Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 394: She is the broom star

Ye Hao accompanied Lu Lao's wife with a light millet porridge, and then she personally went to the old lady to stew the soup, added Lingquan in the soup, the old lady drank the soup, and soon went to sleep.

Everyone saw the old lady finally settled in peace, and this was all relieved.

"Hey, haven't you found the lobby brother?" Ye Hao and Lu Shiming walked out of the house, leaving only two rings to be guarded inside.

Lu Shiming stunned his eyebrows and reluctantly sighed. "The whole of Kyoto has been searched. People don't know where to go. Now they don't know why he was scrapped."

"The family is still in a mess now. He is good, and he is hiding from seeing people." Ye Hao didn't snoring, and he even looked down on Lu Yizhi. "Is the purpose of the palace down? What did you say?"

"I said that your big brother committed the crime of deceiving the king, and abolished his marquis, and even the title of the general was gone." Lu Shiming said in a deep voice. "In a few days, the palace of the Houfu Mansion will also be taken back. We are here. I have to move out in two days."

That is to say... Lujia is no longer Houmen now. After moving out of this big house, they have become merchants?

"Hey, have you and your brother been affected?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked, she was most concerned about them, Lu Shiming was hard to stand up in the Hanlin Academy, Lu Xiangzhi is the new branch of the flower, is not limited in the future Can not be harmed by Lu Hao.

Lu Shiming shook his head and said, "I have nothing to do with your brother. It is probably also for your sake. We can only have a decent place in Lujia."

Ye Hao didn't know what Murong Chan thought. However, Lu Shiming and his father were not implicated. She was still happy from the heart. "Hey, then you think we should move where?"

"Where can I move now? No one can think of your big brother will be ruined, but the emperor did not copy the house, otherwise we really have nowhere to go, we can only move back to our former Lujia house, although it is better than It’s remote, but the house is not too small, so you can live so many people.” Lu Shiming said.

"Hey, would you like me to go to the palace to ask for the Queen Mother?" said Ye Hao, she always showed concern for her family.

Lu Shiming said in a hurry, "Never, hey, you should not intervene in this matter. The crime of deceiving the monarch is not the same. Now the emperor is just a waste, it is already a very generous thing."

Ye Hao whispered, "Do you know what kind of deception is committed by Big Brother?"

"This is going to ask your big brother." Lu Shiming shook his head. He faintly guessed that it might be related to Lu Shuanger, but Lu Yizhi did not come back, and they did not dare to talk casually.

"Three lords, the big lady woke up, and now it is making trouble." There was a loopback and a roundabout. Today, Liu learned that his son was smashed and screamed like crazy, and then fainted, and now he just woke up, I’m afraid It’s going to be a big mess.

Lu Shiming frowned angrily. For Liu, it was really difficult for him to respect her. "Go and talk to the three ladies, let the three ladies look at it."

Ye Hao said, "Hey, let me go and see Da Bo Niang."

"She will lose her mind when she is in trouble. You should be careful. I have to arrange for the move to move tomorrow." Lu Shiming said.

"Hey, let's go busy." Ye Hao nodded, indicating that the ring road led to Liu's place.

The courtyard where Liu lived was the best place except for going to the house. She was just like a madman, shouting loudly in the courtyard. "You are all tired of my son, you killed my daughter. Not reconciled, now I have harmed my son, you are not good to die..."

"Mother, who is Dabo Niang?" Ye Hao saw that he was standing next to him, not only did not advise Liu, but also let those people do not care about her.

When I saw Ye Hao, the look on my face looked good. I looked at Liu’s cold eyes and said, "Whether she can marry, it is natural to take the entire Lujia people into it."

Liu’s glare glared at Yu’s. When she saw Ye Hao, her face became distorted. “It’s you! It’s your broomstick, you killed my daughter, it’s you!”

"Da Bo Niang, no one killed your daughter, your daughter is looking for death." Ye Hao said with a faint look at Liu.

"If you don't come back, there is nothing, it's your fault!" Liu screamed. She had resentful of the three rooms since then. Now they have nothing in the big room, but what is the loss of the three rooms? Lu Shiming can still be an official in the court, his son is still a explorer, which makes Liu convinced.

Yan told Ye Hao, "Don't talk to her more, she has already lost her mind." She turned to tell the people, "Get the big lady into the house."

"What medicine do you want to give me? You want to poison me, isn't it? It is the most poisonous woman's heart, you are not well-intentioned, I am going to find the old lady, let the old lady know how evil you are. "Liu shouted at the singer."

Liu pushed away the next person who wanted to stop her, and ran out of the room with his hair.

"The old lady just fell asleep, don't let her go to disturb the old lady." Ye Hao hurriedly cried, she did not care about Liu's life and death, but did not allow her to disturb Lu Lao's wife.

I don’t know if Liu’s usual illness is sick, but the strength of getting mad is bigger than anyone else. Even the two rough women can’t catch her.

Seeing that she had already ran out of the courtyard, he was rushing to get her back.

A pair of big hands suddenly took Liu’s arm and stopped her way. “Mother, where are you going?”

Liu’s face turned pale and looked at the man in front of her eyes. She wowed and cried. “After, you finally came back. I told you that there is no good thing in the three rooms. What do you think they are doing? Look like."

"I was tired of Lujia, what is the relationship with the three uncles?" Lu Yan said coldly, pulling Liu back to the yard.

He was rushing to chase Liu, but he did not expect to see Lu’s bring back Liu.

"Deferred, you... are you going home?" Seeing Lu Yizhi, Yu is still a bit stunned.

Lu Yi’s faint smile, “Three, I am back.”

There was a burst of relaxation in the heart, and tears almost came up. "Do you know that you are back? I will go and tell him."

"I haven't seen San Shu." Lu Yan said softly, his eyes crossed over the face of Ye Hao.

"You...you comfort your mother first, I will go and talk to your uncle." He said in a hurry, and took Ye Hao’s hand and went out.

Liu pointed to the back of Yu’s back.

Lu Yizhi pulled her into the house and closed the door. "Mother, you still have some morality. In the future, you may have to rely on three rooms to live. So you have offended the three uncles and the three sisters." It is not good for you."

"I need to count on the three rooms? Delayed, is there someone who has framed you? How can you be scrapped, this is definitely fake, right?" Liu asked urgently.

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