Although the Taidi did not personally go to the mainland, but the Western Reds experienced in the human world, he was able to see clearly in the sky mirror. He saw that Mingyu absorbed the spiritual power of God and saw the soldiers. Ming Xi and Ming Yu’s doubts also heard Ye Hao’s contempt and rudeness to him.

The temperament of Taidi has thrown a few tea stalks in his hand.

"Let's be rude! Rude!" Taidi was so angry that his face turned red. "This little girl! It's just no one, she dared! I dare to say this!"

The surrounding gods and the servants all bowed their heads and did not dare to speak. They also heard the words of the young emperor.

It’s really... no one has ever dared to say that the emperor, even the mother, has never been to the emperor.

"I want to take her gods back, and return her to the soul. I will never be born again forever. I can never return to nine days!" The Emperor said, thinking of 10,000 ways to deal with Ye Hao.

He will not let go of this woman.

"Tai Emperor!" A **** will exclaim, "The Shaodi Emperor will ... will take the West and the Autumn Wind two gods will be taken away."

what? Why is she!

Taidi re-visited the mirror, and she saw that Ye Hao tied the West Chi and the autumn wind with the whip of the next day, and then threw them to the monster around Mingxi, that is... the holy beast!

The Holy Beast is about as high as Mingxi, and he easily picks up the autumn wind and the west.

Two gods who were famous in nine days were caught in the hands of the Holy Beast and could not move at all.

"..." The Emperor was too angry to speak.

"The Shao Emperor seems to be... more powerful than before."

"She dared to think about Xi Chi and the autumn wind!" Tai Tai gritted his teeth. In the past, Murong Chong did not put him in his eyes. Xiao Yan saw that he was still unassuming, but now she even dared to be so rude to him.

After his words were finished, he saw Ye Hao whipping on the body of Xi Chi.

"!" Taidi felt that this whip was falling on his face.

Oh, this is the case!

Suddenly, Ye Hao’s sight seemed to be able to see where the celestial mirror was. She looked at it sharply.

Another whip fell on the body of the autumn wind.

"No matter who you are, to hurt the lives of mortals, you have to pay the price." Ye Hao said coldly.

Taidi took a deep breath and a teacup squatted on the mirror.

The picture on the celestial mirror disappeared instantly. The **** who controlled the celestial mirror next to it quietly bowed his head, and did not dare to let the emperor see the scene of the human world again. Otherwise, it is really possible to destroy the celestial mirror.

The Shao Emperor became much more.

"You must have the world disappeared!" The emperor's new hatred and old hatred poured into his heart, and he wished that the entire human continent would be destroyed at this time.

"Tai Emperor, Yuan Hong Shang God, they are back." There was a servant back and forth.

The emperor immediately went to the main hall to see them. This time, there were four gods on the mainland, six gods, and five thousand soldiers. He decided that even if they were in the west, they could not level the semi-individual continent. At least, Ningguo should be taken over.

The results of it!

"Are you a waste?" When the Emperor saw Yuan Hong on the gods, he asked with anger.

Yuan Hong Shang Shen slightly raised his eyebrows.

"You can't even deal with mortals, a small country of mortal people, you still can't attack. How did you get to nine days? What is the use of centuries of cultivation?" asked the Emperor.

"Tai Emperor, the next **** thought, you are letting us annihilate the monsters." Yuan Hong Shang said faintly, "However, the gods in Ningguo did not find any atmosphere of the monsters, the Shaodi and the Queen are not there. Therefore, the next **** does not understand very well, Xi Chi and Qiu Fengshen will bring us to Ningguo, just to attack a small country of mortal?"

It is one thing to annihilate the monster, attacking the country of the mortal, that is another matter!

"When you want to attack Ningguo, you have to catch the Emperor, that is, to destroy the monster." The Emperor said coldly, "You have not obeyed the order, you have to do it right."

"Yeah, what did the Emperor do wrong?"

"Tai Tai, please show it."

"Under the gods, I dare not be right with the Taidi, but I am puzzled in my heart." Yuan Hong Shang Shen said, "Where the emperor wants to capture the Emperor, what is the rule of the Emperor?"

The emperor had already had a fire, and he heard these gods ask him in a glance, and his anger slammed up.

"Shut up!" Taidi screamed and stared at them in vain. "The Shao Emperor colluded in Tianbao and held the human continent in his hands. He repeatedly refused to listen to the true will, but also hurt the Tianmen goalkeeper to forcibly leave for nine days. If you want to catch him back for nine days, do you think you are doing something wrong?"

Yuan Hong Shang Shen and Jude God looked at each other. This is too much to do, but I saw that the Emperor was already angry and burned, so he did not speak again.

"Tai emperor, the monster around Mingxi's young master... It is so powerful, it is easy to lay down dozens of soldiers, and there are few emperors, there are so many Gorefiends around her, they are underestimating them this time." The other **** said, "So the West Chi and the autumn wind will be taken away by the Emperor."

"Mu Mingxi and Mo Mingyu... They are the descendants of the dragons, the emperor, is the gods right?" Yuan Hong Shang asked.

“斩龙族?” The other gods were shocked. How could the children of the Shaodi be a dragon?

Is it difficult to become a Shao Emperor? No, the Shao Emperor is a descendant of God and mortal. It cannot be a dragon.

"The mother of the mother is the dragon family." The Taidi said coldly, "Although there is no ability of the dragon family, she is the descendant of the dragon family. The two children... are the bloodlines that cut off the genetic dragon, how is the Mingyu back? thing?"

I did not expect that the mother of the mother would actually be a dragon!

There are still many people in nine days who do not know that the mother is a true identity.

"Miss Ming Yu's ability can explain." Yuan Hongshen said, "She and Ming Xie are the dragons and babies. Even without the ability of the dragons, she inherits another ability, that is, to absorb the spirit of others. Force and cultivation can transfer the spiritual power of others to others. This is the ability that the dragons rarely appear."

"So, just Miss Mingyu is taking away our spiritual power?" asked God.

"Yes." Yuan Hong nodded to God.

Tai Tai clenched his fists, and now he only wants to wipe out all the people associated with the dragons.

"The Protoss cannot allow the existence of the Dragons. You should know the reason." The Emperor said coldly.

"Tai Emperor, there is a holy beast around the young Master Mingxi." Yuan Hong Shang said that the Holy Beast has already appeared, and the Dragon Dragon is destined to revive.

Taidi said, "How about the Holy Beast?" The Emperor coldly said, "Increase the 30,000 soldiers. You will immediately rescue the West Chi and the Autumn Wind God, if necessary, at all costs."

Yuan Hong Shang Shen did not expect that today, the Emperor still does not give up attacking Ningguo. "At the expense of the Taidi, can it destroy everything on the human continent?"

"Since the rules of the human continent have been destroyed, then everything will be overturned and new rules will be re-established." He can even re-establish a new continent.

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