saw that Mingyu didn't get in the way when he smiled.

"That's not the same." Ming Yu said, "You are you, Quan is the first."

Yan Xiaoliu frowned at her and didn't understand what she was thinking.

Mingyu covered his mouth and smiled. "You are not my subordinate. If Quan first made a contract with me, he would be no different from my subordinates. I can't betray me. Isn't that good?"

"Why must he be?" There are already white tigers around her, no need to have other monsters.

"Because he can confuse others." Ming Yu said that she is interested in Quan Xian’s ability.

Yan Xiaoliu looked at her with fog.

"You will know later." Ming Yu said with a smile.

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