Murong Zhan a sword pierced the chest of water.

His sword is made of black iron, and through the tempering of Jianshan, his sword equator is the king of Jianshan.

The sword spirit makes a sound like a dragon.

Even if it is a big monster, suffering such a sword will kill.

As soon as the water looked down at his chest, he looked at Murong Zhan, and his mouth smirked a strange smile.

Ink narrowly narrow eyes narrowed up, not right!

"Do you think that you can kill me like this?" Water sneered. "If you want the white tigers, I will turn those people into black blood monsters."

Actually nothing? Murong Zhan frowned and looked at the water.

The appearance of the water suddenly turned into smoke, and the whole person turned into a black ride and spread out.

There was a crack in his enchantment.

The black-spotted blood worms smashed the enchantment and flew crazy to the ground.

Ink Murray's look changed, the black blood demon actually has no flesh!

He immediately condensed an enchantment, but the water that turned into a black ride did not allow him to do so. Murong Zhan was all dark.

"Can't kill you, then it ruined you!" The sound of the water didn't know where it came from.

Murong Zhan held a black sword with his hand, and the equator of the sword spirit appeared behind him.

Hundreds of swords!

The bright jade on the ground saw a strong white light in the darkness. No, it was not white light, it was countless swords.

The dark fog around it spread out.

She saw Murong Cham again.

The scattered black fog condenses the adult shape in another place, and the water looks at the ink and coldness.

He looked down at the ground and wanted to see how many people were smothered by black blood worms. However, the scene he wanted did not happen. A strange woman sealed all the black blood worms. killed.

Who is that?

The water flashed amazed, and it was easy to kill the black blood worm!

Black blood worms and blood worms are not the same, even if they leave the host, they will not die easily.

Murong Zhan also found the mother, and the mother killed all the blood worms.

That woman is very powerful.

Water can't recognize the mother, but he knows her power.

He is not taking Ye Zi today.

Murong Cham's cultivation is above him, and now there is this woman to help him...

Maybe it’s coming soon, he can only look for the next opportunity.

However, this time I missed the opportunity and I don’t know when I will see Ye Hao again.

The water looked down at the direction of the palace.

Must catch the water! Murong Chong noticed his eyes and immediately wanted to rush to the water.

"I will be back." Water looked at him and said.

Dozens of swords surrounded the water and slammed him.

As soon as the water turns into a black mist, it spreads out to the horizon.

This is why he can escape from Tianbao!

Murong Zhan was holding his thin lips and looking at the black sky.

"Someone can cultivate into a black gorefiend." Wang mother came to the side of Murong Cham, she whispered.

"After the mother, how are you here?" Murong said in a strange way.

Wang Muxiao said, "When you come to the mainland, you have not been here for many years."

"I just thank the mother." If it is not the mother to block the black blood worms, there must be many people on the ground to become a walking dead.

"Don't I be able to do something for the mainland?" She did not tell the Emperor on the mainland, so she masked all the breath.

"We will go to Ye Hao first." said Murong Cham.

At this time, the eight roads and the horns in the northern city came.

"Go and trace the whereabouts of the water." Murong Chong ordered them.

Compared to other monsters, it is most important to eliminate water now.

"Yes, the Emperor."



Going back to the ground, I discovered that Ye Hao’s enchantment covered almost half of the island. She did not restore her mind. This is her greatest effort.

"Azhan!" Seeing that Murong Chan came back, Ye Hao’s face was still somewhat white.

Just now, he was fighting in the water, she looked in her eyes.

Those black blood worms are terrible, and the water becomes too strong.

He can turn into a black fog, how to catch him!

"Don't worry, as long as he is led to a place where there is no mortal, I can naturally catch him." Murong Zhan pinched the hand of Ye Hao, and tonight he was distracted to prevent the water from hurting the mortal.

"He has now escaped, and he has the same chance to hurt mortals." She felt a horror when she thought of thousands of mortals who became corpses.

Murong Zhan whispered, "So I will come to talk to you, I will go to him, I will hand it over to you."

"You go." Ye Hao nodded without hesitation. "I will protect Mingyu and myself."

"Mother!" Murong Zhan looked back at the mother.

The mother said, "I am there, there is no monster to dare to come."

"Thank you." Murong Zhan assured, he was afraid that when he went to chase the water, the dragons and monsters would come here to attack.

Murong Zhan left the palace and was preparing to chase people along the water, and found that Wen Tian was watching him in midair.

Looking at him, it should have been for a while.

Then, Wen Tian should see the ability of a glimpse of water.

"What do you want to do?" Murong Chan came to Wen Tian's face and looked at him faintly. He knew that Wen Tian would not come to attack this place, but he still didn't want to go.

"The Gorefiend is killing, and the Gorefiend is even more so." Wen Tian said.

"What about that?" Murong said with a blank expression that he couldn't kill the water, but he could seal him.

Wen Tian said, "I won't kill you until I kill the water."

Murong’s mouth is floating with a mocking smile.

"He wants Ye Hao." Wen Tian continued. "You better protect her. If you can't do it, then I will protect it."

"Is it by you?" Murong Zhan glanced at him with a cold eye, lost his interest in Wentian and continued to say it. He turned and left.

The smell of Wentian was cold, and he looked at the back of Mo Rongzhan, and his figure disappeared into the air.

On a street like a chessboard, there is no semi-personality at this time.

In the palace, Ye Hao is saying goodbye to Ye Yiqing.

"Hey, we can't stay here, we will only be tired of people." Ye Hao said that she knew that water would definitely come to her.

"Oh..." Ye Yiqing looked at her daughter, and she was so complicated that she didn't know what to say.

Ye Hao said, "You tell the emperor that there is an enchantment here, no matter whether it is a monster or a water, you can't get in."

The enchantment of the Queen Mother is not so easy to break.

"I know." Ye Yiqing nodded, and he decided to start researching how to make a musket tomorrow.

Mortal people must learn how to fight the monsters.

"Hey, let's go first, Mingyu..." Ye Hao wanted to leave Mingyu.

"I am going with you." Ming Yu immediately said, if Ye Hao does not agree to cry, "Mother, you can't leave me."

Ye Hao had no choice but to sigh, "Okay."

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