Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2737: The topic after the meal

Kyoto City has restored the prosperity of the past, but it has not changed. Because many places have been damaged, almost the entire city has been rebuilt. Now it is more standardized than before and the streets are wider.

Ming Yu dressed as a little son, and did not bring a palace lady, just followed the mother of the palace.

The mother has been in her thirties, and now she is walking with Ming Yu, but no one can see that they are grandparents.

"Grandma, I told you that when I was bored in the palace, I would let Xiaoliu secretly take me out of the palace. We will eat on this street. You must have never eaten the delicious food on the world." Ming Yula The mother's hand went to a stall selling honey buds and bought two twists. "You taste it, it's delicious."

The mother-in-law did not eat the food of the mainland. She used to come to the mainland, but it was many years ago. At that time, there were not so many patterns in the human world.

"It's really good." The mother-in-law was more reserved, and she bite slowly with a small mouthful.

Ming Yu has already finished eating the honey nectar. "Wait, I will take you to eat the roast chicken. The meat can be tender, bite down, the lips and teeth are fragrant, there is mutton soup over there, let's go and drink a bowl. soup."

The stall of the mutton soup was full of people, and it was not easy to vacate a table. Mingyu immediately sat down.

"Little brother, come to two bowls of mutton soup?" the boss asked with a smile.

"Hey, come two bowls, and order more side dishes." Ming Yu said with a smile.

The mother is not used to such a situation, it is inevitable that some restrictions.

Ming Yu was trying to persuade the Queen to let go, and he heard someone talking about Scorpio.

Hey, what about her?

Ming Yu erected his ears and sounded.

"You heard that there is no, our Scorpio is almost twenty years old, and now the harem is still empty. It is time to recruit." The young man who said this was watching him wearing a robes. of.

"The former emperor would choose the show girl in the private sector, and I don't know if Scorpio will recruit the harem man in the private sector." Some people exclaimed.

Ming Yu a mutton soup almost sprayed out.

She did not know that she actually became the topic of the people after the meal.

"I heard that there is already a bodyguard around Tianzhu. It is a childhood, from childhood to big. Maybe it will be the future... the future..." The man hesitated for a long time, and he did not know how to give the future of the future. What title is picked up.

After all, there has never been a scorpio before, the first celestial being in the world is Qin Wangxi, and there is no such thing in the harem.

"In the past, there were three palaces and six courtyards in the emperor. How could Tianzhu be a male scorpion, and how to open the branches."

"..." Ming Yu put down the bowl in her hand, she could not listen.

"Grandmother." She whispered to the mother, but how could she feel that her mother had a sigh of relief? "Let's go."

The mother has not heard enough. "Don’t worry, I haven’t finished drinking yet."

"Do you forget who the swallow is, who dares to compete with him?"


The crowds that had been surrounded were suddenly dispersed.

Who is Yan Yan? It is different from their mortal people. Although they have been in the past few years, they still remember the tragic memory of the mainland.

"They don't say anything." Wang Mu was disappointed.

"There is nothing to say." Mingxi muttered. "I look so ecstatic?"

Wang Ma smiled. "It is also pleasing to see more people in the harem."

"Grandmother..." Ming Yu looked at the Queen Mother in amazement. It was difficult to say this. It was actually said from the grandmother's mouth.

"Since you don't want other men, is it as long as Yan Xiaoliu?" Wang asked with a smile.

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