Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 516: No farewell to leave

Since Ye Yiqing had to arrange Ye Hao to leave Jin Guo, he naturally arranged everything to be dripping. He let Ye Hao go to a thousand gold lines. When he came out, he was already a pretty girl.

Xue Lin waited for a long time outside and didn't know that the Lord had left.

"Xue Daren, the girl suddenly has some discomfort, afraid that it is irritating, let's go back now." Hong Ling walked out and held a little girl wearing a hat.

"Good." Xue Lin did not suspect that he nodded.

The little girl who was supported by Hong Ling was like a leafhopper, not to mention that she wore a hat, and if she was not really familiar, she would definitely not recognize it.

The real Ye Hao has already taken the city gates of Kyoto with Hong Ling and Xiao Qi, and said goodbye to Ye Yiqing at the intersection of Guan Guan.

"Hey, when did you leave for Dongqing?" Ye Hao touched the head of Xiaoqi, and asked Ye Yiqing in a quiet voice.

"A few days later, you can rest assured. I have arranged for someone to pick you up at Bohai City. After you go ashore, you will be able to enter the palace as a doctor." Ye Yiqing licked her head. "After entering the palace, Remember not to let people know that you are my daughter, you will secretly protect you."

Ye Hao didn't worry about life after she entered the palace. She just thought that she couldn't immediately recognize her brother. "When I go to Dongqing, I can see my brother."

Ye Yiqing said with a smile, "Your brother already knows about you, he will go to find you."

This is almost the same! Thinking of the days when she and her brother were playing around, Ye Hao felt very much missed. "Yes, hey, was the person of Huguo Temple yesterday really a thousand Luosha? Who let them kill me?"

"Whoever wants you to live the most, who is it." Ye Yiqing said faintly, in fact, he vaguely guessed who it was, but he would send the man away before he would give it out.

Ye Hao whispered, "In the palace that day, Xu Xinxiang and Liu Daren took the ministers outside the Qing Palace and asked the emperor to take back the imperial edict. If I didn't guess wrong, I would provoke the murder because of it. This one."

Ye Yiqing said softly, "This is no longer important. Now that the weather is good, let's go."

"Hey, then I will go first." Ye Hao looked at him and couldn't help but looked at him. She actually thought that Murong Chan would come to her. Now he doesn't even know that she has already left. How come to send her?

Ye Yiqing saw her daughter like this, but had no choice but to say, "I know you can't bear it, don't want to be willing, don't you want to know if he is really sincere to you?"

"I didn't want to be reluctant." Ye Hao said with a red cheek, turned and got on the carriage.

"Let's go." Ye Yiqing waved his hand at the small car that drove the car, and watched the carriage gradually step onto the official road, gradually drifting away in the dust, and the gentle smile on his face was slowly replaced by the gloomy.

In Kyoto, Ye Hao is his worries and his weakness. Now that his daughter has been sent away, what he can do.

Those people should not kill their daughters, even if they have been harmed by Ye Yisong, what can be wrong? Actually bought a killer to deal with a little girl, since I can do it, I have to blame him for the poison.

"Go back." Ye Yiqing jumped on the horse's back next to the horse. "It's time to go to a former old friend."



"Isn't the two people who went to see the princess in Kyoto?" Murong Zhan listened to the sad reply, and his eyebrows wrinkled. "Isn't I found out who they are?"

The strange face is not good-looking. For many years, the people he wanted to check have not been found yet. The only two people who the princess said, they did not find the whole portrait in Kyoto.

Is it difficult to get out of town? Even if it is out of town, it should have been seen by some people, and the two people disappeared out of thin air.

"The emperor, his subordinates will continue to look for today." Shen said.

Murong Zhan glanced at him faintly. "If you can't find two people on this image, then it's possible...the two are easy to accommodate."

The princess is smart again, she certainly does not have the eyesight to see if the other party has any tolerance.

Sinking and shocked, I feel that the emperor is very reasonable. These two people may indeed be easy to accommodate. Since they want to use the long princess, they naturally have to keep the road. If the princess betrayed them?

"The emperor, if it is easy, it is even harder to find out." Shen said.

It’s not easy to find a sneer at the mouth of Murong’s mouth, but he doesn’t believe that the person behind him will die.

"The ability to find a long princess is naturally a matter of what happened in Kyoto, and the person in the Chazong room." Murong Zhan said faintly, "Don't miss it one by one, sometimes it is the most impossible." possible."

The sorrowful promise.

Murong Chong let him go first. Not long after, Wu Chong came.

"Ye Yiqing went to see Xu Xiangxiang?" Murong Chong blinked slightly. At this time, how did Ye Yiqing go to Xu?

"The emperor, will it be what Ye Daren found out?" Wu Chong whispered.

Ink Murray’s look is a glimpse. “To check the Xu family, someone can contact the people of Qianluo.”

How could it be Xu Xiangxiang? Wu Chong was a little surprised, but he still took the lead to find out the matter. Murong sat quietly for a while and got up to go to Cining Palace.

Murong Yu is talking to the Queen Mother in Cining Palace. It is a bit strange to see the emperor coming over at this time.

"Emperor brother." Murong cleverly stood up and saluted. In front of Murong Cham, he never dared to let go.

"How are you here? Didn't you have a homework today?" Murong Chong frowned at his younger brother. He asked for strictness from his own brother, both as an emperor and as a father.

The Queen Mother glanced at him. "He did his homework to accompany the mourner. You don't see him always training him."

Murong Zhan lightly coughed, and felt that the Queen Mother was too embarrassed to love Murong. "After the mother, I want to know where the Princess is now?"

"This...the grief is not clear. The mourning family sent her and Liuhua out of Kyoto and they didn't follow it again. What happened? What happened?" The Queen Mother asked quickly.

"I really have some doubts and want to ask her, since they left, they will forget it." Murong Chong whispered that he was only suspecting that the portrait left by the princess was not true.

Maybe there are two people who have been looking for her, but not necessarily what she painted.

The Queen Mother looked at her son and felt that he had experienced too many setbacks in the matter of standing up. "Imperial, do you have to be a queen?"

"Besides her, there will be no other people," Murong Cham's tone is more determined than ever.

The Queen Mother will not say anything more.

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