Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 325: This is obviously a small country.

Along the way, although Ye Hao was sitting in the carriage, he was already stunned by the bustling and bustling scene outside. How did Zhaojia Island do this, and it could transform a small island into a prosperous city like Kyoto, and her The imagination is totally different.

"There has been no return to Zhaojia Island in a few years, but there are many differences." Zhao Tianyi said with amazement.

"These who... who did it?" Ye Hao asked in surprise.

Zhao Tianqi said, "Although there were market fairs in the past, but the businessmen from other places could not enter, and now they are all foreign. Well, the big brother is more suitable as the island owner. Zhao Jiadao has become a small country under his leadership. ”

Is this the credit of Zhao Mingxi? Ye Hao was even more surprised. It seems that this person is really not simple.

Huangfu frowned and didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while, the carriage gradually stopped, and Liang Shu’s voice rang outside. "The island owner, arrived."

If the previous bustling hustle and bustle made Ye Hao surprised, the building that she saw now like the palace has completely made her speechless.

"Is the big brother turning the old house into a palace?" Zhao Tianyi turned to ask Yuan Cheng.

Yuan Cheng whispered back. "This was built only half a year ago. The young master said that this is in line with the island owner."

Does an island owner need to live in the palace to qualify? Ye Hao turned back and looked at the emperor.

Zhao Tianqi laughed and looked at the palace in front of him. Although it was not comparable to the real palace, it was still more than the old house. "Where is the big brother?"

"The young master knows that you are very happy to be back, waiting for you inside." Yuan Cheng said respectfully.

"Let's go in!" said Zhao Tianqi. It seems that his older brother was weak in his former body, but he was still better than him in some respects. If the island is his master of the house, there will definitely be no prosperity today.

Yuan Cheng looked at the imperial concubine and asked Zhao Tianqi, "Is the island owner, the outsider entering the palace is not... some bad."

Zhao Tianyu said faintly, "There are no outsiders here."

Isn’t the emperor not an outsider? Yuan Cheng thought in his heart, and did not understand how the island owner would bring the emperor to Zhaojia Island again. Was the lesson learned a few years ago enough?

Liang Shuo pushed the wheelchair into the gate. Ye Hao didn't know Zhao Tianqi. He was not in a wheelchair on the boat. How did he return to Zhaojiadao and ask others to push him?

Huangfu lightly crossed Yuan Cheng and gestured to Ye Hao to follow him.

Yuan Cheng frowned at the figure of Huangfu, indicating that the guard next to it would close the door.

Yellow tile red wall, the size of this mansion is exactly the same as the palace, Ye Hao even has some illusion that he is walking in the palace, not in Zhaojiadao.

After a long red wall alley, Ye Hao saw the front hall, and there were several figures standing on the stone steps of the main hall. Standing in front of him was a handsome young gentleman. He smiled and looked at Zhao Tianyu in a wheelchair, and then Slowly looking at other people, when the eyes fell on the emperor, the smile on his face gradually faded.

Huangfu? !

Why is he here?

"Big Brother." Zhao Tianyi has come under the stone steps. He smiles and looks at the young man of Swen Junxiu. "I didn't come back for a few years. I almost couldn't recognize that it was the old house of our Zhao family."

It turned out that this young man is Zhao Tianyi’s eldest brother, Zhao Minghao!

Zhao Mingxi slowly walked down the stone steps, and his mouth reappeared with a smile. "Every year, let you come back and see, you are not willing to come back, but I am so embarrassed to say this?"

"Big brother, you look good, it seems that your illness has healed." Zhao Tianxi saw that Zhao Mingxi's face was no longer pale, and his heart was happy for him. "Fortunately, Auntie cured your illness."

Speaking of Huangfu, Zhao Mingxuan flashed a chill in his eyes. "Scorpio, how did you bring our enemies in Zhaojiadao? Do you want to bring him to the islanders who died in the past?"

Zhao Tianqi said, "Big brother, the matter of the past has nothing to do with the aunt, it was someone who was deliberately framed."

"We have so many islanders who have died. Can it be wiped out by a single sentence?" Zhao Mingqi sinks his face and seems to be very upset. Zhao Tianyi maintains the imperial concubine.

"Big Brother, if Aunt really wants to destroy our Zhaojia Island, we can't stand here now." Zhao Tianqi whispered, "You should know how long the Huangfu family once suppressed our island..."

Zhao Mingxi obviously did not like to hear this, and said with a calm face, "Is it because he is the emperor's family, so he can attack our Zhaojiadao."

"It seems that you don't know much about my master. If my master wants to sneak attack..." Ye Hao raised his eyebrows and glanced at Zhao Mingyi. "You Zhaojiadao has been the same as a hundred years ago, the grass is not born, the people are extinct, and you are still there. Is this framed by my master?"

"Who are you?" Zhao Mingxi looked at this beautiful woman who was so beautiful that she was increasingly unhappy with the people brought back by Zhao Tianyi.

Huangfu said faintly, "She is my apprentice, Master Zhao Da, I haven't seen it for a long time. It seems... there are many misunderstandings between us."

"There is no misunderstanding between us, Huangfu, Zhaojiadao does not welcome you, please leave immediately." Zhao Mingxi said coldly.

"Big Brother, when we were sneaked in the same year, there was no evidence pointing to Huangpu. He left to find the feelings of the year. Later, he was seriously injured in Lingshen Island. I have already verified this matter." Zhao Tianyu said in a loud voice.

Zhao Mingxi looked at him uncomfortably. He did not like his brother to mention the feelings. "Scorpio, are you not enough to be deceived by him?"

"He will lie to me in the end, I have a few words in my heart." Zhao Tianyu said softly, "Big brother, I am coming back today, don't mention these things for the time being. In the future, we will find out who actually framed the emperor."

"You are the island owner, you have the final say." Zhao Mingxi said coldly, "Yuan Cheng, sent the island owner back to his palace."

Yuan Cheng whispered, "Island, please."

Zhao Mingxi looked at the emperor and said coldly, "Scorpio, other people are not the people of our island after all, can not live in the palace, I will let people arrange their accommodation."

"Big brother, they have to heal my legs and live in my yard." Zhao Tianyu said.

"Heal your legs?" Zhao Mingqi raised his eyebrows and looked down at Zhao Tianqi's legs. "Can they cure your legs?"

Mu Xue stood next to Zhao Tianyi and heard Zhao Mingxi’s words. He wanted to say that the two young master’s legs were able to walk. However, she had not spoken yet. Zhao Tianyi had already said with a smile. “Although I still can’t walk, I have already improved. ”

Zhao Mingxi’s face is a little slower. “That’s what you listen to, but even if you can cure your leg, I will not be willing to give up.”

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