In the northern city, there are nine days of Emperor sitting in the town, outside the city is in Tianbao, the general monsters do not dare to approach here, and the big monsters such as 兕 now belong to Shun Xiaolong, without the consent of Xiaolong, they easily dare to come to the North City.

They did not expect that the North City would provoke Murong Cham and Wen Tian. It would be better to wait for Wen Tian and Murong Zhan to kill each other in the small island.

Ten thousand years ago, who did not know that the two of them were deadly enemies, and now they are in the northern city, they do not believe that they can coexist peacefully.

At this time, Murong Zhan in the northern city did not put Tianbao in his heart. He had more important things to do than to deal with Wen Tian.

"There is still no change at all." Ye Hao looked at the half-dragon and half-children, and there was a worry in the eyes. This child was brought out from Heilong Mountain by Ming Xi, and they have been with them for a long time. It is emotional, and it is uncomfortable to see her so unconscious.

"She had a seal on her body. It was the black dragon who suppressed it for her. The trapped dragon array lost the power of the seal of the black dragon. Now the seal of Wen Tian has played a role. Only the white dragon king can save her." Rong Zhan whispered.

If Bai Wanglong knows that his daughter is not dead, but is sealed in the body of Black Dragon, it will definitely be furious.

"That..." Ye Hao wanted to say that it would not be OK to let Wen Tian unblock the seal, but he would not agree to the complaints of Wen Tian and the Dragon.

"When Wentian was first sealed, it was teamed up with Black Dragon." Murong Zhan seemed to understand the thoughts of Ye Hao and whispered to her. "Now, even if you want to unravel the seal on your child, Can't do it."

Ye Hao said, "But you have to let Ming Xi practice... When will he cultivate?"

They are all very clear that the Dragon is the most powerful existence. Although Mingxi is very talented, his cultivation may not be as good as a god. When will he be able to find the dragon.

"Don't worry about Mingxi, as long as he finds a breakthrough, the repair will definitely advance by leaps and bounds." Murong Zhan whispered, "He has the blood of the dragon, and the practice that I gave him is different from the ordinary, as long as he can Wu Jing..."

"Dragons?" Ye Hao, she did not listen to him before.

Mo Rongzhan explained that the round knife is a dragon knife. "...I saw that the round knife has changed. I guess he is related to the dragon dragon. This time I went to nine days. I asked the mother to ask, and Mingxi really has The bloodlines of the dragons."

"But, neither I nor you are a dragon." Ye Hao asked puzzledly, how their son had the bloodline of the dragon.

"The mother of the mother is the dragon family." Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao looked at Murong Zhan, she had heard of the dragons before, but she did not expect that the mother would actually be a dragon.

It is not surprising that Mingxi will have the blood of the dragons.

"Is the dragon family not... has it been annihilated?" Ye Hao whispered, she had heard in nine days that the dragon family was too horrible and powerful, so the protoss and the dragons joined forces to destroy their entire family. ... actually still alive.

Murong Zhan whispered, "The dragons and the dragons are mostly dragons and phoenixes. Because of the relationship between bloodlines and pedigrees, when the children are in the abdomen, one of them will absorb the other one. Many children are born without life. But the one who survives will become a powerful dragon when he grows up."

“The ability of Mingyu was absorbed by Mingxi?” Ye Hao thought of the human body of Mingyu, and Mingxi’s talent was amazingly high.

"It is possible." Murong Zhan gently decapitated, "The mother is not a bit of a dragon, but the ability to cultivate is the orthodox martial arts."

No wonder the mother is not being...

"Where does Mingyu absorb the spiritual power of others?" Ye Hao lowered his voice and asked if the protoss and the beast knew that her two children had the blood of the dragons, they would not let them go.

"The mother said that the children who are absorbed can have some special abilities." Mo Rongzhan remembered what Wang had said. He didn't care at that time. Now he wants to come. The mother said that it should be Mingyu. This ability.

Unfortunately, he does not understand this ability at all, and does not know how to help Mingyu.

Ye Hao said, "Or, do we go to the jade with nine days to find Mingyu?"

"Well, wait a few days, the things here are solved, we will go to nine days." Murong Zhan said.

"I don't know when Mingxi wants to cultivate." Ye Hao is not worried in her heart. In her mind, Ming Xi is still a child.

When other children are as big as Mingxi, they only have to study and ride horses every day, but Mingxi has already experienced several life and death. Later, he will go to the dragons. If he does not have the blood of the dragons, she will be relieved. He and Ming Yu may both be dragons, and she can't be assured of anything.

Murong Chong knows Ye Hao’s fears. He gently covers her shoulders and gently strokes her in her arms. “Children have their own children’s lives.”

"Though this is the case, I would rather have a life for them." Ye Hao whispered.

Ming Xi and Ming Yu are already doomed to be ordinary.

"Ming Yu?" Ye Hao suddenly remembered that she had not seen her daughter all day. She had already come to herself at this time of the week.

"She said that she wants to go out, Baihu and Yan Xiaoliu are by her side, don't worry." Murong Zhan said that Mingyu was looking for him early this morning, saying that he had never been to China and wanted to go out and go outside. Although there are no people, but since she wants to go out, go out, it is very stuffy in the big house all day.

Ye Hao’s brow jumped a few times. How could she have a bad premonition? Ming Yu’s gimmick looked like a well-behaved. In fact, the ghosts had a lot of ideas, and they were very restless. They always thought about where to go.

Outside is an empty city, Ming Yu can have anything fun outside, she is certainly not interested.

"Ming Yu is actually very smart, don't worry about her." Murong Chan said.

Ye took a look at him and thought that he was particularly indulgent in Ming Yu. "I know she is smart, so I am worried that she will definitely not just walk around the city."

"Do you think she will go to Tianbao?" Murong Zhan raised his eyebrows. If the white tiger couldn't hold her to go to Tianbao, he would definitely lick his tiger skin.

"If she goes to Tianbao, she is okay." Ye Xiaomei was so bitter, she thought that Mingyu was not in Tianbao.

"There is nothing to worry about," said Murong Cham.

Ye Hao, "You don't have to worry about having a monster outside."

Murong Zhan laughed, "as long as the monsters dare to come."

In addition to him, there are still ten gods in the city, and the monsters dare to come?

"Forget it, I still go out and find Mingyu." Ye Hao said that she could not rest assured that she would not leave Mingyu.

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