Kyoto, the royal study.

Lu Yuzhi was on the ground, and his forehead was sweating. He came to the emperor to plead guilty.

"Anyang Hou, what did you say, I didn't understand." Murong Zhan looked at Lu Yuzhi coldly, and his eyes swayed with two anger.

"The emperor, Lu Guiren died, and the minister wanted to let people sort out the contents of her boudoir and bury them together, only to find the letter that the dead father had left for her. Therefore, she knew that she had faked the emperor's savior, the emperor, please You see that the two children are infatuated with you, forgive her sin of bullying." Lu Yizhi said.

Murong Zhan looked sharply at Lu Yizhi. He wanted to know if he had some true and false words. After he revealed the true face of Lu Shuanger, he immediately sent her to Nianci Temple. Lu Yan had no chance to meet her. Therefore, Lu Yizhi certainly does not know that he is already informed.

"What did your father's letter write?" Murong Zhan asked quietly.

Lu Yi’s face was sorrowful and hesitated for a long time before he took out a stack of letters from his arms. “The emperor, I beg you to forgive the father’s heart and love the wrong thing.”

In the past, Ford took the letter in the hands of Lu Hao to the front of Murong Cham. Ink Murray looked at it one by one, his thin lips were close, and the anger of his eyes became more and more prosperous. "Your father took the real one." The little girl is hiding?"

"Return to the emperor, the letter says this, the minister has not yet found someone." Lu Yizhi whispered.

"Deferred, do you know the consequences of handing these letters to you?" In the ink-filled meditation, there seems to be a frosty condensation. He has always been obsessed with the little girl who saved him that year, thinking that when Lu Shuanger was her, she would be able to petless Lu Shuanger. Later, she knew that Lu Shuanger was not her. He wanted to find a real little sister, but she could not find her. He thought she was dead. Now Lu Yanzhi is holding these letters but telling him that the little sister Still alive, and was under house arrest by Lu Shide.

Lu Yan’s eyes flashed a bit of pain. “Chen is trying to hide the emperor, but Chen is afraid that the truth will be revealed in the future, but it will affect the entire Lujia...”

Ink coldly asked, "Don't you be afraid of letting your landlord pay the price?"

"Chen only hope that the emperor can spare us a life on the Lu family." Lu Yizhi said.

"Have you asked someone to look for her?" Murong Zhan whispered. He actually didn't really believe what was said in the letter. If this is another fake?

Lu Yizhi said, "These letters were found by yesterday's minister. I haven't confirmed it yet, I don't know... the little girl still..."

Murong Zhan took a big shot on the table, "I shouldn’t have easily relented Lu Shuanger at the beginning!"

"The emperor forgives sin!" Lu Yan's horrified hoe, his sweat on his forehead is getting more and more, his face is getting more and more painful, and his hands on the ground are already shaking slightly.

"Anyang Hou, if your father is imprisoned, it is really a small girl who saved the sorrow... I will definitely let you pay for the land." Murong Chuang said coldly.

Lu Hao’s long time ago gritted his teeth and said, “Yes, the emperor.”

Murong Chan slightly frowned, how do you feel that Lu Yi is not appropriate? In the past, it was the face of the enemy's army and the horses were not changed. Is it afraid to be like this to him today?

Ford’s eye-pointer found Lu’s strangeness, and he hurriedly said, “The emperor, Anyang Hou seems to be wrong.”

"Lu Yizhi?" Murong clenched him.

Lu Yizhi wanted to speak, but the pain in the whole body made him unable to say a word. He opened his mouth and the whole person couldn't suppress it. "Chen... rude..."

"Quickly pass the doctor!" Murong Chong saw him like this, his face suddenly changed, and he understood that Lu Yuzhi was poisonous.

Soon, Gong Yuanjue has rushed in, Qi Qi and Huang Fu are not in Kyoto, Gong Yuan sentenced has been to Lu Yuzhi's treatment, but unfortunately the effect is not how, the poison can not be resolved, the effect of pain relief is not as good as once, Nowadays, it is only barely letting Lu Yan reduce the pain, and there is no other way.

After half an hour passed, Lu Zhizhi gradually stopped convulsing.

Murong Cham’s original anger was also dissipated because of Lu’s poisonous hair. He remembered that Lu Yu was poisoned on the road of returning from Dajie. Although Lu Shide and Lu Shuanger were damned, Lu’s family still had credit for it. It is a lot of military work.

After that, when he finds the little girl back, if he is safe and sound, he can spare the Lu family. If it is... then Lujia will be like this, it is impossible to go further. This is a reward for Lu Yi’s meritorious deeds. .

"People **** Anyang Hou back, let him take care of the disease at home." Murong Zhan faintly told.

Ford should have a cry, thinking that if the emperor found the girl back, I don’t know what will happen in this palace.

Murong Zhan looked at the letters on the table. According to the place written in his heart, Lu Shide put the imprisoned place on the outskirts of Kyoto. This time he had to personally retrieve her.

Huaijiang City, the village entrance.

Ye Haogang came out of Wangjianglou and heard that there was an accident. She rushed in and saw Xu Ji’s man holding a sword against the people in the village. Those villagers who wanted to leave the village but were Xu Ji’s Stop, let them go half a step over the fence.

"Xu Daren, what is going on?" Ye Hao went over and asked Xu Ji.

Xu Ji snorted. "These people want to leave the village, and they will naturally stop them."

"Even if you want to stop them, your soldiers should not treat them with swords." Ye Hao said dissatisfiedly, "They are not infected with typhoid fever, why bother with them."

"When they leave the village to infect other people, you will feel that such rigorous treatment is nothing." Xu Ji said with a cold smile.

Ye Hao still wants to say something more, Xu Ji has gone over and ordered the soldiers, "Who would dare to hit the fence and kill!"

A killing word immediately shocked the villagers. They looked helplessly, fearing that they would be killed by the soldiers, and that they would be infected with the plague if they stayed in the village.

"We are going out!"

"Yes, we have to leave here and let us go!"

"We don't want to stay here and wait to die, let us go out!"

The villagers all cried, and they felt that their village had become a dead village. If they did not leave, they would die.

"This is retribution, it is punishment! We know it is wrong. We will not talk about the plague in the village again..."

"Hey, we are wrong, we are wrong."

Several villagers yelled at those who were crying. "You are always talking nonsense every year. There is no plague in our village. You have to say that there is a plague every year..."

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