Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 466: Dongqingguo's prime minister

I used to believe that Lu Hao would help her to deal with Lu Jia because they have common enemies, but now they are different. Lujia’s great hatred has been reported, and the rest is... Lu Hao The choice between the biological father and the adoptive father cannot be blamed for not being able to trust her.

Compared with Ye Hao’s feeling of being lonely, at this time, Murong Cham in the palace seems to be full of spring.

Yesterday, Ye Hao kissed him for the first time. This proves that she is finally willing to give him another chance. Therefore, even if she wants to see the messenger from Dongqing State today, it will not affect his feelings of swaying pleasure.

The good mood of Murong Chong is obviously passed on to the eyes of the ministers in the end. They face each other and have never seen the emperor in the court with such a smile. Is there anything happy last night?

"The emperor of the emperor, the emissary of Dongqingguo has already sought out outside the palace." The rites of the rites reminded Murong Zhan that it was time to summon the messengers of Dongqing.

The Dongqing national envoys entered the city early this morning. They had not had time to rest in the Hongjun Temple and immediately went to the palace to see the emperor.

When Murong Chan heard that the emissary of Dongqing State had arrived, he suppressed the joy of his heart and replaced it with a cold and majestic look. "Jing Ninghou, have you seen the Dongqing State messenger?"

Tang Hao has been in charge of the Dongqing national messenger with the Ministry of Rites. Today, he heard that the other party entered the city. He immediately wanted to receive it. Unfortunately, they did not receive any people. They only knew that the messengers had settled somewhere in the capital. .

"Back to the emperor, the minister has not seen the Dongqing national messengers, I do not know how many people have arrived." Tang Yu said.

Murong Zhan nodded faintly. "Please let the messenger enter the temple."

He sent people to Dongqingguo to inquire about it. The rumor that was passed down like God was the aide of the former Emperor of the Eastern Qing Dynasty. It seems that it appeared only a few years ago. If it was not for him to strategize behind Li Wei, Li Wei, who has lost power, may not be able to successfully ascend the throne.

"The emperor of Dongqing State went to the temple to see you." The singer passed out and slammed into the man's ear standing under the steps of the main hall. The man was about thirty years old, and he was handsome and handsome, and his eyebrows were close. In the year, it is still a temperament, making people unforgettable. This man is the messenger of Dongqingguo.

Hearing the call of the emperor of the Jin State, he opened a pair of narrow scorpions, and the amber eyes flashed a faint cold light. He showed a gentle and gentle smile, and slowly lowered his head and stepped up the stairs, behind him. Follow him to the Dongqing Ambassador of the Jin State.

"The emperor of Dongqing State entered the temple..."

The prime minister of Dongqing State was famous in the world when Li Wei was enthroned. No one in this hall was curious about him. When he heard the singing of the palace people, they all turned their heads to look at the presenters.

The man who walked in the front wore a white-silver-silk dark-striped flower robes, which made him look like a jade, and his temperament was elegant. The people had not seen his appearance yet, and he was attracted by his momentum, so that he was elegant and noble. Man.

Seeing his eyebrows again, everyone was froze, and the look on his face was full of excitement.

Murong Chong looked at the Dongqing Guoxiang, who had already entered the hall. At the moment he appeared in the line of sight, his heart was already half-cooled. Last night and Ye Hao’s happy mood in Qinwang’s house disappeared. .

"Ye... Ye Yiqing?" Someone in the hall lost control and exclaimed, calling the names of everyone.

"The emperor of Dongqing State visited the emperor of the kingdom of the kingdom, and the emperor lived forever." The emissary of Dongqingguo did not hear anyone screaming in the hall. He looked at the ink-handedness as usual.

Murong Zhan looked sharply at the messenger in front of him. He had seen Ye Yiqing before. Although he did not see many times, he still remembered his appearance, the messenger in front of him... and Ye Yiqing looked exactly the same.

"You are... the prime minister of Dongqing?" Murong Zhan asked quietly.

"Exactly, the lower minister is the prime minister of Dongqing State, and it is also the messenger of the agreement to discuss the non-war." The white man faintly replied, his voice was quiet and clear, and it sounded very sweet.

Xu Weixiang stood up and pointed at him. "Are you Ye Yiqing?"

"Xu Daren, I don't think you still remember." The emissary of Dongqingguo looked at Xu Weixiang with a smile and admitted that he was Ye Yiqing.

"You..." Xu Yanxiang was shocked by this fact, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Ye Yiqing became the prime minister of Dongqing State? Or is it the great hero who helped the emperor of Dongqing to ascend to the throne? Everyone can only think of this matter in their minds. Is Ye Family going to be prominent again?

"Ye Daren, flat." Murong Zhan felt that his heart was pulling cold and cold, and he felt that his desire to swear again became more difficult.

How should he let Ye Yiqing forgive him for his confession?

"Xie Huang Shang." Ye Yiqing stood up. He still looked pale and looked at the young man sitting on the dragon chair. He hid all the anger and hatred. He knew what he was representing.

Murong Zhan thought that Ye Hao did not get the news. Will she already know that Ye Yiqing is the prime minister of Dongqing? "Ye Daren, all the way to Jin Guo, has worked hard."

"Thank you for the emperor's concern. For the peace of the border between Dongqing and Jinguo, this distance is nothing." Ye Yiqing said softly.

"I heard that Ye Daren arrived in Kyoto today. It must be a boat ride. It is better to take a rest for two days and then talk about business." Murong Chong only hopes to have a chance to talk to Ye Yiqing before Ye Yiqing goes to see Ye Hao.

If you have not guessed wrong, Ye Yiqing should not know that Lu Hao is Ye Xie.

Ye Yiqing looked at Murong Zhan, and his heart was slightly puzzled. How did he feel that the attitude of this little **** was very different from that before? When he was facing himself, he never had a good face. Today he does not have that kind of arrogance. The momentum is gone.

"Everything is listening to the arrangement of the emperor." Ye Yiqing said.

Ink has a deep sigh in his heart, at least he can find a chance to find Ye Hao first. No, should he first admit his mistake with Ye Yiqing? It was he who had been ill-treated Ye Hao...

"The messengers will go to Hongjun Temple first, Jing Ninghou, and host a banquet tonight to host a few messengers. Let's retreat today." Murong Chan can't wait to get down early.

Tang Yin took his eyes back from Ye Yiqing, and he did not expect that the appearance of Dong Qingguo was actually his biological father.

Ye Yiqing looked back and silently looked at everyone in the hall, and left the hall with the people who accompanied him.

"It turned out to be him..." Xu Xiaoxiang muttered to himself, "Is it difficult to be a kingdom?"

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