At the same time as a large number of monsters went south, the island sent a message asking the emperors of the Chinese state and the emperor of Ningguo to go to the island to meet him and surrender to him. He wants to be the largest emperor on earth.

Dragon Emperor.

Ming Yu threw the letter in his hand on the table. "This person... is not right, is this demon crazy? Dragon Emperor? He is so dare, I want to see him and surrender to him. It is really beautiful. It is."

"What do you want to do with the dragon?" Ye Hao picked up the letter and the eyebrows wrinkled. She didn't think the dragon was a fool, but he didn't do anything smart.

Actually claiming to be the Dragon Emperor, he is based on what is the Dragon Emperor.

"He wants to learn the truth, but Wentian is the Lord. He wants to suppress the weather." Wang said faintly, "Azhan is now going to the south, except in Tianbao, in the northern city. Nor is it an opponent of Xiaolong. It is normal for him to see Qiqi and Mingyu at this time."

"Grandma, let's kill him." Mingyu's voice was soft and soft, but the eyes were cold.

Wang Ma smiled. "Okay, my grandmother will accompany you."

Ye Hao cried and laughed, "Ming Yu, don't make trouble, if the dragon is so easy to kill, it would be fine."

"Mother, what should we do?" Ming Yu asked, and he will go to Nanzhou with the gods. There are only mothers and grandmothers in the northern city. Although the white tiger is also staying, if the dragon really comes, it is definitely not Opponent.

"I went to see Qi, he should have received this letter too." Ye Hao said.

The mother holds the hand of Ming Yu. "Ming Yu rest assured that the grandmother will not let anyone bully you. Don't say that the dragon is not a dragon. Even if he is a dragon, I will also make him a bug."

Ming Yu smiled sweetly. "Grandma is the best."

Yan Xiaoliu said nothing at the side, staring at the letter.

He was very confident in his cultivation. After all, he cultivated to such a degree in such a short period of time. However, he discovered that it was not enough today. He still could not protect Mingyu.

If Xiaolong comes, he is not an opponent of Xiaolong.

Then how can he protect Mingyu?

"After the mother, if Xiaolong attacked Nanzhou, it hurts the innocent people. Is it so unreasonable in nine days?" Ye Hao whispered, she did not want to count on the emperor, but it has already reached this point, is the Taidi still? Stand by and watch.

He wants everyone to worship him as a god, but he does not put mortals in his eyes. How can such a person be a great emperor?

It is no wonder that the gods of the nine days are admiring the ink-handedness. It is no wonder that everyone is willing to listen to the Shaodi and not to listen to him.

"If he is informed, he may not send troops." Wang said in a cold voice, "However, you can rest assured that Azhan has restored his deities. Those who follow him will be followers."

"In this way, the emperor is going to be furious again." Ye Hao smiled faintly. Nowadays, the mainland is facing several threats. He plans to attack the city's dragons and the Wentian in Tianbao. The Emperor never considers it. The safety of mortals, once the three parties fight, the world is the most hurt.

"If he is furious, he can't change the fact that he can't control the nine-day gods." Wang said with a smile.

Ye stunned a bit and didn't quite understand the meaning of the mother.

I am going to ask you to understand that Ye Muxin came in and said that it was a few guests who came outside and wanted to find the Emperor.

Looking for Murong Cham? Ye Hao looked at Wang’s mother. "After the mother, I went out to see."

Ye Hao walked out of the room and saw several people standing in the hall. It looked very strange. When I approached, I recognized one of them.

"Ye Ye, A Zhan?" Yan Xiu saw Ye Hao, and immediately came over and asked.

"He went to Nanzhou, and he took the monster to attack Nanzhou. He will pass the other gods." Ye Hao explained, "Why are you here?"

Yan Xiu said, "Jun Gan Shang Shen has returned to the mainland of God, the big monsters of the Xuantian continent have come over, we will come over here to see if there is any need for help."

In addition to him, there are two emperors, and even four holy emperors have come.

Seeing a few acquaintances, and an acquaintance who had previously formed a beam in the Gods on the mainland, Ye Hao did not have anything, but Hou Ze and Mei Lan and others looked a little weird. They used to look for ink tonic in Shangshang. Trouble, now that Murong Chong has restored the godhead into a nine-day emperor, that level is not comparable to them. Faced with the few imperial concubines in front of them, they are very embarrassing.

"Auntie, come, this is the Emperor of the Emperor, this is the exquisite emperor, they are... Azhan's former adoptive parents." After the introduction of the repair, I remembered the identity of Murong Chan today, who can think of a godland The Holy Emperor turned into a nine-day Emperor.

Even the woman in front of her eyes is a young emperor, and her identity has been pulled away.

Ye Hao had already heard of the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor. They were very caring for Azhan. Since it was the adoptive parents of Mo Rongzhan, it was naturally her elders.

"I have seen cognac and dry mother." Ye Hao Ying Ying went forward to salute.

"Don't dare to be, you are a small emperor, how can we afford your ritual." Linglong Emperor said in a hurry.

Ye Xiao said with a smile, "What are the few emperors? You are the adoptive parents of Azhan. It is naturally my elder. Azhan is not there. If he knows that you are coming, he will be very happy."

Yan Xiu said, "Auntie, what is the situation now?"

"The dragon on the mainland of the gods untied the seal, and now with the monster to attack Nanzhou, wants the king of the earth to surrender in front of him, claiming to be the dragon emperor." Ye Hao simply introduced the situation on the mainland today.

"We also found that Xiaolong disappeared, and I felt that things were not right." Yan Xiu whispered, "Right, I have heard that Van Gogh has been rebellious to go to the sky, is it true?"

Ye Hao shook his head. "Van Luo is the person who smells the sky. He... the name before 10,000 years ago is the answer."

"He is actually a Gorefiend!" Yan Xiu cried out in surprise.

"Now is not a Gorefiend, he is from the orthodox cultivation to the emperor." Ye Hao said.

Shi Tiandi said, "It is useless to say that now. Since Azhan is in Nanzhou, we might as well go to Nanzhou to help him."

"You don't have to go to Nanzhou." When the mother didn't know when it came, he saw the emperor's reverence. "Azhan can protect Nanzhou. You stay and stay in the North City."

I am trying to ask who this is, but I saw that the Emperor of the Emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor stunned, "The Queen Mother."

Queen Mother? Xiu Xiu and other saints were shocked and hurriedly followed.

How... How is the Queen Mother will be here?

"Get up," said the mother, whispering. "Since it is on the mainland, there is no king."

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