Ye Hao looked at the mother, did not understand what her words mean.

Give Mingyu to her? why?

Wang Muguang looked at Ye Hao quietly. "A Zhan told you that Ming Xi and Ming Yu may have the blood of the dragons. Ming Yu will absorb the spiritual power of the people. This is the former dragon. The most unknown secret, no one knows how to control this ability. If Mingyu never uses this ability, her blood will not be awakened, and she may become a mortal for a lifetime, but once she wakes her up For the dragon's blood, she must learn to control and use this ability, otherwise her hand will become a voidless bottomless hole, when the time..."

Ye Xie listened more and more flustered, his face was a little white, and when he heard that the mother stopped, she asked anxiously, "What will happen when I get there?"

"It will **** all people and things into her bottomless pit, and even she may fall into the bottomless pit." Wang mother whispered.

How could this be? Ye Xie's face is ugly, thinking that the ability of Ming Yu is barely able to protect himself, who knows that it will be such a dangerous existence.

"You don't have to be scared. There is almost no such possibility. As long as Ming Yu learns how to control it." Wang Mu saw Ye Wei's face and smiled and comforted her. "So I want you to be Ming Yu. Give it to me and let me teach her how to control this ability."

The mother said that she would take away the jade. Was it meant to teach her to control this ability?

Ye Hao felt that her feet were a little soft, and slowly took the chair next to him and sat down for a long time.

"The dragons have disappeared." Wangmu whispered, "Even if the dragons are no longer slaughtering dragons, the ability of the dragons is still a threat to them, and only the genius can reassure them."

Listening to the mother's tone seems to be very unrelated, as if talking about other people's affairs, Ye Hao thinks she looks sad.

"Do you understand what I mean?" Wang Mu looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao gently nodded. "Can't let anyone know that Mingxi and Mingyu are capable of dragons..."

Otherwise, whether it is the dragon or the protoss, including those monsters, once they know that Mingxi and Mingyu have the bloodlines of the dragons, they will definitely kill them.

"Do you want Mingyu to have the ability, or lose it?" Wangmu whispered.

Ye Hao’s eyes lit up. “Can Mingyu not have this ability?”

"It's hard, but I can always give it a try." Wang said.

"Then don't." Ye Hao thought that once Mingyu could not control his own ability, how terrible things should happen.

Wang Ma smiled, "I still ask Ming Yu first."

Ye Hao smiled and shook his head. "That girl is definitely more willing to have this ability. Her actually very much like me."

Although she always felt that Ming Yu was naughty, she was the same when she was a child, and she was always indulging her.



When Murong Chong was chasing the water, he always thought about what method to kill him.

Wen Tian is on his other side, he is also looking for water.

They have a common goal.

"If you find a glimpse of water, you only have to kill him for a quarter of an hour." Wen Tian said faintly.

"You are not there, I can kill him." Murong Chan looked cold and cold, he did not think that Wen Tian would follow the water to see.

Wen Tian chuckled, "You can kill him, but you can't control the black blood worms. How many black blood worms have you seen?"

Ink and Zhan's thin lips are slightly stunned. Before the water, they have not encountered the Dark Gorefiend. There is still a difference between Gorefiend and Black Gorefiend.

He knows that Gorefiends are not easy to kill. Even if they die, their own blood worms will be hidden. As long as they find the host, they can be born again.

It is not that easy to find a blood worm that belongs to them in thousands of blood worms.

The same is true of the Gorefiend, unless you kill the black blood worm king in his body while killing the water.

"I can't kill the water, you are the same." Murong Zhan said faintly.

"Where do you think he will go?" Wen Tian frowned and looked forward. They were looking for it along the water. Not far away, it was the island that Wen had visited before.

Xiaolong and other monsters are there.

There is only one person in the water. If he wants to be right with Murong Cham and Wen Tian, ​​he will definitely expand his power.

But how can he expand his power?

With him alone, how can you fight against the nine-day God and the Lord of Heaven?

He can only find someone to join forces, and Xiaolong is his best choice.

"On the sea, kill him." Murong Zhan said coldly, he was ordered to break the stone and horns.

Wen Tian faintly looked at Murong Zhan.

"It is the best choice to kill him on the sea." There is no mortal in the sea, and the black blood worm will not live too long in the sea.

First of all, he had to kill him before he entered the island.

Murong Chong saw the figure in front of the water, he ran the sea, and laid a shield in front of the water.

Water has just become a black goblin, and many of his exercises will not be used.

He stopped and turned to look at the ink and the air in the dark.

The sea is black and black, which is a black blood worm that belongs to the water.

"I thought you were opponents." Water looked at them at a glance. He knew that Huangfu was no longer the former emperor. He was the lord of 10,000 years ago.

"It is indeed." Murong Zhan said faintly.

He and Wen Tian were originally opponents, but they are killing the same goal today.

"You can't kill me." Water said, "There are fish in the sea. Huaguo is fishing for a living. They eat fish with black blood worms. They will become black savvy. You are planning to let Are the people of the entire Chinese nation turned into black blood demons?"

"It seems that you are afraid of death." Murong Zhan's thin lips sneered a sneer.

Water sneered, "You can't kill me, why am I afraid of death?"

"If you are not afraid, you will not say so much." Wen Tian looked at him indifferently.

"Eight." Murong Zhan looked up and looked at it.

"Get it!" Eight voices, he stood on the surface of the sea, the whole body exudes a bright blue light.

The entire surface of the sea condenses a layer of ice at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Murong Zhan did not give the water a chance to think, has come to him and quickly sword.

"Do you think that you can kill me?" Water sneered, feeling that Murong Chan is simply doing more.

"I don't need to kill you," said Murong Cham.

He just grabs the water and stops his blood worms from invading the people, which is enough.

Water was injured in the first place, and he was not an opponent of Murong Cham.

Moreover, his body is actually paralyzed and his hands are beginning to stiffen.

He looked at Wen Tian, ​​only the poison of the python could hurt him.

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