Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 281: The emperor violently gone

Murong Zhan night to explore the fragrant scent can not find the little man, until the next day to know that his little girl is not hiding in the old man or the old lady, but has already left Kyoto with the emperor.

When I heard this news, some people’s feelings are no longer described as violent storms.

“Lu Hao and Huangfu left Kyoto yesterday morning?” Murong Zhan indefinitely asked again about the forehead in front of him.

"Back to the emperor, Lu Jia... Lu Daren said so." Ford cried in his heart, no wonder the emperor came out of the princess's boudoir so soon last night, the princess had already left.

Murong Zhan asked, "Where?"

Ford buried his head lower. "Back to the emperor, Lujia... No one knows where the princess went, just heard that he went to practice medicine with Mr. Huang."

"How could she leave Kyoto with Huangfu?" That **** little girl! Murong was so angry that her chest hurts. She didn't mention it to him that night. She had long thought about leaving Kyoto to avoid him.

"I heard that the princess is already the apprentice of Mr. Huangfu..." Ford did not know whether he should sympathize with the princess, so that he quietly followed other men to leave Kyoto. Even if it was Mr. Huang, he would definitely be angry in the emperor's heart. When the princess returns, I still don't know what kind of punishment will be imposed.

Murong Zhan is indeed too angry to run away. He thought that they had already reached this stage. Even though she still had a knot in her heart, he explained it all. As long as she gave her time, she would always let go. He did not expect her to Avoiding him, he will quietly leave Kyoto.

Has she never considered his mood? She didn't know that he would worry about her. I don't know if he would miss her? She walked easily, but she didn't care about him. He had been in the past twenty-four years, and he realized what was sad and disappointed.

Even the little girl who had saved him did not penetrate his soul and soul like her. He even held his heart in front of her, and she still dismissed it.

Ford never saw the silent and desperate expression of the emperor. He felt a little cold in his heart. "Imperial, do you want people to find the Princess Princess?"

"No, she wants to go wherever she goes." Murong Zhan said coldly, waving and letting Ford retreat.

Let her think that she can avoid him. She will always come back to Kyoto. When she returns, it will be his queen. He will not give her time to agree. In this life, whether she wants or not, Must be his woman.

Ford looked carefully at the emperor and lowered his head back.

In the Empress Dowager of the Cining Palace, she just knew that Ye Hao had left Kyoto. She sighed and complained with Cheng Aunt. "It must have been the frightened by the emperor. Otherwise she would not even dare to run into the palace. She said her. If you don't want to marry the emperor, he has to look at the little girl."

Cheng Auntu smiled and said, "The princess is very beautiful, and the temperament is cute and lovable. Do you not like to be surprised? The emperor is a heroic young man. How can you see the princess like this?"

The Queen Mother groaned. "Is it true that Ye Hao didn't look good?"

"The Queen Mother, the temper of Qin Wangxi... It was too depressed, and everything was hidden in the heart. If it was like a princess, how could the emperor be cold for two years." Cheng Aunt whispered, in the end, it was a different life.

"If she is not a Ye family, it may be different." The Queen Mother sighed. "Don't say her, the mourner is still worried about it, and I don't know where Mr. Yu will take her, don't be in danger. It’s good,” said the Queen Mother.

Cheng Aunt comforted her. "The princess is a blessed person. No matter what happens, he can come back safely."



Ye Hao, they are indeed in danger.

Their carriage didn't know where they were hiding. There were a few big-shaped big men in the inn. The sharp big knife was on the neck of Huangfu, and Emei and Quanfu had been tied up. Ye Hao wanted to save the cold. I saw that Huangfu gave her a look.

"Liu treasurer, this month is a good business, actually came so many things." The leading man haha ​​smiled and patted the shoulder of the treasurer.

The shopkeeper named Liu just smiled and looked at Ye Hao with their eyes.

"Bringing people away, I need people now." The leader shouted loudly.

Someone pulled Ye Hao their carriage, and Emei and Quanfu were thrown into the carriage.

"Who are you?" Ye Hao asked quietly, and in the light of the day, he actually arrested people. Is there still Wang Fa?

"When you get there, you will naturally know who Laozi is." The leader laughed a few times. "You look a little bit right, and you are fine and tender. Maybe you don't have to go on." live."

Ye Hao was shocked. Did they encounter a kidnapper? No, no, it doesn't look like, who are these people?

"You...you are robbing the good people, is there any Wang Fa in your eyes?" Ye Hao asked in anger, even if the place was remote, there should be no official inspections.

The leader laughed and laughed even more mad. "Bad boy, what is the ghost of Wang Fa?"

Ye Hao was speechless because of their arrogance.

Huangfu gently touched her with her shoulder and motioned that she would not have to say it anymore. These people must not be so simple.

"Go, throw them into the carriage and take them away." The leader told him to take a silver from his arms and give him the treasurer. He strode out and rode on the horse, and he walked away with a hurry.

In the carriage, Ye Hao looked nervously at Huangfu. "Mr. What should I do? Who are they?"

"Looking at people like the military." Huangfu whispered in Ye Hao's ear. "I didn't find anything strange last night. I found out today that this village has no half-years. Only some women and children are farming in the village. I want to come. The disappearance of those young people is related to these people."

People in the army? Ye Hao was shocked, how could it be! Do the people in the army dare to arrest people in such a bright and honest manner?

"Slightly, don't worry, we will go see them and know what happened." Huangfu said to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao did not think that this trip will encounter such dangers. If these people are really not ordinary people, who would it be? Listening to what he had just said to Liu’s treasurer, it seems that he has not only caught them, but also has captured many people before.

It is simply lawless.

"No matter what happens, don't be afraid, there is Master." Huangfu said softly to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao gently nodded, I don’t know why, I felt relieved.

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