Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2754: Fan Wai - Sublimation

The true body of Bailongwang has begun to appear golden scales a hundred years ago. This is the performance that has already begun to turn into a dragon soul.

Therefore, when he appeared in the golden scales, he gradually gave the size of the dragon city to his nephew, and he began to live in Longshan.

Longshan is formed by a dragon soul, and the White Dragon King has its own place.

The nephew went to visit the White Dragon King a year ago, and there was no news after that. At the same time, the owner of the Qinglong City was missing.

Later, it was the rebellion of Qinglong and Huanglong. They joined forces to attack the Dragon, and they wanted to support the Huanglong City Master to become the new Bailongwang.

The war of the dragons affected the mortals. Nowadays, the mortals are displaced, but they have no way to stop the civil war of the dragons. The mortals are insignificant. They have no ability to protect themselves. They can only hide and hide, and surrender to Qinglong and Huanglong.

When Bai Longwang began to create the Eight Heavens, he once ordered that the dragons and mortals do not commit river water, and the dragons cannot harm mortals. However, the Huanglong family now uses mortals as slaves.

"Have you been to Longshan to find a baby?" Ming Xi asked.

He envisioned thousands of problems that he would encounter after coming to the Eight Heavens. He never thought about it. It would be like this.

Wen Tian did not betray the dragons, but Huang Long and Qing Long first betrayed.

Five hundred years ago, Huang Long seemed to have been rebellious, but at that time Bai Longwang had already noticed it and soon shut the Huanglong City Master.

"Can you hold the Dragon City?" Ming Xi looked at Xuan Xuan.

"Dragon City also has the enchantment of the White Dragon King. It is not so easy to attack outside." Xu Xuan said.

Mingxi nodded, and he worried about his nephew. "I am going to Longshan."

"I almost searched Longshan, I didn't see my nephew." Xuan Xuan whispered, with despair in his tone.

"Have you asked the Black Dragon King?" Ming Xi asked.

Xuan Xuan stunned, "Black Dragon King? His dragon soul has dissipated."

“What does it mean to dissipate?” Mingxi frowned.

"It is already completed and has already entered the next round of reincarnation." Xu Xuan said.

Ming Xi took a deep breath, "I went to Longshan."

He does not care who the dragon is who is the dragon king, he is only worried about the safety of the child.

Yan Xuan looked at Ming Xi and the mobs around him. "Well, you must bring back the White Dragon King and the Nephew."

Mingxi went to Longshan, so I remember the direction of Longshan. He didn't stop, but went to Longshan.

Compared with five hundred years ago, there is almost no change in Longshan. The only difference is that he did not feel the breath of the Black Dragon King this time.

"Little monster, can you feel your nephew?" Ming Xi asked the mob on his shoulder.

The sacred beast is more sensitive to the dragon than anyone else. If even the mobs can't feel it, then the nephew may not be here.

"Yes." The mob nodded and pointed to the direction of the north, "Here."

Mingxi’s face was a joy, “Go, let’s go see.”

"In addition to the nephew, there is the white dragon king." Xiaoguai frowned, said that he was seriously injured by the White Dragon King, very familiar with the breath of the White Dragon King.

Since Bai Longwang and Yi Er are both in Longshan, why don't they know that something is going on outside?

The most likely thing is that their father and daughter have an accident in Longshan.

"Black Dragon King." The little monster suddenly pointed to a dragon mountain below.

That was the place where the Black Dragon King finally sublimated. His soul is no longer there, leaving only one of his Longshan.

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