Ye Hao, they were brought back to the carriage, but this is not their carriage, but the Mr. Qiu’s, and Emei and Quanfu were taken to another car.

"Take their eyes." Mr. Qiu had no extra words. He immediately told the people around him after getting on the bus.

Unlike the few big-faced big men, the guards around Mr. Qiu looked even more powerful. He first ordered the acupuncture points of Huangfu and Ye Hao before they blindfolded them.

Ye Hao’s heart is playing drums directly. They don’t know where they will be taken. They want to see someone, and let her know what to do. No one knows that they have been arrested, even if Huangfu will martial arts, but face it. Many people, she thinks that even if he is martial arts, it is useless.

These people...who is it?

“How come you go to Gujia Village?” Mr. Qiu suddenly asked.

Ye licked his lips and heard the sound of Huangfu whispering coldly and indifferently. "It happened to pass by."

Mr. Qiu snorted. "If you have a good medical skill, you may still be alive and leave."

"Is it safe and sound?" Ye Hao whispered. This person, known as Mr. Qiu, seems to be very ordinary, but his eyes are firm and cold. Even if they healed his master, he may not be able to leave all the way. .

"That depends on you." Mr. Qiu said coldly.

Ye Hao did not ask more questions. She hoped that she still had a chance to escape. These people are not good people. If they can leave, they must tell Murong Zhan to let Murong Zhan check it out.

Thinking of Murong Cham, Ye Hao’s apex fainted, and her mind remembered the situation the night before. Her cheeks were unconsciously red. Now he should have known that she is not in Kyoto, and she must be very angry, but He should not let people come to her.

How can he allow her to be rejected and evaded again and again?

"Come on, let them down." Mr. Qiu’s voice rang outside.

Ye Hao subconsciously leaned toward the emperor.

"Don't worry." Huangfu whispered in her ear.

"Yeah." Ye Hao gently nodded, she was not afraid, she just felt a very disturbing sign of all this.

They blindfolded for a while, and Mr. Qiu took people to take the black cloth on their eyes.

Ye Hao felt blinked and adjusted to the brightness, which only saw everything in front of her eyes.

Here is... Mountain Villa?

From their point of view, there is a row of mountain-like roofs, which are exquisite in shape and occupy a large area. This looks like a palace. The mountain is backed by Shuangwangfeng, and both sides are alpine forests. If they let them go into the mountains, look for them. I am afraid I can't find the location of this villa.

In front of the villa is a big lake with blue waves. If you want to go to the mountain, you have to take the boat to cross the lake.

In the eyes of Ye Hao, she was surprised. She exchanged a look with Huangfu. She grew up in Ye’s parents and lived a life like Jinyiyu. But she was the first time she saw such a big mountain village. I know that the roof they just saw is just the corner of the villa. In the middle of the jungle, it is also dotted with the hall.

With the entry into the Zhuangzi, Ye Hao is even more difficult to hide in the eyes. This Zhuangzi has undulating hills, surrounded by peaks and gullies. The walls and roofs here are made of blue brick and gray tiles. The wooden pillars of the building are also the true colors of the logs. They are all light and solemn, simple and modest.

The people who built this mountain village must have been born very high, otherwise how could there be such a vision.

"Get on the bus." Mr. Qiu stopped again and let Ye Hao and Huangfu go up to the carriage next to them.

After about half an hour, they finally came to a yard to stop. This yard was more like a southern garden. Emei and Quanfu were stopped outside. Only Ye Hao and Huangfu were brought in.

Ye Hao looked up and saw that there was a plaque in the garden, which read the words Taohuayuan.

Here is the peach blossom source? It’s ironic!

Mr. Qiu entered the Peach Blossom Spring, and the whole person's momentum changed. He became respectful and cautious. He took a ceremony with the wheelchair in the courtyard pavilion. "The master, the subordinates brought you two doctors. I heard that the medical skills are excellent. ""

When Ye Hao heard this, the corner of his mouth was pulled. When did they say that medicine was excellent?

The man in a wheelchair dressed in a silver-white uniform, a few bamboo embroidered on the cuffs and robes, the golden silk jade crowns the hair of the ink, the thin lips are slightly sloppy, the cheeky and beautiful face looks like nothing. The smile of the eyes fell on the leaves of them.

Seeing this master of Mr. Qiu, Ye Hao was really surprised. Is he so young? It seems that it is less than thirty years old.

"Since it is a doctor, it is a guest. Please ask the two guests to wash their face first." The man's voice is low and soft, but it makes people feel a bit cold.

Ye Hao was taken aback. He was able to see Master's Yi Rongshu. Is this person also proficient? She looked at Huangfu, but found that his eyes were a bit strange. Master knew the man in front of him?

"You turned out to be easy?" Mr. Qiu was furious and pointed at Ye Hao. "Who are you?"

Ye Hao feels that since it is easy to see, there is no need to control his own voice. "In order to be convenient on the road, I have to be easy to accommodate. Who knows that I will meet you."

"Qiu Yuan, take them to the room, let them wash their faces and come over." The white man said faintly.

"Yes, the master." Qiu Yuan glanced at them coldly and took them to the room personally, and let the next person stare at them to unload the easy face.

When Ye Hao and Huangpu reappeared in front of him, Qiu Yuan stunned, especially when he saw Ye Hao’s beautiful face, he realized what the woman had just said to facilitate the road.

Growing up like this, if you are seen outside, you will most likely be robbed back.

The imperial concubine was only introverted and looked at Qiu Yuan coldly. "Isn't there a way?"

Qiu Yuan snorted, and he was wary of the temperament of Huangfu’s high and noble temperament. This is only a source of experience for the teachers and apprentices.

The white man had already returned to the house, and Qiu Yuan took the emperor and they walked into the hall.

When the white man sitting in the middle of the center saw them, his eyes flashed a bit of surprise. Finally, he slowly lowered his eyes on the face of Huangfu, and suddenly a smile appeared. "Huangfu, it is you." ”

Huangfu took Ye Hao’s hand and sat down. It looked quite a bit anti-customer. “Zhao Tianyi, I didn’t expect you to be alive.”

Zhao Tianqi’s mouth is smiling. “Where have you been in the past few years?”

"Hidden world healing." Huangfu said faintly, "What are you going to do now?"

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