Ye Hao and her clothes slept for a while in the soft bed in the inner room, and heard the sound of talking outside.

"Hou Ye, the princess is resting. If you have something to do, don't wait for the princess to wake up, and the slaves will go in and go back." The sound of the jade bottle came from outside.

"Is he still asleep?" Lu Yan's warm and thick voice passed into Ye Hao's ear.

Ye Hao immediately woke up, and he found that there was only one thin coat on his body. She squinted and saw Rong Aunt coming in from outside. "Princess, are you awake?"

“Who is outside?” Ye Hao asked faintly, and his tone was obviously unhappy.

Rong Aunt took clothes for Ye Hao and said to her to change her clothes. "It’s Hou Ye. I heard that you are back and want to see you. The jade bottle has stopped him twice."

What is Lu Yuzhi looking for her? Ye Hao Xiu Mei is next to her, "The jade bottle is doing well."

Even if Lu Yizhi is Hou Ye, she is her lobby brother, but now she has passed and he is an adult man. What does it mean when an adult man knows that his sister is still sleeping? Fortunately, the person around her is appointed by the Queen Mother and does not have to worry about offending him.

"Princess, Chen Aunt, who is next to the old lady, has also come together. There is a dinner party in the room tonight. The time is almost up." Rong Aunt reminded Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looked at the sky outside, and it was already Jin Wuxi’s fall. “Let the jade bottle go with me to the house.”

"Yes, Princess." Aunt Aunt whispered.

Aunt Aunt gave Ye Hao a set of pink-green tight-fitting blouse tops, and a light-yellow-smoke-small flower skirt underneath. She simply combed a squatting horse, which made her more colorful and glamorous.

“When did this clothes do it?” Ye Hao looked at the people in the mirror, only to find that he seemed to grow taller, and even the little buns on his chest grew up.

"This is what Mrs. Three did for you not long ago. I am afraid that the clothes I used before will not be worn after you return." Aunt Aunt said.

Ye Xie’s heart is warm, and she is really like her own mother. No, her mother has never treated her like this.

I haven’t heard Lu’s voice outside, but I’ve already left.

When I was about to go to the room, there was a voice from the outside of the ring. "Three girls, the decree came, and the old lady asked you to go to the front."

Dedication? Ye Hao’s heart was shocked. So soon, there is an imperial edict? She suddenly feared that this was the imperial edict of Mo Rong Zhan.

To really be a marriage, she must throw the sacred back to his face!

Ye Hao hurried to the front, and Lu Jia had already waited in the hall for the purpose of the announcement. Lu Yan stood at the side of Mrs. Lu and saw that when Ye Hao appeared, the twilight became more dark, although his face was Calm, the fists clenched in the sleeves still can't hide his emotions.

He is also worried that this is the sacred purpose of giving marriage.

Is the emperor so eager to wait? He hasn't had time to do anything, he has to watch and marry someone else?

It was Fu Gonggong who came to the decree. He saw Ye Hao appear, and he smiled and went forward with a gift. "The slaves have seen the Princess."

"Fu Gonggong is exempt." Ye Xiaoqiang smiled. "How come there is an imperial purpose at this time?"

Fu Gonggong smiled and said, "This is the meaning of the emperor. Since the princess has come, the family has begun to declare."

Lu Yizhi’s sleeves squat, “Long live the Emperor...”

Everyone followed him down, but everyone was in a different mood. Lu Yizhi and Lu Shiming did not want this to be the sacred gift of marriage. Ye Hao also hopes so.

"Fengtian carrier, emperor 诏曰..." Fu Gonggong began to make a grand announcement, a bunch of praises Ye Hao how smart and intelligent, kind and noble, pointed out that Huaijiang Plague and Zhaojiadao's credit belong to her, and then a bunch The reward, "The Emperor of the Emperor, the year of the glory, the graceful appearance, the Ministry of Rites is the princess, the young and the good..."

What do you mean? Ye Hao heard that the whole person was stunned, and Murong Zhan asked the Ministry of Rites to find her Liangzhu? Is he willing to marry her to others?

"His Royal Highness, please take the matter." Fu Gonggong smiled and handed the sacred purpose to Ye Hao.

Lu Yizhi and Lu Shiming face each other, they can't understand what the purpose of the emperor is. Didn't I hear that the emperor wanted to stand up? This is just coming back, and I will give another choice to you soon?

Mrs. Lu’s wife and Yan’s face are not very good-looking. They all think that they will enter the palace in the future. Now they have made such an imperial edict, and they don’t know whether it’s good or bad for Lu’s family.

"Chenmei received the purpose." Ye Hao took the sacred expression with no expression. No matter what Murong Chan wanted to do, she didn't care. If he really wanted to marry her, she couldn't ask for it.

Ye Hao deliberately ignored the inexplicable grievances and uncomfortable feelings of his heart. He smiled and said to Mrs. Lu, "Grandma, the emperor gave me so many rewards, I am afraid that the warehouse in my yard will not be able to fit."

Mrs. Lu renewed her spirits, thinking that even if she could not become a queen, she would still be a princess with great merits. She would not lose money if she marries in the future. "People opened the house to you, you It’s okay to put all the rewards in the palace.”

"Fu Gonggong, how about going in for a glass of water?" Lu Yizhi gave Fu Gonggong a thick purse, and the smile on his face could no longer be magnified.

As long as the emperor does not want to stand up, then his chances are even greater, at least not to be against the emperor.

I went to the palace today to see the emperor. Although the emperor’s attitude toward him was the same as before, I don’t know if it was his illusion. I always felt that the emperor’s eyes were different, as if he was examining him.

Lu Yizhi sighed in his heart, and the matter of the two children was debunked. The emperor would suspect that he was normal. He only hoped that he would hand over Ye Yaoyao. The emperor would believe that he had nothing to do with the children.

For Lujia... He has done enough, and from now on, he will live for himself.

Looking at the little cousin who was joking and joking around the old lady, Lu Xin’s heart became hot.

After Fu Gonggong’s intention, he left Lu’s family and he would go back to the emperor’s life.

"What reaction did the princess take after receiving the sacred decree?" Murong Zhan sat behind the book and looked up at the forehead in front.

"Back to the emperor, the Royal Highness Princess seemed to be stunned when he heard the sinner's decree, but... it seems to be in a good mood." Fu Gonggong said that he did not dare to look up at Murong Cham.

good mood? Ink Murray's eyebrows are high on the ground. So, she doesn't mind if he marries her to someone else?

Little girl with no conscience! Losing him in order to be able to marry her into the palace, she did not care at all! Ink Murray was so angry that he wanted to go out to the palace to find her account, and looked at the accumulating of the mountains. Hey, let her be happy for a few days, wait for his things to be dealt with, and immediately give the gift !

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