The return of the nephew made the whole dragon immersed in joy. After her reunion with her father, the happy mood gradually calmed down. She thought it was difficult to be happy with the separation from Mingxi.

Lying on the bed, she was sleepless, and her mind was remembered in the past nine days.

If the Dragon and the Dragons have no hatred, it would be fine.

The nephew sighed, how can she eliminate the white dragon king’s hatred of the dragons?

No, not only the White Dragon King, but also the entire Dragon.

This is too difficult...

Although the sigh of the nephew is weak, the white dragon king outside the palace can hear it clearly.

Although he had just recognized his daughter, he was very clear about what the sigh was for at this time.

Although Mo Mingxi is the son of the Protoss, he has the blood of the dragons. Even if he saves his nephew, and his relationship with the nephew is good, he can no longer stay in the dragon, and it is best not to follow him again. I met.

The White Dragon King turned and left.

On the next day, my nephew got up early in the morning. When I was about to find Mingxi, I saw that Mingxi had been waiting for her outside.

"Ming Xi!" The girl's eyebrows smiled and ran towards Mingxi.

"Slow down." Ming Xi held her hand. "Get up so early?"

My nephew grinned, "I can't sleep."

If it weren't for the day, she would have been looking for Mingxi.

"Me too." Mingxi said with a smile, in fact, he had been thinking about one thing yesterday. It was not that he had not been separated from his nephew for a few days, but he never felt like this. He knew it a long time ago. After helping the children find the dragons, they will be separated.

But he doesn't want to be separated from the nephew now.

"Walk, let's go to Longdu." The nephew took the hand of Mingxi.

Yan Xuan left the palace at the end of the banquet yesterday. He can only live in Longdu and cannot be in the Dragon Palace.

It was not long before they left the Dragon Palace. The White Dragon King appeared, and he stood still with Qinglong.

"Dragon King, the princess seems to like the protoss teenager in particular." Yu Shun said, in fact, the Dragon and the Protoss are not without marriage, although they are now nine days away, but as long as the White Dragon King agrees, there is no problem.

"She can't be with the boy." White Dragon said coldly, "Let's find ways to ask them to leave, don't let the princess know."

"Yes, Dragon King." Yu Shun whispered.



Longdu is much bigger than Mingxi's imagination. Not only can you see the real dragons that have been transformed into the original shape, but also the scenes of people coming and going. If you look closely, you will find that these people are all real dragons.

There is no mortal here, but it is prosperous and victorious.

"It is also the guardian of the mortal world. It is totally different from the nine days." Mingxi sighed that the emperor hated the mainland, so there was no popularity in nine days, and it was cold everywhere.

"Now the Emperor is no longer a nine-day god. Your father has always guarded the world. He will definitely make nine days better." said the child.

Ming Xi looked at her and smiled. "This is also true."

"Look, there are people selling gems." The eyes of her nephew were bright. In fact, there were countless gems in her storage space, which were left to her before the old black dragon. She could not count how many treasures she had, but As a girl and a dragon, she likes gems by nature, and she can't walk when she sees nature.

"I remember that you have a lot of gems..." Mingxi said with a funny smile.

The nephew smiled. "Where the gems are too much, but he is not beautiful, I don't want to."

"Hey, you two are waiting for me." Yan Xuan caught up in the back, screaming.

"How come you?" He looked at him with a frown.

Shouted Xuan Xuan, "Isn't it a good night last night? Today I will take you around Longdu."

"Dragon is so big, do you still need to take us?"

"Look, don't know." Yan Xuan proudly smiled. "Although you are a princess, you have just come to the Eight Heavens, and have never been there. This is just a corner of the Dragon, and there are more fun places." ”

Ming Xi whispered to him, "Do you know where Longshan is?"

"What do you ask this?" Xuan Xuan stunned.

"The Dragon Spirit of the Old Black Dragon King... Is it in Longshan?" Mingxi asked, he heard what Murong Chan had said, and cultivated to the level of the Dragon King. After turning into the Dragon Soul, it would not disappear. The Dragon Soul would find Longshan. And practice there and wait for rebirth.

If the old Black Dragon King is still in Longshan, can they see him?

She looked at Xiang Xuan, and she also wanted to see Grandpa Black Dragon.

"You don't want to look at me like this." Xu Xuan shouted. "I haven't been to Longshan, even... even if the dragon soul of the Black Dragon King is really there, you can't go, Longshan is not so easy to get in."

"That will take us." cried the child.

Yan Xuan suddenly regretted coming to them, and knew that he would not come.

"I won't go!" cried Xuan Xuan. "If the Dragon King knows, he will definitely be angry."

"Don't give me a knack to know." The nephew waved a small hand. "And you don't mean you don't have to go to Longshan? Let's go and see if you can't get in."

Yan Xuan saw the appearance of the two of them. If he did not agree, they still intended to force him?

"Mu Mingxi, have you made up your mind to go to Longshan from last night?" Otherwise, how can I agree solicitively to come to them to play.

Mingxi smiled slightly. "You think more."

The nephew urged him, "Hurry and take us to Longshan."

"I really can't go!" Yan Xuan smiled. "There is no way for my father and mother to get close."

"Others can't get close, it doesn't mean we can't." Ming Xi said, "Let's go and see, it won't work."

Yan Xuan also wanted to fight, but he could not reach two people and had to be forced to take them to Longshan.

"The old black dragon kings have been turned into dragon souls for so many years, maybe they have already refining them." Yan Xuan bitterly persuaded them, "you don't necessarily see him when you go."

"If I blame, I won't be tired of you." He said faintly.

Shouted Xuan Xuan, "I am not the kind of person who is greedy and afraid of death. I am telling you that you don't have to waste your time. You don't necessarily see the old Black Dragon King."

"Seeing it is our business," Mingxi said.

"I don't know if my mother's dragon soul is still not there..." murmured.

Mingxi glanced at her. He felt that if the mother of the nephew had a dragon soul in Longshan, Bailong Wang would come with her nephew yesterday.

I am afraid, it is not there.

In fact, she couldn’t figure it out, she just had a little hope.

They flew for a while, and Xuan Xuan’s speed slowed down, pointing to the peaks in front of him. “There is Longshan on the other side, but there are enchantments around, only the Dragon King can enter.”

"Go and see." The nephew seemed to hear the dragon, and the voice was familiar.

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