Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 398: Laughing daughter-in-law

Ye Hao had planned to enter the palace, but she was worried about Mrs. Lu, so she never said it. I didn’t expect the Queen to pick her up.

"Since the Queen Mother is looking for you, you will hurry into the palace." Mrs. Lu smiled and looked at Ye Hao. She knew that this granddaughter was different from other people. In the future, Lu Jia might have to count on her to stand up again.

Ye Hao went to the palace with the palace.

The Queen Mother has been waiting for her at Cining Palace. She only knows that Lu Yizhi was ruined today. Although she committed the crime of deceiving the monarch, how can she think about it when she abolished Anyang Hou at this critical juncture? "The Queen Mother, the Princess Temple is down." Cheng Aunt came in and whispered.

"Let her come in." The Queen Mother said, and she couldn't help complaining about her son. Now she is trying to trick the girl into being a daughter-in-law. Even if he wants to dispose of Lu Hao, it should be a little slower. I have to blame the emperor in my heart.

Ye Hao walked in with a shallow smile on his face and bowed respectfully to the Queen Mother. "I have seen my mother."

The Queen Mother looked at the smile on her face, and her heart became more and more distressed. She thought that her smile was forced out. "Get up, come to the mother."

Ye Hao didn't know what the Queen Mother thought. Anyway, her smile on her face was definitely not pretending. She was most happy at this time for a long time. Not only did she have awkward news, Lu Yizhi finally got retribution. She is just from the heart and wants to laugh out loud.

"After the mother, when did you go to Chengde Villa?" Ye Hao sat down next to the Queen Mother and asked in a low voice.

The Queen Mother touched her face with pity. "There are so many things in the palace, and the family can't live without it. Hey, is your home now good?"

"This morning, we moved out of Houfu and returned to the place where we used to live. The house is very big. It is also very good if it is cleaned up." Ye Hao did not show his happiness, and kept talking.

"Hey, you...you don't blame the emperor. Your elder brother is guilty of deceiving the king. The emperor is already merciful." The Queen Mother sighed and hoped that he would not resent the emperor in his heart.

Ye Hao had no opinion on the practice of Mo Rongzhan. She knew that he was merciless, otherwise Lujia must be tempted.

"After the mother, I did not blame the emperor, the emperor also let us have a place to live up and down, it is already very special." She whispered, she could not bear to see the old lady and Lu Shiming they suffered, such punishment just it is good.

The Queen Mother breathed a sigh of relief in her heart and asked tentatively, "Hey, what have been rumors in Kyoto recently... Have you heard of it?"

What rumors? Ye stunned, and then remembered that she could only marry Mo Rongzhan's rumors, not hot from the cheeks, "have not heard of it."

When the Queen saw her cheeks red, she knew that she had heard of it, but she did not want to admit it. "The mourners thought that the words of the masters were all implied by the emperor. It was only true that these two days were true. You and the emperor It should be like this. If you don't believe it, if your master returns, you can ask him."

Ye Hao immediately stopped, impossible! She always thought that it was a rumor made by Murong Zhan, how could it be true.

"Don't say that you don't believe it. The mourning family started to believe it. I specially invited the Huguosi master to the palace yesterday and asked him carefully before I realized that it was true." The Queen Mother said,

"..." Ye Hao licked his lips, coveted and did not speak.

"The House of Sorrow originally planned to avoid the title of your princess in these two days. Now that you have a big brother, you can't be so anxious. Let's slow down first." The Queen Mother said helplessly, let the emperor go to anxious.

Ye Haodi squatted to the Queen Mother. "After the mother, don't you want my daughter?"

The Queen Mother chuckled and touched her cheek. "The House of Sorrow wants you to be a daughter-in-law. Would you like it?"

Looking at the eyes of the Empress Dowager, Ye Hao refused to say that he could not say anything.

"You don't talk, you will agree when you mourn." The Queen said with a smile, although she had a decent daughter, she was very satisfied with her daughter-in-law.

"After the mother..." Ye Hao bit her lip, she is already preparing to leave Kyoto quietly. Anyway, the Queen Mother has not planned to sleep the Princess's title. She can leave before she gives birth.

As for the Lu Shiming couple... she is afraid that she has no courage to speak out the truth.

The Queen Mother used Ye Hao’s words as a shame and laughed and patted the back of her hand. “Mother understands what you think in your heart, what kind of person is the emperor, the heart of the mourner is clear, you are not all to him. Ruthless, right?"

"After the mother, is your leg still sore?" Ye Hao didn't want to talk about this topic any more, but it was easy to make mistakes.

The Queen Mother laughed. "There are some of your soups that soak your feet. You don't feel sore for these two days."

Ye Hao said, "Then I will give you acupuncture again, and soon the weather will be cold, fearing that it will recur."

"If you are around the mourning home, you will not be afraid of recurrence." The Queen Mother said with a smile.

At that time, she may have left Kyoto! Ye Xiao smiled. "It is always good to cure it early, so as not to suffer from soreness."

"Okay." The Queen Mother stood up with Ye Hao’s hand and walked over to the soft couch.

Ye Hao stayed in the Cining Palace all day long to accompany the Queen Mother, and Murong Cham and the Minister in the Chaoyang Hall argued about who was the Queen.

Taking Xu Weixiang and Tang Yu as heads, they all think that the emperor should set up Lu to be the queen. Liu Zongyuan is the head of the emperor, but he thinks that Lu is a princess, and the emperor has a brother and sister. If she is a girl, then it is not a mess. ?

Lu Yiben is not the sister of the emperor. It is no big deal to directly change the title of the princess.

The original thing has been very smooth, but recently Lu Xingzhi’s incident happened, so that Liu Zongyuan found an excuse again and things were deadlocked.

"Liu Aiqing, so to speak, do you think you should not pretend to be a queen, should you be a great grandson in this life?" Murong Zhan looked coldly at Liu Zongyuan.

"The emperor, the minister is not the meaning, the life is not clear, the whole may be just a coincidence, the emperor should order the queen again, instead of trusting this false statement." Liu Zongyuan said.

"Liu Daren, I heard that you have an only child who is outstanding. I wonder if you are willing to take your daughter to take risks?" Xu said in a faint voice.

Liu Zongyuan was stunned. If he changed, he naturally hoped that his daughter would marry the emperor, but now... he does not dare to take the risk even if he does not believe it.

Ink Murd's thin lips and a slight smile, "this is the case."

Many of the courtiers in the hall secretly thought, this result has long been thought of, the emperor must have already seen Lu San girl, but Lu Lu was sealed the princess, so it was so expensive, but that Liu Zongyuan really does not have long eyes I can't see the emperor's mind.

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