
The dark clouds in the sky are extremely low, and the lightning illuminates the half of the beach. The thunder is rumbling. On the island where there is no one, the lights in the cave are weak, and even the movements are echoed, even if Ye Hao is not a timid person. I still have fear in my heart.

She didn't know when the storm would stop, and she didn't know when she could leave this place. What happened to Zhaojiadao, did Zhao Mingxi and Zhao Tianqi turn against each other? Who will be better?

For the first time, Ye Hao found that she was very weak and very lonely.

Outside the cave, the sound of rumbling again, she shrank in the corner, covered with a quilt, in front of the dry firewood she had found, as if this would make her warmer, no longer afraid.

At this time, more anxious than Ye Hao is the ink-filled Zhan who floats on the sea.

When they went out to sea, they knew how bad the weather was. Even if they had good water-based Liang Shuo Tuo Tuo, their fishing boats were still like a leaf on the sea. Murong Zhan could not imagine such a storm. His little girl was in the Black Wind Island. How have you passed?

“Is the Black Wind Island here?” Murong’s tight lips squeezed a word, and he was already trying to control himself, even though his body’s anger was screaming wildly.

Liang Shu pointed to the front and said, "It’s just in front, but the wind is too big and may not be close."

"Go." Murong Zhan Junmei's face is full of rain, he completely ignores, a pair of dark scorpions just look at the front.

Ginger was sitting cross-legged in the cabin. He glanced at the back of Mo Rongzhan with a slight blink of an eye. He stood up and walked to Liang Shuo instead of Liang Shuo.

The fishing boat seemed to survive in the hands of Jiang Lao, and the speed of the waves rolled forward in the direction of the waves.

"Black Wind Island is coming." Liang Shuo was amazed. He didn't think that the old man who looked like a white-haired man was so powerful. It was the legendary old man. The stone array outside Zhaojiadao was really under his cloth. ?

Murong Zhan took a breath and looked at the front until he saw an island under the light of lightning. His frost was finally changed.

Hey... his little girl!

"Be careful!" Jiang Lao suddenly issued a warning. A large wave of five or six meters high swept over and swallowed their fishing boats. Murong Cham and Liang Shu were simultaneously rushed out of the fishing boat.

Fortunately, all three of them are well-versed in water, and they have deep internal strength, so they have not been swept into the seabed by the wind and waves, and each has exhausted the way to the beach.

“Where is it going to be?” Murong Zhan just got on the bank and immediately asked Liang Shu.

Liang Shuo shook his head and said, "Black Wind Island is full of wild animals. People from Zhaojia Island will never come here. I heard that Zhao Mingxi played a cave here, maybe Lu girl is in the cave."

When Murong Zhan did not say anything, he went to the front of the mountain, and the island had only one mountain.

Liang Shu looked back at Jiang Lao. "Master, let's go together?"

Jiang Laosheng said, "In this weather, there is a boat that can't go, let's talk about the storm."

They went to the entrance of the cave after Murong Zhan, but it was not difficult to find the hole, but they went into the cave, and they were all shaken by everything in the cave.

"The young master actually ... the whole mountain is almost empty." Liang Shuo stunned, the island master is not in these years, what did the young master do?

Murong Chan frowned, there are three passages in this hole. Which direction should he go to find?

"Let's find it separately." Jiang Lao said.

"Lu girl..." Liang Shuo screamed and echoed, but did not hear any reaction.

Ink 眸 眸 冷凝 condensed, go to the middle of the passage, "Look!"

Ye Hao has not slept for two days and two nights, and she is still in the quilt. Even if she is very scared, she still sleeps unconsciously.

She didn't know where she was in the cave, next to the warehouse where the weapons were placed. She was surrounded by herbs and smelled of medicine. She seemed to feel less lonely.

In fact, there are several places in the cave that look like bedrooms, but she doesn't want to go at all.

I don't know how long I slept, she seemed to hear a footstep, and Ye Hao was a screaming spirit, woke up from her sleep, and she listened carefully, as if there was no sound.

Will there be a beast on this island?

Ye Hao wrapped a quilt and shrank himself into the corner. Suddenly, she remembered Murong Cham. If he knew that she came to Zhaojia Island, would she come to her?

How come to find her? He now has a life-saving savior around him, and it is estimated that she has long forgotten her.

When Murong Chan came to find it, he saw such a scene. His little girl was shrunk in the corner. The whole body only showed a pair of wet big eyes. It looked both fragile and pitiful. He could see his heart sour and soft. I can't wait to get into my body right away, and never let her leave him.

"Oh..." Murong Chong snorted and found his voice hoarse and scary.

Ye Hao did not seem to hear his voice, just blinked and thought he was in a dream.

"It's me, hey, come here." Murong Chong saw her fear. He didn't dare to hug her in the past. He just squatted in front of her and gently covered her with open arms. Fear, lie here."

Murong Cham? Why is he here? She is afraid of an illusion, he can't be here.

"Hey." Murong Chan held her in her arms, her warm lips against her forehead. "Here, I heard me talking?"

Ye blinked and reached out and touched his face. "Is it really you?"

Murong Chong heard her low and weak fear, and her heart hurt so badly. He bowed his head and kissed her lips, sucking hard. "Yes."

pain! The tingling pain from the lips finally made Ye Hao clear, and the familiar, warm masculine breath penetrated into her senses. She was forced to kiss him deeply, really he...

Why is he here?

"Let's let go!" Ye Hao screamed, his hands on his chest, and his face was replaced by indifference. "How come you are here?"

Murong Chong reluctantly let go of her, the dark scorpion looked at her with a burning sigh, and the voice said dumbly, "Hey, pick you up."

Ye Hao sat up straight, only to find that his body was soaked, and there were tiny scars on his face. It looked like he was just injured. She bit her lip and whispered, "You have been to Zhao. Island?"

"Yes, here is the Black Wind Island, and now you can't leave, wait for the storm to pass, let's go." Murong Chong looked at her.

Ye Hao avoids his sight. "What about my master?"

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