Ye Hao looked at Wen Tian, ​​she was still a little sly, she really liked the smell of the sky, but in the past many years, she is no longer the same year.

"A-day, I am not a small one." Ye Hao whispered.

"But I still smell the sky." Wen Tian said.

Ye Hao smiled slightly. "No, you are not the smell of the past. You are not a python, but a real dragon."

"Hey..." Wen Tian frowned.

"I and Murong Chong have experienced, I can not forget, he would rather destroy the body and destroy the soul into the undead domain, I personally watched him suffer for my suffering, so many years have passed, we have never been between us Separated, even if we don't have previous memories, even if we become mortal, this is my fate with him.” Ye Hao said, “No matter where you take me, even if I am with you for 10,000 years, I will not changed."

Wen Tian looked at her silently. "You changed for him, but you are not willing to change for me."

"I only have him in my heart, no matter how long it takes, no matter where it is." Ye Hao said.

"Hey, you are too worried about me." Wen Tian smiled lightly.

Ye Hao opened his arms and gently hugged Wen Tian. "Atian, just like this, whether it is 10,000 years ago or 10,000 years later, we can only have no relationship between you. You don't belong in Tianbao. Not only the Lord, you should... have your own world."

Wen Tian hugged her tightly, he knew he should let go, but he was not willing.

Obviously... the person she likes first is him.

"Ah, let's go!" Ye Hao whispered.

If he does not leave, Bai Longwang will change his mind and he will not be able to go.

"Follow me, isn't it?" Wen Tian asked.

"No..." said Ye Hao. "As long as I think of me, I will never see him again. I have no expectations for the future."

Wen Tian let go of her and looked at her deeply. It seems that this eye can remember for thousands of years.

"In the future, I will go to find you." Wen Tian whispered, he is now let go of her, and later regret it.

Ye Hao chuckles, "Okay, wait for you to become..."

She didn't say it later, but she knew that Wentian would understand.

Wen Tian no longer looked at her, turned and decided to leave.

He was afraid that if he was a step late, he would force her away.

Looking at the figure that gradually drifted away, Ye Hao’s eyes were a little hot. When she was a little girl, she liked Wen Tian’s likes, but she was not a wood man, and Murong Chan was good to her. How could she not be touched.

When she decided to marry Murong Cham, she decided to forget to smell the sky.

Wen Tian is willing to let go, whether it is for him or her, it is the best.

He finally didn't have to stay for nine days for others. From then on, he was tall and wide and let him swim.

"Mother." Ming Xi came to Ye Hao's side, "Will the weather come back?"

"No." Ye Hao smiled. "He won't come again."

Ming Xi snorted softly. "That's good, or you won't let him go."

"When do you want to go back nine days?" Bai Longwang asked, since the nephew had returned, and Wen Tian did not take away the Emperor, then their mother and child would have to return for nine days.

The nephew slammed into Mingxi, she just returned to the dragon, and it was impossible to leave like this, but she did not want to be separated from Mingxi.

Ming Xi also looked at his nephew. He felt that Bai Long Wang would not agree with him.

"Nature is as fast as possible," said Ye Hao.

"Mrs, it’s better for you to think about it in two days. You saved me. I haven’t thanked you yet," said the child.

Bai Longwang is not willing to stay in the Dragon family, but when he hears his daughter say this, he really should thank them. If they are not, they may still be trapped.

"If you are not in a hurry, then please ask the two to go to the Dragon Palace, let us do your best to entertain you," said Bai Longwang.

Ye Hao wanted to go back, but when she saw the eyes that Mingxi looked forward to, she didn't understand what her son was thinking. "That would thank the White Dragon King."

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