The epidemic in the city was finally controlled. There was a drug sent by Xu Ji, the special envoy of the disaster relief. Ye Hao put the Lingquan in the porcelain bottle every night in advance, and boiled it in the medicine the next day, and cooked a large pot of medicine. Let all the patients drink it. There is probably a reason for Lingquan. The patients in the city will quickly get rid of fever. The doctors have already recovered and can help the other patients of the Medical Department to heal.

As more and more people recover, Ye Hao also found one thing.

The palm of her palm seems to be more and more, and now when she is in her mind, there will be a picture in her mind. She is like an immersive person, seeing a golden chick crawling on the food. What, the shape of the chick looks a lot like... Phoenix? Next to it, there is a bowl-like thing with golden complex lines on it, what can't be seen, and a red liquid in the bowl.

Is that the spring of her palm? There are not many liquids in the world today. What is going on?

Ye Hao felt very strange. When she didn't want to see it, the picture disappeared from her mind. If she was revived, she would see the chick like a phoenix. It seems to be able to see her.

This... Ye Hao was frightened, completely ignorant of how this happened.

She opened her palm and found that the red mark on her palm was gone. Was the golden chick in her mind the mark of her palm?

I couldn't think of her being born again to her sister. Instead, she had so many fascinating things, and she didn't know how the chicks would appear in her mind. She had never seen them before.

Ye Hao didn't know the problem, and had to put it down temporarily. It was important to solve the problem at hand.

"Princess, my subordinates are back." Xue Lin stood outside the door and looked back.

"Come in." Ye Hao’s eyes lit up and he didn’t want to entangle the little phoenix. What she had told Xuelin to do before should be fruitful.

Xue Lin walked in with his head down and said to Ye Hao, "Princess, you have ordered the subordinates to do something. Now there are rumors outside Huaijiang City. When the subordinates also found out that Qiao Zebai had transported the herbs before, It was sold to a businessman named Qiu. However, the merchant was not a Jinguo person. The medicine was shipped to Jinkou City and sent directly to the ship."

“Jinkou City?” Ye Hao thought, "What about the disaster?"

Xue Lin said, "In the past, most of the disaster silver had flowed into Ye Yisong's hands. Qiao Zebai did not get much. This year, the court did not allocate disaster silver. The medicines were taken to Huaijiang and were intercepted."

"People who can intercept this batch of medicinal materials must have contact with Qiao Zebai before. In Huaijiang area, they must also be able to cover the sky with one hand. Otherwise, how dare to kill a few people will report it as a plague." Ye Yidao, her uncle Sure enough, a group of corrupt officials was raised, and now others are dead. In the past, those people did not know how to converge.

Xue Lin said, "The princess, this matter will be checked down."

Ye Hao gently nodded. "Do you know who is the special envoy to deliver the medicine?"

I hope that it will not be the same guy as Qiao Zebai.

"What do you say is Xu Ji?" Xue Lin asked.

"Yes, it is him." Ye Hao nodded, she had not seen Xu Ji, but she felt that the name seemed familiar, as if she had heard of it.

Xue Lin explained, "Xu Ji is the brother of Xu Xianyu."

Xu Huiru's big brother? No wonder she felt familiar, it turned out to be a side before, and Ye Hao’s mouth floated a little smile. She had not only seen Xu Ji before, but also took over her hatred.

However, he probably did not remember her appearance. She was only seven or eight years old, and Xu Huiru had a quarrel with a poem. Xu Ji wanted to vent her sister, and she was beaten by her brother.

Unexpectedly, he came to Huaijiang City.

"We went out to see the city. Now the epidemic in the city is under control, but the people in the two villages outside the city can't come out and let others go in." Ye Hao said, he has already left the house.

The city gate has not been closed again, but it still does not allow outsiders to come in. The people in the city are also temporarily not allowed to go out. Ye Hao has Xue Lin’s token, so it is not difficult to leave the city.

She went to the city wall and met Huangfu and Xu Ji on it.

"Master." Ye Hao smiled and gave Huang Fu a ritual.

Standing next to Huangfu, Xu Ji looked sharply at Ye Hao, thinking that this is the Princess Fu Rong that his sister told him? It seems to be a bit familiar, but the princess looks really good, no wonder the sister is so vigilant.

If she is allowed to stay with the emperor, how can the emperor notice her sister?

"Isn't it for you to rest today?" Huangfu frowned, and his tone was somewhat unpleasant.

Ye Xiao smiled. "I have already rested. I feel that I am not tired. So I have to take a look. Master, know how many people in the two villages have typhoid fever?"

The emperor stared at the soldiers not far away. The soldiers were guarding the intersection. A few miles away, there were more than a dozen soldiers guarding them. "The people of the two villages... there are very few people who are still safe and sound. ”

"Then what are we waiting for here, hurry in and give them healing." Ye Hao said quickly.

Xu Ji said with a cold smile, "The girl said it was light. There are at least 200 people in the two villages. How many people need us to go in and heal them. When they have not cured them, our people will get sick. It is."

Ye Hao looked back at him with cold eyes. "Don't you let them die inside?"

"This is the question of choice. If you die and kill thousands of people, how would you choose?" Xu Ji asked.

"Master?" Ye Hao did not believe that Huangfu would meet and die. Now the people in the city have improved their typhoid fever. This proves that she is not wrong to cure them according to the prescription of Qi's medical classics, not to mention that she still has Lingquan.

Huangfu whispered, "I will bring people to the village tomorrow to heal them. You should not go, and you are responsible for boiling medicine outside the village."

Ye Hao frowned, "Master..."

"If you don't obey, then don't leave the city." Huangfu's voice was severe.

How about it! She also wants to add Lingquan in the medicine, or how can it make typhoid fever faster? "Master, I listen to you."

Xu Ji looked at Huangfu unhappy, "Mr. Huangfu, I thought that you promised not to enter the village."

"I have never promised you anything. There is no choice in human life. For the doctor, it is a life to save a life." Huangfu said faintly.

"Even if you go in, you may not be able to save them." Xu Ji said.

Huangfu smiled. "That is all."

Ye Hao immediately smiled. "Master, then I am going back to make people prepare herbs."

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