The news of Lu Yuzhi’s being deceased was soon passed out of the palace. After Lu’s hearing, he thought it was wrong. How could this be possible? The emperor yesterday showed up in the court that he wanted to marry their girl. Today How did you give Lu Yuzhi the ruin?

"What the **** is going on? What is the crime of deceiving the king? What did it do to irritate the emperor?" Mrs. Lu was anxious to turn around. It looked like she was a few years old. She thought that Lu’s family would soon be, how Instead, the luck is coming?

"Mother, don't worry, don't worry about it until we come back." Lu Shiming helped the old lady and told him to come over with him. Then he went to tell other nephews. "Hurry and get your big brother back." Come."

Lu Xiangzhi and Lu Tingzhi looked at each other and both of them looked very heavy. "Hey, let's go find it immediately."

"Three uncles, will there be anything in our family?" Lu Tingzhi whispered.

"No, don't think too much, it's important to find your big brother first." Lu Shiming patted their shoulders.

"Not good, three masters, the big lady has an accident." There was a screaming screaming ran over.

Liu heard that his son’s title was gone, and he couldn’t stand the excitement. After screaming, he was unconscious. He was shocked by the ring that was waiting for her, and hurriedly came over and told Lu Shiming.

When the Lu family was in a hurry, the chickens flew and the dogs jumped.

Lu Yizhi did not return home after leaving the palace. I didn't know where to go. No one could find him.

Tang Hao learned that the news came to Lujia. When Lu Jia was already in a state of chaos, and Lu Yizhi did not know where to go, he took the initiative to let people go out to find him.

Lu Yizhi went to Qin Wangfu. He was sitting in the position where Ye Hao died. When he remembered that he had just met Ye Hao, he remembered the trust and happiness she had in front of him...

For the sake of his family, he ignored his own thoughts and killed Ye Hao himself. He didn't get anything in the end.

Hey... Ye Hao...

She did not fully believe him, or how she did not even tell him the name.

However, what is the relationship between 夭夭 and Ye Hao? It’s a coincidence that the two grow up the same. How can they even have the same name? Lu Hao’s gloomy scorpion finally showed a glimmer of light, and he should first figure out the embarrassing life.

Lu Yanzhi stood up, even if it was abandoned. As long as he is still alive, he will be able to make a comeback.

After leaving the abandoned Qin Wangfu, Lu Yizhi did not know that his whereabouts still fell in the grasp of Mo Rongzhan.

"After leaving the palace, Lu Yi went to the former Qin Wangfu?" Murong Chong slightly picked up his eyes and looked at the difference in the news.

Shen Xiao whispered, "The emperor, before he was found, he found out... Qin Wangxi’s death is related to Lu Yi, but he just doesn’t understand why he is going there today.”

Before Murong Cham let Tang Yan and Shen Yi go to check the things of the year, Ye Hao’s death is awkward, but in the end it has been too long, no one in Qin Wangfu survived, only to faintly find Ye Hao’s death is Related to Lu Yan.

Also because of the investigation of Lu Luzhi, Lu Shuanger’s affairs will be discovered. As for Ye Yaoyao’s case, Murong Zhan has long suspected.

However, Murong Zhan feels that Lu Yizhi is definitely not that simple.

When Lu Hao came back to Kyoto, he often contacted Ye Hao... Did he fall in love with her?

Since Lu Yizhi has fallen in love with Ye Hao, why should she poison her?

This is where Murong Zhan does not understand.

"Go on, keep staring at him, don't let him go to Chengde Villa to find a princess." Murong Zhan said faintly.

"Yes, the emperor." Shen said, the emperor does not want Lu Yizhi to go to the princess to ask for love.



After the Queen’s departure, Ye Hao spent a leisurely day with Ye Yaoyao in the villa for two days. Murong Yu was already impatient, and she had to accompany her to hunt.

Ye Yaoyao can't ride, she can only wait outside the woods, can't follow them with a leaf.

"Auntie, do you know why the Queen Mother came back to the palace?" Ye Hao rode his horse to the side of Murong, always feeling that this child is no longer a young boy a year ago, and he has grown up unconsciously.

Inkor 沂 looks flashing, "How can I know."

"Is it necessary for the emperor to go back to the Queen Mother?" Ye Hao remembered that Murong Chan had quietly appeared here that night. It would not be so clever. The first day will be back.

"The white house niece is dead, of course, the Queen Mother must go back." Murong said, his eyes still did not look at the ink.

Ye Hao snorted. "You don't think I don't know. The emperor simply didn't want to enshrine the white girl as a queen. Auntie, tell me the truth, what happened in Kyoto?"

"How do you know?" Murong stunned back in surprise. "Is the emperor telling you?"

"Hey, is the emperor letting you look at me and not letting me know what is happening in Kyoto today?" Ye Hao asked in a sigh of relief.

Inkor smiled slyly. "In fact, it is not a bad thing. That is, the white girl died. The reputation of the emperor's wife is even worse. The ministers are worried that the emperor will not be born." Then, the abbot of Huguo Temple was invited to the palace..."

Ye Hao’s face gloomyly listened to Murong’s telling her what happened on the hall that day. She was so angry that her fingers were shaking. “...So, I fell into a noble person who could not marry the emperor?”

"Isn't this very good?" said Murong. "After waiting for the mother to abolish your princess title, your identity is completely fine."

Murong Cham that bastard! It turned out to be this!

"I don't go hunting, I want to go back to Kyoto!" Ye Hao said with a sigh of relief, she can't wait to scratch Chen Rongzhan.

"Hey? Why are you going back to Kyoto at this time?" Murong hurriedly called her. "Kyoto is definitely talking about it. You shouldn't listen to those words."

"Mu Rongzhan took me for something, so I arranged me casually, and even asked me no questions!" Ye Hao cried angrily.

"The emperor is not all for you." Murong whispered, "Hey, you wait for me."

Ye Hao quickly went out of the woods and saw Ye Yaoyao, who was still waiting outside. The anger was suddenly dissipated, and only the restless, there is also a girl who is deeply rooted in the ink and passion, and I don’t know how to do it in the future. Explain to her.

"Ye girl, I want to go back to Kyoto first, what about you?" Ye Hao asked in the past.

Ye Yaoyao stunned. "I am following you."

"That..." Ye Hao was about to say that we are going back now, and we saw the jade bottle rushing over.

"Princess!" Jade bottle gasped and came to Ye Hao's side, whispering in her ear, "Hou Ye was scrapped."

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