He still doesn't like Mingxi's holy beast. She can accept that Mingxi is a dragon, but every time the holy beast appears, the kind of natural resistance and fear comes from the bottom of her heart. She just wants to avoid it far away.

Although the Holy Beast is curious about the nephew, but because of the repair and spiritual power of the deaf children are sealed, the atmosphere of the dragon is not obvious, so the saints did not regard her as food.

Instead, because of curiosity, I always stick to my nephew.

From time to time, Ye Zi’s screams were heard.

"Ming Xi! Ming Xi!" The screaming again, "Get it away."

Regardless of the screaming of the nephew, the sacred animal is only the size of the rabbit, and almost squats on her body. The face keeps licking the shoulders of the nephew. It is necessary to play with it.

Ye Hao and Ming Xi came out of the house. When they saw this scene, they couldn’t help but laugh. Although it was a bit unreasonable, the picture looked really funny.

For the first time, she saw her helplessness.

"Little mobs." Mingxi reluctantly screamed, in fact, he did not understand, what is the child is afraid of, the mobs are so cute, will not hurt her.

"Oh." The mob turned back and yelled at Mingxi twice, and his face was wronged, as if he was accusing the nephew of not wanting to play with it.

The nephew broke free from the mobs and quickly ran to the back of Ye Hao to hide.

Xiaomo jumped to Mingxi’s arm and his eyes kept looking at her.

"Hey, the mobs really won't hurt you, you have to get along with it, you won't be afraid of it." Mingxi reluctantly smiled. "The more you are afraid of it, the more you want to play with you, you The more I can't get rid of it."

The mobs look like they are not terrible, but his appearance is terrible.

I can't forget the way I saw the Holy Beast for the first time.

"It will eat me." The nephew said, "If I show the original shape, it will find that I am food."

"No." Mingxi said seriously, "I will not allow it."

Ye Hao smiled and shook his head. "Ming Xi, are you not going to your grandfather? You go, I will talk to my nephew."

The nephew actually wants to be with Ming Xi, but when she sees the mob in Ming Xi's arms, she retreats and does not want to go to the new city with Ming Xi.

"Hey, then I will go to my grandfather first." Mingxi knew that the deaf would not go with him.

Ye Hao returned to the house with her nephew. "The holy beast is the natural enemy of your dragon family, right?"

"I heard Long Grandpa said that many of our companions were eaten by the Holy Beast." The nephew whispered, "So the Dragons and the Dragons are incompatible."

Just look at the names of the dragons and the dragons and they know that they are two groups that cannot be tolerated.

"There are many things that can be changed in this world." Ye Hao said.

The nephew looked at her in confusion. "Madam, what do you mean by this?"

"You are afraid of the Holy Beast, because the Black Dragon once told you about the Holy Beast. You think that the Holy Beast and the Dragon Dragon are your natural enemies, so you are afraid of it." Ye Hao said, "But you and Mingxi are not getting along." Is it very good?"

"That is because I know that Mingxi will not hurt me." said the child.

Ye Hao smiled again. "How do you know that the Holy Beast will definitely hurt you? If it has been with you for several years like Mingxi, do you think it will hurt you?"

The nephew snorted and looked up at Ye Wei with a puzzled look.

"There are indeed things that exist in this world, but they cannot be changed, just like you and Ming Xi." Ye Hao said, "I believe that you two will never become enemies."

"Of course not." The child said affirmatively, how could she become an enemy with Mingxi.

Ye Hao laughed. "That's not it. You can get along with the Holy Beast. It will identify you and know that you are a friend and not a food. In the future, even if you restore the atmosphere of the dragon, it will still remember you."

“Is it okay?” The first time I heard this saying, the dragons and the sacred beasts have never lived in peace. How can they live in peace?

"Before the dragons were not destroyed, they also lived for nine days. At that time, the dragons and the dragons also had peace together." Ye Hao said, "Everything still needs to be done."

It’s quite reasonable to think of Ye Hao’s eyebrows. If she can get along well with the Holy Beast, how can the Holy Beast hurt her?

And the Holy Beast is listening to Ming Xi, and Ming Xi is even less likely to let it attack her.

"You will definitely find the dragons in the future, and Mingxi..." Ye Hao whispered, "He is destined to be a dragon. You should try to put down all the previous grievances and let the two races coexist peacefully. You never I hope that in the future, the dragons will once again destroy the dragons."

"Of course not!" The face of the child is slightly changed. If the dragon is destroyed, isn't it going to kill Mingxi?

Absolutely not!

Ye Hao smiled slightly, "So, change from the heart."

"Madam, I... I have to think about it." The nephew whispered that she had heard the story of many former dragons since she was a child.

Especially the grievances of the dragons.

The dragons and the dragons were eliminated by the dragons and the protoss, because they wanted to dominate the entire nine days, and their ability was too strong, it was a terrible existence.

The light is a holy beast, enough to make the dragons afraid.

However, if you can get along with each other?

In fact, the mobs don't look so terrible, as long as she doesn't show the original shape.

Really can be like Ye Wei said, she gets along with the holy beast, and she will become friends after a long time, even if she restores the appearance of Xiao Bailong, the holy beast will still not hurt her?

If so, it would be great.

"Mother, mother..." The voice of Mingyu came from outside.

Ye Hao’s eyes lit up. “Is Mingyu back?”

Although she had seen Mingyu after she woke up, she was weak at that time. She couldn’t say a few words at all. She knew that Mingyu had gone for nine days and thought that it would take a while to come back.

A smug figure ran from the outside, "Mom, I am coming back."

"How come you come back this time?" Ye Hao asked in surprise, looking at the mother-in-law who was behind Ming Yu, "Mother?"

"Mother, my brother?" Ming Yu asked happily. She knew that Ming Xi was out of the customs and couldn't wait to see him.

"He went to find your grandfather." Ye Hao said.

Ming Yu immediately said, "I will go to him."

"I will go too." He said busy.

"Hey!" Ming Yu finally found out that there was still a child in the house, and happily took the hand of the nephew. "You finally woke up."

"I am going to find Mingxi with you." The child looked at Wangmu and whispered to Mingyu.

The two little girls left happily.

Ye Hao smiled reluctantly, shaking his head and said to the mother, "Mingyu has trouble you."

"Mingyu is very good." Wang Muxiao said, "The talent is high, and learning everything is a matter of learning."

"It's a pity that I like to be lazy." Ye Hao said.

Wang Mu has a deep experience.

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