Can't find it!

Huangfu stood on the island tower and looked at the site that was divided by Zhao Mingxi in the distance. Only the place he had not looked for, Zhao Tianyu said that people had already sneaked in and found it.

He must have been arrested by Zhao Mingxi. Zhao Mingxi is a man of ambition and strategy. He should know that he is the identity of a princess. Once he is a country, he is the best hostage to threaten Murong Cham.

"Zhao Mingxi's news of the founding of the country was spread." Zhao Tianqi walked behind Huangfu, his sight fell on the distant stone forest, "Mu Rongzhan is outside the stone array."

Huangfu lived and looked at the direction of Shilin with horror. "Is Murong Zhan coming?"

Zhao Tianyi nodded faintly. "And he also brought a lot of people. If he can't break the battle and attack, he might be trapped in the stone array."

"He won't be trapped." Huangfu said faintly, his tone was extremely determined. "The worry is Zhaojiadao."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Tianqi raised his eyebrows and looked at the emperor. Is it a master of the law? It took a few decades for the people on their island to unravel the stone array, and it has not been broken yet. Can it be that Murong Zhan can really come in?

Huang Fu’s mouth floated a little and smiled. “Do you know why I can solve the formation? Who knows who this stone array is?”

"The daughter-in-law of our ancestors, on the side of Qi Weiling, is a guardian. I heard that it is the descendant of Jiang's family. It is called Ashi." Zhao Tianyi grinned, and Zhaojiadao no one likes Qi Qiling. Don't talk about the world of the cloth.

"Yes, it is Grandpa Jiang." Huangfu pointed at the stone forest in front. "Do you think that your grandfather has changed the array for decades? Can you really live with Grandpa Jiang?"

Zhao Tianyi rounded his eyes. "Ginger... Ashi is still alive? Farting! Is he difficult to be in his 100s?"

"That's natural!" Huangfu glanced at him faintly. "Do you think that so many people chasing the Jiang family later are the medicines that are immortal?"

"..." Zhao Tianqi's chin has to fall down. "Is this world really **** a drug that is immortal?"

Huangfu smiled. "Nature does not have it. It is just the internal strength and therapy of some health care."

"That... is Qi Qiling still alive?" Zhao Tianyi is stunned. Their biggest enemy of Zhaojia Island is Qi Yuling.

"It should be that Xian has passed away." Huangfu said with a smile.

Zhao Tian licked his lips, and he couldn’t tell what it was like. He turned his head and looked at the calm stone forest there. Outside the calm stone array, what kind of storm is it now?

"If Zhao Mingqi threatens Murong Cham with a slap in the face..." The Emperor’s eyes flashed a touch of cold light. "He will die."

"Before he started fighting with Murong Zhan, I must suppress him, otherwise..." Zhao Tianyi looked around and said, "There will be more islanders being dragged by him."



"People, do you really want to become like this with the aunt?" Muqing looked at the man standing in front, and suddenly found that she knew Zhao Mingxi, who had known her for more than ten years, became very strange.

Zhao Mingxi said in a cold voice, "If he didn't treat me as a brother, why should I care about that?"

"How could Auntie not treat you as a brother? For many years, he left Zhaojiadao. No matter what you do, isn't this enough?" Mu asked, "You are too anxious."

"Do you think I will fail?" Zhao Mingxi turned back. Everyone thought that he was too anxious, but he had been preparing for so many years. If he waited for another time, the ink congress of Mo Rongzhan would be stronger, and he would have no chance to establish a country. It is.

Mu Qing said, "How many odds do you think? The people on our island have never experienced war, even if they are familiar with water, they are familiar with water and water fighting is different..."

"In the past few years, did you think they were just fishing in the sea?" Zhao Mingxi sneered and asked, "Mu, I have been waiting for a long time for this day, and I have been preparing for a long time. No matter who it is, I can't destroy my business."

"In that replaced the letter I wrote to Huangfu, right?" Mu whispered.

Zhao Ming’s color condensed a layer of frost, and he looked down at him. “Seeing him come back, you want to go back to him again?”

I looked at him with emotion. "How do you think this way? Since I have already married you, how can I think about other things? You faked my handwritten letter to Huangfu, and cheated him to Lingshen Island. You are The Snake Island set a trap to kill him. You killed him not to want to marry me, but... for today, isn’t it?”

Zhao Mingxi gently touched the corner of the affection. "Don't think too much, love, you will be my queen in the future, I will give you the most prosperous life, will take you away from this Zhaojiadao."

But these are not what she wants! Mu Qing smiled in my heart. "I have already got used to the life of Zhaojiadao and never thought about leaving."

Zhao Ming's face was so heavy that it looked obviously unhappy. "What do you want?"

"Are you arrested?" Mu whispered.

"Auntie is looking for you, isn't it?" Zhao Mingxi asked coldly.

Mu Qing said, "Hey is innocent, why do you need to catch her?"

"She is the princess of Jin Guo, she can be a hostage in my hands." Zhao Mingxi said.

"But... she is the apprentice of Huangfu. If you do this, you will irritate him." Mu Qing said quickly, she knows better than anyone else that Huangfu is not as harmless as it seems.

Zhao Mingxi waved her hand impatiently. "What is the emperor's calculation, how is it irritating him? I will not see the aunt again in the future, otherwise... don't force me to lock you up."

"People!" Mu Qing looked changed.

"Grandpa..." Someone yelled out in a hurry. "The emperor, not good, the stone array... someone outside the stone array, came two warships..."

Zhao Mingzhen suddenly changed his face and slammed out. "What are you talking about?"

"The guards on the side of Shilin are back and forth, and some are in the Stonehenge."

"Do you know who it is?" Zhao Mingxi did not pay any attention to the situation and walked out drastically. He wanted to take a look at what people dared to break into the Stonehenge.

The person who came to the obituary said, "There is a brocade on the battle flag."

Brocade? Zhao Mingxi suddenly stopped. "Is it a warship of Jinguo?"

"It seems... seems to be, Grandpa, will they break the stone array?"

Zhao Mingxi snorted. "Why do you have anyone who can walk through the stone array? Call Mr. Wild Stone."


Mu Ming screamed Zhao Mingxi, who had already reached the gate. "Auntie, go find auntie. If you don't join hands, how can you resist the battleship of Jinguo?"

Zhao Mingxi did not speak, turned and left.

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