Xiaolong judged the mistake. He sent most of the monsters to attack Nanzhou. Even if there is Murong Zhan, he still feels that the winner is in the grip. Even if Murong Zhan is a nine-day Emperor, there are no gods in nine days, only a few gods. Will, can not resist so many monsters.

He underestimated the ink capacity.

Tai Tai did not send troops to him, but there were many old parts of Mo Rong Zhan. Even if there was no order from the emperor, as long as Murong Zhan Zhen’s arm was called, they all came to the mainland.

Now in the south of the state, there are 20,000 soldiers, and the fire and the fire can not be attacked.

Oh, the Emperor must have been mad at this time, and thought that if he did not send troops to Mo Rongzhan, Murong Chan would be defeated.

It seems that he is not expected to rely on the emperor.

"I said that there is Azhan in, you can't get the human continent." Ye Hao said faintly.

Xiaolong pinched Ye Hao’s chin. "Do you believe it or not, I will ruin your sea now."

For the first time, Ye Hao regretted that she did not restore her deity. If she restores her deity, her cultivation will be improved, and Xiaolong will not be able to catch her so easily.

"You dare not." Ye Hao looked at him. "If you dare to destroy my sea, I don't think there will be any good endings."

It is true that Xiaolong will not ruin Ye Hao’s temperament at this time. He also wants to use her to threaten Murong Cham.

He grabbed Ye Hao’s wrist and “go!”

Ye Hao actually wanted to know what happened in Nanzhou, so she did not resist. Xiaolong summoned the whales and took Ye Hao to stand up. The whales marched faster in the sea than the ship.

On the other hand, Wang Mu learned that Ye Hao was taken away by Xiaolong, and immediately came to the new city personally. After the enchantment was repaired, he came to find Xiaolong, but it was still a slow step. Xiaolong and Ye Hao were no longer on the island.

"Wang Ma, this... what to do?" Yan Xiu asked anxiously. He was very clear about Ye Hao’s position in the mind of Murong Zhan. If Ye Hao had any three long and two short, Murong Chan would definitely not stand it.

"What about the dragon?" The mother seized a monster and saw that it was not low, and asked Jin Dan, who was holding it.

The reason why the monsters are monsters, their loyalty is the most untrustworthy, in order not to be crushed by the king mother, the electric leopard immediately said, "Long Di went to Nanzhou."

"What happened in Nanzhou?" Wang Ma immediately asked, Xiaolong will not go to Nanzhou at this time for no reason, it must be something happening there.

"I... I don't know, Dragon Emperor said nothing." The electric leopard thought that Jin Dan was about to be crushed. "Leave me, I don't know anything."

The mother looked at him coldly and shattered his golden dragon.

"Is it happening in Azhan?" asked Xiu Xiu with concern.

"If it is really Azhan's business, why does Xiaolong have to take a small trip to go with him?" Wang said, "It seems that Xiaolong has lost in Nanzhou."

Yan Xiu heard a frown. "Does he want to catch Ye Hao to threaten A Zhan?"

Wang Mu’s lips smiled. “The dragon will be disappointed.”

What do you mean? I don’t quite understand it. When I saw that the mother was ready to go back, he wondered, "Wang Maternal, we... don’t you save the leaves?”

"Azhan will bring her back." Wang said.



In Tianbao, Wen Tian and the lay-up are all practicing in retreat. Only Van Gogh and several of them learned that Ye Hao was taken away by Xiaolong.

"Is this matter to tell the Lord?" Vatican said in a whisper, although he knew that the Emperor would save the young man, he could not help but worry.

"No." The beam immediately opposes, "The Lord is practicing, this is a critical moment, how can he be distracted."

Van Gogh looked at the bunch, she also knows that this time can not disturb the Lord, but what should I do? I heard that the Emperor is not here. No one can save her. "If the Lord knows that Xiaoyan has an accident, he will definitely save her."

Looking at Brahman seriously, "Because of this, we can't let the Lord know this thing. The Lord has waited for so many years in order to rise to the heavens. Do you still want the Lord to continue to lose opportunities for Xiaoxiao? ?"

"Oh, bundled away, you are too serious. Even if the Lord is to save the younger sister, he will be able to ascend to heaven." Taboo said whispered.

"I am not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid of 10,000." The beam is cold and cold. "We should not let the Lord lose the opportunity again."

Van Gogh looked at Van Gogh, who was silent. "Should, what do you think? You are saying something, don't we care?"

Shu Li said, "Can we manage it? She is not willing to be with us. People are now less emperor, and they can see us wherever they are."

"Bundle, you said this too much!" Van Gogh stood up. "What kind of person is Xiaoxiao? Don't you know?"

"I know, so I said this." The beam said with a blank expression.

He wants to stay away from the hustle and bustle, lest the tragedy of 10,000 years ago be repeated, Xiao Xiao is no longer their Tianbao people, she is the wife of Murong Cham, it is a confrontational relationship, why should they She is a family member.

"Well, don't make a noise." Fan Luo frowned and said, "I respect the Lord is training, it is important, I will save the little sister."

The Vatican took a look at it, "I will go too."

In addition to the bunch, other Gorefiends stood up.

"When you go, I will be at Tianbao." The beamed face is ugly, but I don't think that my persistence is wrong.

"Choose the heart and the moon and the moon." Fan Luo confessed, respecting the Lord and lying at the same time retreat, they must be left to protect their law.

"Okay." Mind and Xiyue looked at each other and agreed to stay.

Vatican said, "The dragon should take the little donkey to the island, and we will go to the island to find someone."

"The dragon is catching a small scorpion, nothing more than trying to threaten Murong Cham." Shu Li said faintly, "It won't be what you are."

"If it's really late for her," Fan said, "Is it not for Ningguo Tianzhu and the Chinese emperor to see him? I guess he must have gone to Mingyu, Xiaoyan to protect Ming Yu was taken away."

Van Gogh frowned, whether it was a small or a jade, the Lord should not want them to have something.

"Go, go to the island first," said Fan Luo.

On the way to the island, four of them went to the island, and Vatican discovered the traces of the repairs. He gestured to the Vatican to hide them.

"What's wrong?" Vatican asked.

"That is the emperor of the gods on the mainland, they should have just come out of the island." Fan Luo's sight fell on the woman in front of the repair, "the woman ... is unfathomable, never seen before."

Yao Feng asked, "Is it from the mainland of God?"

"It shouldn't be." Vatican shook his head and watched them as far away as they were, and they entered the island with Vatican.

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