Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 369: Is she beautiful than me?

The weather gradually turned cold, and the legs of the Queen were sore. The doctor suggested that she go to the Chengde Mountain Villa to soak in the hot springs. She stayed at the mountain for a few days. The Queen Mother liked it very much. She learned that she came back and she wanted to go back to the palace. I know that the soreness of the legs has been committed again. The doctor advised her not to return to the palace for the time being. It is better to continue the hot-legged Jinpao hot spring every day.

The Queen Mother is enjoying the hot springs here while thinking about when she will accompany her. As a result, she has not waited for her little princess, but she will wait for the words of Murong Chong to tell her.

"Don't die, this mixed son!" The Queen was too angry, and he rushed back and forth, and took Murong Zhan, "Look at how he is, and want to give him a marriage, to When I really married someone, he still wants to get back."

Cheng Guku also listened all the way, could not help but smile and said, "The Queen Mother, the emperor is also well-intentioned."

"He also gave himself the number of lives of his wife. Have you seen such an emperor?" The Queen Mother said with a sigh of relief, "I want to know that he is so heavy on his mind, that he should not be a princess when he was at home." He was distressed, and he was reluctant to find an excuse to abolish the title of the princess. He was looking for such a large number of reasons."

"Now who does not say that the princess is the emperor's lucky star, if it is abolished the princess's title is not appropriate." Cheng Aunt can only say so.

The Queen Mother is actually complaining a few words. "In any case, the eyes of the mourner are not bothered, and he is tossed by him. If the mourner does not let him do this, the mixed son still does not know when to let the mourning son hold the grandson, but he does not know. He will also toss something out."

How long did it take for an emperor to say that he had gone twice, and if she was not familiar with it, she really thought that she had used her magic to turn her son into such a thing, that is, I did not know how to go through it. For a long time, what kind of thinking is it for the emperor, don’t be tempted yet.

"The princess will come to you for two days." Cheng Aunt said with a smile, she knows that the Queen Mother really loves Lu Hao, or else these things for the emperor to do for the princess, which mother can like it.

The Empress Dowager opened her face. "When the little girl comes, the sorrower still wants to say her, running so far, not afraid of danger."

Cheng Auntgu smiled and thought of another beautiful beauty in Chengde Mountain Villa.

This time, the Queen Mother came to Chengde Villa to raise the disease, and brought Ye Yaoyao over. Perhaps it was because the emperor’s harem was not much, and it was not much to like the Queen’s favorite. When the Emperor Ye Yaoyao approached the palace, almost all People think that Ye Yaoyao will be the next Lu Shuanger. It will not last long, but it will certainly be able to get a unique pet for a while. I don’t know how long it will take, and the emperor will send Ye Yaoyao out of the palace.

The Queen Mother is quite fond of Ye Yaoyao. She probably thinks that she will become the nephew of the palace in the future, so she will first bring people around to teach, so that they will not be affected by others in the future.

Cheng Auntu thinks that the emperor is unlikely to be a singer of Ye Yaoyao. Ye Yaoyao is very beautiful, but Zhu Yuyu, who has a princess, is in front of him, and Ye Yaoyao’s beauty seems to be a little less aura.

At this time, Ye Yaoyao is also listening to the story of others talking about Princess Sissi.

She had only picked a basket of flowers to send to the Queen Mother. When she passed through the garden, she saw that the Fugong of the emperor was talking to two aunts.

"The emperor came back with the princess. You have never seen a princess. It is definitely the first beauty in the world, and the emperor's lucky star. This time the emperor will not return a soldier and return home, all thanks to the princess." Ford smiled and said, arrogantly boasting Ye Hao, although he was doing things according to the emperor's mind, but he did not see a woman more beautiful than the princess, and... To be honest, Sissi seems to be really The emperor's lucky star.

He was looking at the emperor to grow up. It was clear that there was still some poison in the eyes before the emperor. But with the medicinal meal of the princess, the eyes of the emperor never said the pain, and the little prince was rescued by the princess many times... ...not to mention that the emperor will conquer Zhaojiadao. This pile says, who dares to say that Princess Sissi is not the lucky star of the emperor?

"What do you think the princess will look like in the future?" an aunt whispered.

Fu Gonggong glanced at her. "Less, who wants to marry the princess, I have to agree with the empress and the Queen Mother."

Ye Yaoyao stood still not far away. She bit her lip gently and walked away from the other side. "Spring Snow, do you know the Princess Sissi?"

"Know that the slave had seen the princess while in the palace." Chun Xue whispered back.

"She...is it beautiful?" Is it beautifulr than her? Everyone saw her amazing, is there anyone better than her?

Chunxue looked at Ye Yaoyao and said with some hesitation, "The beauty of the princess is different from yours. Girl, you will know when you see her later."

“Is the emperor and the queen very fond of her?” Ye Yaoyao asked again. Just listening to the meaning of Fugong’s official words, the emperor seemed to like the princess very much. “Since she is a princess, how can she still hear that she is a medical woman? ?"

"The princess is actually the sister of Anyang Hou. The Queen Mother likes her very much. She also saved the little prince several times, so she sealed her as a princess..." Chun Xue said.

Ye Yaoyao gently pointed her head, and she became more curious about the princess, but the person she wanted to see at the time was the emperor. I don’t know why. Since she had never been to Chengde, she remembered him every day. When she thought of him, she would I feel very satisfied, I can't wait to see him more, just don't know when he will come to Chengde Villa.

"Girl, wait for you to meet the princess, you must make a good deal with her, and you will enter the palace in the future, it will be good for you." Chun Xue said with a smile.

"Yeah." Ye Yaoyao nodded blushingly. Everyone said that she would enter the palace in the future. She would be more splendid than Lugui, but she felt that it was not important to her. She only needed to see the emperor every day. I am satisfied.

Chun Xue looked at Ye Yaoyao's beautiful face and said with a smile. "The girl must have a great blessing after entering the palace. The emperor is so good to you, maybe it will seal you as a queen."

Although Ye Yaoyao was detained for several years, these days are all around the Queen Mother. She also knows some rules. She hurriedly grabbed the mouth of Chunxue. "If this is the case, don’t talk about it, let others hear what to do? In case the emperor does not like……"

"Except for Princess Sissi, there is no more beautiful woman than you, how can the emperor not like it." Chun Xue laughed.

"Don't say it, let's go to the Queen Mother." Ye Yaoyao's cheeks were red, and he turned his head and hurried away.

Yes, except for the princess...

Ye Yaoyao later learned that the existence of Lu Yan represented her.

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