Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 526: How do you get along?

Seeing that Murong Yu was hurt and changed his face, Ye Hao’s heart rushed into a hurry. She looked up at him and looked at him. “Is it painful? This pain can’t stand it, is it still a man?”

Murong slammed his lips and smiled. The eyebrows looked more handsome and vivid. "I am not a man, do you really want to know?"

"Don't be a child!" Ye Hao pulled his hands together and tied the white cloth tightly.

"Little girl, you haven't told me, what is your name?" Murong Yu smiled at her move, only that she was very cute.

Ye did not speak with his lips.

Murong smiled and said, "When you ask for your name, you don't want to know you. Although you saved you from being hurt, this is nothing. Just because we can take a boat today is also a fate, know your surname. What, in the future, there will be no more goodbye."

"You can rest assured that my fate will end after you landed." Ye Hao said faintly, he still didn't tell him the name. "You blocked a sword for me. I am very grateful to you, even if you didn't shoot me." No injury, this is the medicine that will wipe your wounds. Don't touch the water today, change the medicine tomorrow."

“Just like this?” Murong Yu looked at her in surprise. “Would you like to repay my help for you?”

Ye Hao smiled. "Otherwise, what do you want?"

Murong's eyebrows are all smiles. "How about getting along with you?"

"It seems that you are not very ill." Ye Hao smiled coldly at her, threw the medicine in his hand and turned away.

"Yeah, are you okay?" asked the little cockroach around Murong.

"Ying Quan, is your grandfather looking sick?" Murong asked his own little girl.

Yingquan immediately said, "Yeah, you look good."

“Don't it be annoying?” Murong asked the chin.

"..." Yingquan said again, "No, you are fine."

Murong gave him a look. "Why didn't the girl have a good face for me?"

That's because what you said is too annoying!

Ye Hao went to help the doctor to bandage the injured person. Some of the injuries were more serious. She took out the wound medicine with Lingquan for them. After a busy mess, I was already dark.

After Shen Yuexuan confirmed that the hull was fine, he had ordered to re-open the ship.

Ye Hao also finally returned to the room to rest, she was stained with a lot of blood, so that the red dragonfly hit the hot water, she simply brushed it.

"Girl, the girl named Yu Niang seems to have been seriously injured, and even the doctor on the boat has no choice." The red dragonfly came in from the outside, and still had the dinner that he had just brought back.

"Yu Niang?" Ye Hao stunned, did not think of who it is.

Hung Hom pointed to the next door. "The woman who brought the pirates, was stabbed in a sword, Shen Yuexuan is letting the doctor save her."

Although she didn't like the woman very much, but let Ye Hao see her death, she asked herself could not do it.

"Let's go check it out." Ye Hao said, the Yu Niang is next door, she can't hold anything she doesn't know.

Yu Niang was stabbed in the abdomen, the injury looked very dangerous, the doctor can only stop bleeding for her, because it is on the boat, and can not find a good medicine to cure her.

"Let me come." Ye Hao whispered.

Everyone in the house looked over, except for Yu Niang’s ring and doctor, and Shen Yuexuan was here. He wanted to ask about Bai Zi’s killing of Cao Ye, but Yu’s strength to speak now No, there is no way to tell the ins and outs of the treasure map.

"This girl is a doctor who knows how to practice medicine. Only then, the old man saw her dressing the wounds for others." The doctor said to Shen Yuexuan.

"Lu girl, you also know medicine." Shen Yue Xuan Junxiu's face with a gentle smile, his daughter is saved by her, he is very impressed with this little girl.

Ye Hao’s introduction to the outside world is Lu Wei.

"My mother is a doctor, I am with them and I have learned some hair," Ye Hao said softly.

Shen Yuexuan has not had the wolverines just now. He seems to be gentle and elegant, not quite like a merchant. "That is troublesome."

Ye Hao walked over to the bed and looked down at the wound of Yu Niang's abdomen. Although it was covered with white cloth, the blood was still oozing out. Her face was pale and snowy, and her consciousness had begun to blur. If she could not save her, she would definitely not live. It is tomorrow.

"I don't know if I can save her, I can only try it." Ye Hao said to Shen Yuexuan.

"Okay, trouble Lu girl." Shen Yuexuan said that nowadays, it is only a dead horse to live a horse doctor, and it will take a few days to go ashore. The doctor on the boat has no idea what to do if the little girl can cure Yu Niang. All right.

Wanting to heal the Yu Niang, it is no longer possible to rely on superb medical skills. Fortunately, she will often prepare some Lingquan with her.

"Shen, can you go out first?" Ye Hao whispered. "I need to take off her clothes to heal the wound."

Shen Yuexuan nodded. As soon as he went out, others followed.

Ye Hao also sent out the two ankle rings of Yu Niang, leaving only the red dragonfly to help.

"Girl, she looks... is dying." Hung Hom looked at Yu's face with a pale face. She knew that her girl was going to be a doctor, but she didn't think that the girl could bring a dying person back to life.

"Try it." Ye Hao said faintly, "You go in for a pot of hot water."

Hung Hom nodded gently, looked at Ye Hao, turned and went out to fetch water.

Ye Hao took out the bottle containing Lingquan from the medicine box and poured a drop into the wound of Yu Niang. After thinking about it, she still fed a drop in Yu Nian’s mouth.

Soon, she re-wraped the wound, and the red scorpion also hit the hot water at this time. She wiped the blood on her body and covered the quilt before letting the outside person come in.

"Shen Ye, here is the prescription, they are all common medicines. I want to come to your boat. It should be standing. If she is hot this evening, please call me again. These medicines will feed her for a while, it should take some time to wake up. Come."

Shen Yuexuan was surprised to see Ye Hao, "Lu girl, what do you mean, is Yu Niang saved?"

"Can she live, but also see if she can hold on to tomorrow." Ye Hao said, this Shen Yue Xuan does not see a long-lasting feeling, is really nervous about this Yu Niang.

"That's good, thank you Lu girl." Shen Yuexuan gave a handful of ceremonies, and his eyes flashed a glimmer of light. As long as he saved the jade mother, he would know what happened to the treasure map. He thought there should be no fake, otherwise Bai Ziqi Why do you take such a big danger to rob him?

Ye Hao nodded gently. "Nothing else, I will go back first."

Shen Yuexuan looked at her, "Lu girl, please."

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