Murong Zhan left early the next morning. When he woke up, Ye Hao was still asleep. He didn’t notice any movements around him. It was too long in the hot spring pool last night. She was brought back. I just fell asleep when I first came across the pillow.

Looking at the person in his arms, Murong Zhan felt unsatisfied in his heart. He kissed her on the forehead, and then he quietly rose up, afraid to wake her up. If she didn't sleep enough, she would be sulking.

I still want to tell her another thing, I forgot it yesterday.

Huangfu is already on the way back. If she knows, she should be very happy. However, today I can’t say it, or wait until two **** come over to find her.

Fu Gonggong has been waiting for Murong Zhan outside. Today’s early dynasty can’t catch up. The cabinet ministers may have waited outside the Qing Palace.

"The emperor." Seeing that Murong Zhan came out, Fu Gonggong hurriedly greeted him.

Murong Zhan nodded faintly, "Go back to the palace."

Fu Gonggong was in a hurry, and he followed up in the back of Murong Cham.

“When did Ye Yaoyao enter the palace?” asked Murong Chan.

"Three days later, I heard that the injury of Yao Yao Niang is much better." Fu Gonggong said.

Murong Zhan’s eyes flashed a bit of annoyance, “Which palace was chosen?”

Fu Gonggong bowed his head and whispered, "The Queen Mother said it was in Kunning Palace."

Kunning Palace? It’s not necessarily too lifted Ye Yaoyao! Although it was Lu Shuanger who lived there, he didn't like the place very much, but he might not let Ye Yaoyao live in it. "Let her live in Tsui Wah Palace."

"Cuihua Palace?" Fu Gonggong smashed it. Although the Tsui Wah Palace is exquisite, it is quite remote. At least it is far from the Kunning Palace. It is generally not the only one in the palace that lives there. .

It seems that the emperor really does not like Ye Yaoyao, and a heart falls on the owner of the county.

The red dragonfly waited until the emperor left and went into the house. When they saw that the girl was still asleep, she only gently retired. I thought that the emperor was really, how can I stay here overnight, if I let others know, I don’t know. How do you talk about the girl?

Fortunately, this is in Zhuangzi, except that she and Fugonggong did not know anyone else. She remembered the voice from the hot spring pool last night, and she felt blushing.

Ye Hao’s sleep went to the top of the day. When she woke up, she was still a little confused. For a moment and a half, she didn’t think about the matter of last night and Murong Cham in the hot spring pool until she stood in front of the mirror and saw her at a glance. More than half of the red dots on the chest, the memory of last night suddenly came to my mind.

She blushes and puts on her clothes in a blush, and in her heart, Murong Zhan repented.

"Girl, are you up?" Hung Hom came in and didn't dare to look at Ye Hao with his head down.

Ye Hao lightly coughed and gathered his clothes. "When is it?"

"It is already noon, and the slaves will come to you for lunch," said Hung Hom.

"What's wrong with your body?" Ye Hao saw that Hung Hom didn't look like an injured person. She was afraid that she would serve her regardless of her body. "Some things are confessed to the small ring, you can take care of it." ”

Hung Lai said with a smile, "The girl, the slave has been hurt more than half, and now it is not a problem to move around."

Ye Hao gently nodded. "He...has it gone?"

This he asked who does not need a famous saying, Hung Hom is in the heart.

Hung Hom said, "The emperor left early, told the slaves not to wake you up, and said... let you wake up and move to Chengde Villa."

In this time, Murong Cham should not come to her again for several days.

It is most appropriate to leave at this time.

"Hung Hom, you are coming from the palace." Ye Hao looked faintly outside, among the few ladies who gave her to the Queen Mother, her favorite is the usual red dragonfly, her previous 丫Only the red diamond is left in the ring, so she needs to have more diarrhea rings.

"Girl, the slave is from the palace." Hung Hom whispered.

Ye Hao’s eyes looked at her clearly and brightly. “You are willing to be faithful to me. You can only be loyal to me. No matter what I do in the future, do you only recognize me alone?”

Hung Hom stunned, and did not understand why the girl asked such a question. However, in her mind, when she came to the girl, she only identified the girl as a master. "Girl, you are the slave to the loyal master of this life." ”

"Even if you are in front of the Queen Mother and the Emperor, can you give everything for me?" asked Ye Hao.

"What does the girl do to the slaves, what the slaves do." Hung Hom said firmly and decisively.

Ye Hao smiled lightly. "I want you to leave here with me?"

"Where is the girl going, the slave will go there." Hung Hom immediately said that she must protect the girl's safety.

"Then let's leave tonight." Ye Hao said softly. "You go back to the house first, come to me after dark."

Hung Hom did not ask where Ye Hao was going. Anyway, for her, the girl went everywhere, she must be followed.

Not long after, the palace people of Chengde Mountain Villa came, and Ye Hao returned to them. She liked to live in her own Zhuangzi and sent away the palace people who came to pick her up.

The softness that Ye Hao was about to take away had already been packed up. Looking at the sky that had already fallen outside Jin Wuxi, she felt inexplicably embarrassed.

She took a deep breath and didn't think about what would happen after she left. If she has already decided, don't hesitate.

Until the darkness, the red dragonfly came to Ye Hao’s house again.

Ye Hao is already ready to wait for her.

Hung Hom looked at Ye Hao wearing a narrow-sleeve folder, which looked simple and neat, as if she wanted to travel far away, her heart became more and more strange.

"We have to leave from the back door and can't alarm anyone in Zhuangzi." Ye Hao whispered, "The small ring in the yard has been sent. You must be alert and absolutely must not let anyone discover us."

Hung Hom nodded heavily and did not understand what the girl was going to do.

Ye Hao smiled a little and gave her the softness. "There was some medicine, and everyone else was ready. Let's go."

The Zhuangzi in the night was very quiet. There was a black pressure everywhere. Ye Hao had already sent all the people in the yard to the back door. The red dragonfly had already stepped forward to open the door.

"Who?" The little ring from the shack squinted and blinked. How could she seem to see someone flashing over the back door?

Ye Hao hides outside and hears that it was the little ring that he saw on the first day.

"Let's go!" She nodded to the red dragonfly. Now there is only a little star, and the little ring is not necessarily recognized as her.

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