Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 371: Falling into the water

Lu Jinger originally wanted to come out and see the world today. I want to let people know that Lu Jia still has her existence. She is not coming to be the foil of Lu Hao, not to be the beauty of Lu Xie as a green leaf. She can’t wait to come out today. .

She didn't want to hear the Wu family girl touting Lu Hao, so she went to the lotus pond on the rockery side alone.

Nowadays, there are certainly many families in Kyoto who want to marry Lu Yu. Oh, it’s not the same as a princess. Who can think of a wild donkey who grew up in the border town has become a princess.

Lu Jinger thought of the first time when he saw Lu Yi’s disdain, black and thin, and he was really ugly.

But who would think that Lu Hao is ugly now?

"Excuse me, is Lu girl?" A 17-year-old boy walked across the arch bridge of the lotus pond. He came to Lu Jinger in a graceful manner and bowed his hand.

Lu Jinger glanced at him with vigilance. "Who are you? How do I know that I am a Lujia girl?"

Sure enough, it is a girl from Lujia! Who will come to the Wu family today, in addition to the two days of the sound of the full moon in Kyoto? Seeing the woman in front of her looks is pretty, although it is not so clear and moving, but it is finally a good one. "In the lower surname Wu, I am going to give my grandfather back to meet the important things. I did not expect to meet the Princess of the Princess here."

your Highness? Lu Jinger’s face sank and she actually regarded her as a landlord. “If that is the case, then I will not hurry to avoid it.”

"Be rude at the bottom." Wu Cong blushes and swears, "Princess, retire."

Although Wu Cong’s mouth retaliated, he couldn’t move at the foot, and his eyes looked at Lu Jinger.

Lu Jinger was looked at with shame and grinned. "What do you think, don't go!"

"Go away immediately." Wu Congxi said, stepping back two steps, his eyes still staring at Lu Jinger.

"Deng Zezi!" Lu Jinger flushed his face, whispered a whisper, turned and hurriedly ran away. She forgot that next to the lotus pond, suddenly stepped on the soft soil next to her, and her body lost balance.

"Ah--" Lu Jinger screamed, her hands waving and trying to hold something to stabilize her body, but there was nothing around her, and the trunk of the river was still some distance away from her.


Her whole person fell into the lotus pond, the ruined lotus was crushed, and the squid in the water was scared to escape.

Standing on the arch bridge, Wu Congyi rounded his eyes and could not return to God.

"Help!" Lu Jinger does not understand water, she is struggling in the lotus pond, she has been panic and has no problem.

The ring that was sent by Lu Lao’s wife to find Lu Jinger just saw this scene and shouted screamingly, “Help, save lives.”

噗通! Wu Congxi immediately jumped and held Lu Jinger in his arms.

"Go and ask the doctor!" Wu Congxi looked at Lu Jinger, who had been fainted by the leeches, and loudly told the people who had already arrived.

"Yes, yes, two young masters!" Some people rushed to ask the doctor.

Wu Congjie walked with Lu Jinger to the nearest yard, which happened to be Mrs. Wu’s house.



Ye Hao didn't know who Wu was sent by her to tell her this way. Anyway, she didn't want to stay in the Wu family. She didn't go directly to Mrs. Lu and said that she would leave, but let the ring lead. Mrs. Lu, then quietly left the Wu family.

Mrs. Lu heard that Ye Hao left early and was surprised to see Chen Hao, who was talking back and forth. "What happened?"

"It’s the jade bottle around the three girls who went back and forth. Wu girl said something she shouldn’t say in front of the princess.” Chen Yu whispered, so he was so angry that the princess left the Wu family first.

Mrs. Lu’s face sank. “What did Wu girl say to her?”

"What's wrong?" Mrs. Wu saw Mrs. Lu's face in a wrong face and asked with concern.

I haven’t waited for Mrs. Lu’s answer, and there’s already a rush to come in from the outside, and whispered a few words in Mrs. Wu’s ear.

Mrs. Wu’s wife stood up violently. “Is the princess falling into the lotus pond?”

"The second master has saved the Princess's Highness and sent it back to the west wing of the upper house. He has already gone to the doctor." The ring whispered.

"This..." Wu Lao’s wife’s face was worried, but her heart was ecstasy. The Wu family’s relationship with Lu’s family could not escape. The Princess’s Highness still had to marry her brother.

Mrs. Lu’s face looks gloomy to Chen Hao, isn’t it that she has left? How can it fall into the lotus pond?

"Old lady, Yujin said that the princess has left the Wu family." Chen Yu raised his voice, no matter whether the princess fell into the lotus pond, and now is so embarrassed by Mrs. Wu, it is not necessary to become.

How can they damage the princess's reputation?

"How is it possible? If the princess left, who is the princess of Wu family now?" asked Mrs. Wu in surprise.

Mrs. Lu said with a cold face, "I will know when I go to see it."

The other ladies looked at each other and did not know who to believe. When Mrs. Wu did not send a guest, they all went to the house in the name of caring for the safety of the princess.

After Lu Jinger spit out a sip of water, she was already faintly awake. When she opened her eyes, she saw Wu Congxi in front of her. She immediately remembered how she fell into the lotus pond, and she smacked her hand and went to the past. You dare to be here!"

Wu Congxi was beaten and not angry, but looked at Lu Jinger with joy, "Princess, you wake up."

"I..." Lu Jinger discovered that she was already in the house, and her clothes were changed. She pointed to Wu Congxi. "Who changed clothes for you? You... you go out!"

Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Wu came outside the house and heard the crisp slaps coming out. Mrs. Wu’s wife was a joy in her heart, thinking that the person inside was really the Princess of the Princess, but Mrs. Lu’s heart was sinking, she already Hearing the voice of Lu Jinger, he was angry and regretted that he should not bring Lu Jinger out.

"Mrs. Lu, what should you do?" Mrs. Wu threw the question to Mrs. Lu, and the princess was rescued. No matter how to block it, the innocence is always unprotected. Who can marry without marrying Wu?

"Old lady, slaves listen... It seems to be the voice of the four girls." Chen Yu said to Mrs. Lu next to him.

"Go in and see." Mrs. Lu whispered to Chen Hao.

"What four girls?" Mrs. Wu’s face was not so good. She remembered that Mrs. Lu’s wife had brought two girls to come.

Mrs. Lu said faintly, "I am the four girls of our Lu family, Mrs. Wu, why are the second masters of your family appearing in the garden of the backyard?"

"Xu happened to be awkward." Mrs. Wu was already in doubt at this time. She was eager to hope that she would fall into the water and be rescued by her brother.

Chen Hao walked out from inside. "Old lady, is four girls."

The voice of Wu Congjie’s surprise has already been heard in the house. "You are not the Princess of the Princess?"

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