This is the second time after Murong Chong resumed his memory, he came to Tianbao in the second time. The last time was to save his son. This time he came to find Wentian.

He appeared in front of Tianbao, and the Eight Gorefiends had blocked him from going.

Lying, Vatican, Yaofeng, taboo, Vatican, beam, heart, eve...

There is also a mermaid that is driven by the Protoss.

All of them were opponents of 10,000 years ago, and they only officially met today.

"What are you doing?" Taboo asked in a rough voice, they have already taken their little sister away, is it to show off?

"That is..." The attention of lying is on the person brought by Murong Chong. "Is there a glimpse of water?"

Ink and ink face indifferent, throwing water into the ground, "Let Wentian handle."

"Who do you think you are, what do we respect the Lord to listen to you?" Yao Feng said, do not like the attitude of Murong Chong, the protoss is great.

Suddenly looking at the water that had been awake, he climbed up from the ground and sat down and looked at them. The eyes didn't have any temperature at all, and the whole body showed a breath similar to their Gorefiend.

"How can he still live to the present?" The baby king flew out of his chest and stared at the water. He obviously killed the black blood worm in his body. Can practice.

But how does he feel the blood of the Gorefiend is stronger than before?

The sight of the lying contact with the eyes of the water, his heart sinking, did not find a way to kill this person, was a wrong decision.

"What do you mean by bringing him?" asked Vatican frowning.

"He will cultivate black blood monsters because of you." Murong Zhan said coldly, if Van Gogh did not let Ye Wei become a Gorefiend, naturally there would be no water today.

Van Luo sneered. "It’s a joke. It’s so shameless for the nine days of the Emperor."

Murong Chan did not put his ridicule in his heart. "How did the Gorefiends be cultivated? You know very well **** him. You should be clear."

"If we don't kill it?" said Fan Luo.

Really smelt into a black monster, so they can kill if they want to kill.

"Then keep it." Murong said with a blank expression, turned and wanted to leave.

"Stand up." Taboo, "You take him away."

Murong's thin lips sneered a sneer. "Are you sure?"

"He stayed." The student said, "You can't let the water continue to practice in the dark. He thought it would kill the black blood worms in his body. I didn't expect the water to continue to practice. This is not It’s so simple to practice the Gorefiend.

"Staying big brother?" Taboo to see him.

"He is almost going to become a demon." Lying cold face, although Murong Zhan is a nine-day emperor, but he may not be able to deal with the black blood demon, the most understanding of the black blood demon, only the Lord.

Van Gogh stunned, "How is it possible! Is the black blood worm in his body not dead?"

The worm baby's face is not happy. It is the worm king, obviously killing the black blood worm in his body. How can the water be cultivated?

"Look!" The eve of the night screamed. She had been watching the water, and the others had been attracted to their attention. Only she found that the eyes of the water had changed.

Looking down, I found that the water-stained blue eyelids had become dark, and even the white eyes turned red. There was a strange black gas around him. This is a sign that it has become a demon.

"Kill." Lying low and underground.

Mo Rongzhan felt a strange smell coming out behind him, and his eyes flashed a bit strangely. He looked back and saw that the water had stood up.

Other Gorefiends have surrounded the water and watched him with vigilance.

So soon, it’s a magic? Murong Zhan frowns, and the water is always a tramp that has been pretending to be a mourning. Is it actually secretly practicing?

"Oh." Water sneered a sneer, seemingly mocking their incompetence.

"He actually cultivated into a black monster!" Van Gogh's eyes are full of disbelief, they practice all kinds of pains in the practice of the Gorefiend, the Gorefiend has to bear more, and a little careless will become a black blood worm food, How did water do it?

In the eyes of the students are killing, now even if you can not kill, you must also control the water.

Murong Zhan did not shoot, he stood quietly, he was the first time to encounter the black blood demon, the legendary black blood demon, no one has successfully cultivated.

A glimpse of water is obviously just a successful cultivation. He has no sense of his own. He is controlled by the black blood worms in his body, but even so, the lying and other Gorefiends just barely control him to the extent, want to kill It is impossible for him.

"Be careful." Lying alertly, the water slammed into a black gas in his hand and attacked the past with a heart.

The black blood worm itself is highly toxic. If this black gas hits a mortal, it must be that there is no bone.

There is a reminder to choose to avoid, but the arm is still inadvertently stained with black gas.

Suddenly, it hurts all over the body.

I can't believe that the water can be powerful to this point.

"Away from him." Fan Luo whispered.

Xiyue helped to choose to sit down and rushed to sprinkle the elixir on the black air. "How do you feel?"

"Nothing." Choose your heart and endure pain.

A glimpse of water has entered a state of violent, and the blackness of the body is getting richer and thicker.

Just as he was going to go to deal with him personally, a hurricane rolled up behind him.

"Respect the Lord!" Vatican screamed in surprise.

When he felt that there was more powerful force in the air, he snorted and attacked the man with his hands. His body was poisonous, especially his hands. As long as he was in contact with him, he would definitely be hurt by poison.

Wen Tian turned a blind eye to the poisonous gas, and with the eyes of everyone worried, he slammed the water with a palm.

When the water suddenly felt numb, the whole person fell to the ground.

"Respect the Lord, are you okay?" Vatican hurriedly asked.

Wen Tian looked down at his own hands, and there were two groups of black air lingering on it. He held both hands and black gas disappeared in his palm without a trace.

"Take him to the stone sarcophagus." Wen Tian looked at the water and glanced at it.

He also has the memory of Huangfu, naturally knowing that water is only for the obsession of the heart to cultivate the black blood demon, because of this, he will not let the water appear in front of Ye Hao.

Lying in the water seals in the enchantment, avoiding exposure to black gas, he saw the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, who had not left, and then left with Van Loo with water.

Murong Zhan's eyes flashed a touch of cold light, he did not think that the stone sarcophagus in Tianbao could seal the water.

"The fun is finished, still not leaving?" Wen Tian looked at the ink to Zhan Zhan, his eyes were cold and calm.

The opponent who has been away for more than 10,000 years has finally met in a real sense today.

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