Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 360: Long live my emperor

After eight days on the road, they finally returned to Kyoto.

Ye Hao looked at the majestic and sacred gates in front of her. She had a feeling of finally sighing. She didn’t have to face the ink and ink again and again. It was a very dangerous thing to be with such a man. He wanted to When a woman is good, it is estimated that no woman can control and not love him.

"You go back to the palace." Murong Chan took her little hand and gently leaned her chin on her shoulder. The breath blew in her ear. "I miss you very much after the mother. Stay for a few days."

"Tomorrow, I will enter the palace to give peace to the Queen Mother." Ye Hao opened his side. "We are going to the city. Should we separate two cars?"

Murong Chong is not surprised that she will answer this way. On the way back to Beijing, she is uncomfortable around him. She is willing to go to the palace with him again. "The Queen Mother will take you to her in Chengde Mountain Villa tomorrow. Please be safe."

"The emperor hasn't returned to Kyoto for a long time. There should be a lot of things to deal with. I went to Chengde Villa to give the Queen Mother a peace." Ye Hao immediately said that the Queen Mother is better in the palace. She will not give the Queen Mother a chance. To him.

"You should also go to the Queen Mother to please Ann." Murong Zhan whispered. "You have to rest at home for two days. You will go back to the Queen Mother and you will love it. The Queen Mother will love you so much. Go and ask her for peace."

Ye Hao looked back at him and looked at him. "The emperor, you and I are always together. Isn't it afraid to cause the Queen Mother to doubt?"

Murong Chong hugged her in her arms and looked at her with a low smile. "When will the mother doubt us? I have already told my mother that I will marry you in the future."

"You..." Ye Hao sighed, and he couldn't wait to shoot him out. "You bastard! If the Queen Mother misunderstood me deliberately... Deliberately seduce you?"

"Isn't it?" Murong Zhan's rough fingers stroked her collarbone. "You appeared in front of you like a fairy in the water, and you are so fascinated by you." I danced on the drums of the college... Did you still say that you are not seduce?"

Ye Hao remembered seeing him in the hot spring pool, and scared him to his face. She now regrets how to stop using it at the time. But what about the drum dance of the college? "Drums dance? I only danced once on the drums. Are you there at the time?"

In the mind of Murong Zhan, she appeared in the bright and glamorous appearance of her dancing on the drums. The heart was hot. "I won’t dance in front of others in the future, that is, dance on the drums, and I can only show them."

Looking far away, if the sun rises into the morning glow, it is forced to see it, and the smoldering green waves.

This was his only thought to her at that time. Any man who saw her dancing deliberately did not attract her. How could he be willing to let others see her beauty.

"How do you be so overbearing." Ye Hao screamed, but did not put his words at heart.

Murong Zhan吮 kissed her pink lips. "Hey is how he is overbearing."

"Fast into the city." Ye Hao cried softly and delicately in his arms.

"Hey, come back to the palace, okay?" Murong's thin lips pressed against her cheek, and the voice sighed faintly.

Ye Hao felt that he was holding her belly, knowing that he had endured the road. She shook her head hard. "I have been away from home for a long time. The old lady and the mother must be very worried. I want to go home. They are guilty of sin."

Murong Chan touched her head and knew that she was doing this. He still felt that he didn't want to let her go back. "That will let you go home for two hours."

"No." Ye Hao turned his eyes, too lazy to bargain with him, and opened the window to look outside. "The emperor, you see, Don Juan, they are waiting for you outside the city gate."

In addition to Tang Yan, there are several figures she is familiar with. What surprised her most is that even Lu Shiming came.

Ink Murray's eyebrows are slightly stunned, and Shen Sheng said, "I haven't let so many people pick up."

Ye Hao was very happy to see Lu Shiming, although he was still surrounded by Lu.

"Welcome to the emperor, my emperor is long lived." Xu Weixiang took the lead and squatted in front.

Although Murong Zhan is a micro-service out of the palace, he conquered Zhaojiadao and classified the weapons that can be enemyd on the Black Wind Island as state-owned, let alone those grains and herbs, which is enough to make Jin Guo’s national treasury Enriched.

When I had not returned to Kyoto, officials from the imperial court knew that the emperor would not have to squander a soldier and get the return of Zhaojiadao. All this credit was attributed to the princess’s head. Island, and persuaded Zhaojiadao Island to return to Jinguo.

Ye Hao didn't know all about it. She was just very happy to see Lu Shiming.

"Back to the palace." After Murong Chong got off the bus, Jun face has recovered his indifference and seriousness, and there is a rogue smile against Ye Hao.

"Hey." Ye Hao walked to Lu Shiming, and some of them looked at him with delight. "Are you picking me up?"

Lu Shiming gently pointed her head, "willful."

Murong Zhan went to the imperial concubine, looked back at Ye Hao and said to Lu Shiming faintly, "Lu Aiqing, you will send you home first."

"Yes, the emperor." Lu Shiming immediately led the death.

When Lu Yuzhi appeared in Ye Hao, his sight had been on her. She was more explicit than before. She smiled and made his heart beat faster. He now knows that he was facing her before. The mind is so repressed that she is her cousin, so she pretends that she has never been tempted, and now she no longer suppresses herself, only to find that he is already caught in it.

"Oh..." Lu Yu’s muted voice opened his eyes and looked at her with gaze.

Ye Hao gave him a faint look. "Lobby brother, I heard that you have recovered, congratulations."

In Lu Xin’s heart, she smiled and she was as cold as ever.

"Exit, go to your advanced palace, and I will go home." Lu Shiming said, maybe the emperor would still tell him about the errands.

"Good." Lu Yizhi also knows that he can't tell his mind at a time, not to mention that he has more important things to do, such as... How to make the emperor like Ye Yaoyao.

I only hope that the emperor did not doubt the true identity of Ye Yaoyao. When he decided to help the two children to replace Ye Hao’s identity, he was already prepared to worry about the secrets of the two days. He still had the trick to save the Lujia. There is also the opportunity to make a sin.

He always hopes not to use Ye Yaoyao, a long-arranged piece of chess, but he still used it.

In the end, the two children are too disappointing.

"Hey, you go back with the three uncles." Lu Yizhi whispered to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao returned to him with a stubborn smile.

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