Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2744: Fanwai - where is this?

Xiaoguai blinked and looked at Mingxi, and jumped into the lake with a smile. "I want to swim."

"..." Mingxi looked at the mobs in the water with a headache. "This is not a place to swim, get up."

The mobs have had a good time and have already sneaked into the water to play.

There is no way for Mingxi to take it. I have to look around carefully. It doesn't look big here, but how can there be so many instruments?

"The mobs, do you say that this place will be...the ancestors of the dragons left behind?" Ming Xi asked, he was looking at the instruments, many of them could not name them, and some of them were seen in ancient books. Has been lost.

No matter which one, getting outside is a top-quality treasure that can make a sensation for nine days.

Mingxi feels that this place is not an ordinary cave, nor is it a place to store the medicinal herbs!

"Little mobs, mobs?" Ming Xi shouted a few times, did not hear the mobs back.

"How are you..." Mingxi thought that the mobs couldn't even hear his voice. When he turned around and wanted to call it, he found that the lake was calm and there was no mob.

Mingxi was shocked. "Little monster, where have you been hiding?"

There is only his echo around.

"The mobs, you don't come out again, I want to be angry!" Ming Xi calmed his face, and he was very clear that with the fighting power of the mobs, no matter who they met, they would not suffer.

But in this place, Mingxi still has some scruples.

After all, they are completely unfamiliar with the remains of the dragons. However, since this is the place where the dragons are, the mobs should not have anything to do.

When Mingxi jumped into the lake, he discovered that the small lake was deeper than the surface and it was very large.

He can't sense the mobs.

The mobs are very good in water. Do you dive into the water?

Mingxi has been swimming deep into the bottom of the lake. At his speed, he should be able to reach the bottom of the lake very quickly, but he has been swimming for a long time, but his eyes are still dark.

How deep is this lake?

He remembered the Moon Lake, which was encountered in the human world. The lake is also deep and deep, and there is a deep and deep black hole. It is the place where Wentian appears.

Later his father went in and seemed to be leading to another continent.

Is it also possible to lead to another continent?

Just thinking, there was a strong light in front of him. Ming Xi was stimulated to close his eyes, and there was a turbulence behind him, rushing him to get the light.

When Ming He opened his eyes again, it was not at the bottom of the lake, but on a sandy beach.

Here is... Mingxi looked around in shock, some unbelievable, the mob is not far away, and it is surrounded by four or five teenagers.

"Ming Xi!" Xiaoguai saw Mingxi appear, happy to wave.

Someone! Actually someone is here! Will it be a dragon?

At this time, Ming Xi’s emotions in his heart are like turbulent waves. Didn’t the tens of thousands of years of the dragons disappear... Is it still in other places?

"Who are you?" The older teenager frowned and looked at Mingxi.

"We came here inadvertently." Ming Xi came to the side of the mob, he could not detect any breath, these teenagers are not monsters, not protoss.

Are they 斩 dragons?

"I ask you, how can you have a holy beast? Where did your holy beast come from?" the older boy asked aloud.

Do they even know that the mobs are holy animals?

"This is what I raised, it is called a mob." Ming Xi said, "Where is this?"

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