Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 535: She has a marriage contract

This is a sheep crazy! How can Shen Yuer have such a disease?

Ye Hao had no time to think about it, and hurriedly took a group of steps into the mouth of Shen Yuer, and turned back to take the silver needle from the medicine box. "Red dragonfly, grab the shoulder of the child."

Shen Yuer twitched, even if she had learned martial arts, she could not grasp her.

Murong Yu came over and reached down and held Shen Shener. "I am coming."

Ye Hao glanced at him faintly, bowed his head and gave him a few stitches. After a while, Shen Yuer finally calmed down.

"Girl, is it all right?" Red 缨 looked at Shen Xiaoer’s pale face and asked with some concern.

"She has a disease of sheep epilepsy, don't you know?" Ye Hao looked up at Murong Yu. If Shen Yuexuan is here, she will certainly not be able to swear at him. His daughter has such a disease and can't just go out. What should I do if I am sick on the road?

Murong Yu looked gloomy. "I have never heard of Shen Yuexuan."

There are two middle-aged men and women outside the door looking at the hook. "We heard a loud cry, a few guests, are you all right?"

Ye Hao said to them, "We are fine, Huang Auntie, can you burn us a pot of water?"

Huang Auntie nodded and said, "I will go to the water immediately."

"Uncle Huang, can you have a pharmacy in your village?" asked Ye Hao.

"There is only one old doctor in the village, girl, is it necessary to ask the doctor?" asked Huang Dashu.

Ye Hao said, "We want to buy some medicine."

Uncle Huang laughed. "That's simple. Our herbs are all taken up by the mountains. What kind of medicine does the girl want? I will bring it to you."

"There are Uncle Lau Huang." Ye Hao wrote the names of several herbs to him. Her medicine kits actually have medicines, but they are still quite ordinary. They are generally available in the mountains.

Murong looked at Shen Yuer and whispered Ye Hao. "Can her illness be cured?"

“Shen Yuexuan has such a disease?” Ye Wei asked, she felt that Shen’s sheep’s epilepsy should be from the mother’s womb, but she did not know whether she was with her mother or father.

"I have never seen him have a disease." Murong whispered, his eyes stayed on her delicate face.

Ye Xie’s thoughts are all on Shen Yu’s body, and the anger of Murong’s anger was temporarily left behind by her. “That may be her mother’s side... I can’t cure her illness within a few days. Only let her stop on the road."

"Go back to Wangducheng and send her safely back to Shenjia." Murong said, "I went outside and waited for Huang Dashu to take the medicine."

Ye Hao gave him a faint look and lowered his head and did not speak.

Because Shen Yuer suddenly became ill, Ye Hao had been taking care of her until midnight, until she was awake, she finally got a sigh of relief.

The red dragonfly came in from the outside with a medicine, and whispered to Ye Hao, "Girl, Murong is still outside."

Ye Hao heard that Murong was outside, and his eyebrows twitched slightly. "Hey, let the baby drink the medicine, then blow the light to sleep."

"Yes, girl." Red 缨 看了 又 又 又 又 又 又 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了

Murong Yu, who was outside, saw the light in the window darken, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but he remembered what she had just said, and his look was cold.

Does she have a marriage contract?

Murong Yu looked at the room without a trace of light. When he wanted to get a woman, would he still care if she had a marriage contract? He just didn't want to be too anxious to scare her. If it is natural to be sympathetic, it is best if it is not...

What he wants to do is never going to work.



The next day, the heavy snow outside just stopped, the snow on the ground was very thick, and the pedestrians on the official road were almost gone. This kind of snow is difficult to move. If it wasn’t for the sickness, Ye Hao really wanted to leave. Even if she could not find a place to stay at night, she would not want to continue to get along with Murong.

"Lu sister, is it that I scared you?" Shen Yaner was half lying on the donkey, with a small face on his face.

Ye Hao touched her head. "No, hey, how long will you have this disease?"

"I have not been sick for half a year, and I have already cured it." Shen Yaner’s eyes are red. "Grandma said that my mother was drowned in the lake because of this disease. My sister, I will die in the future." ?"

"No, I will find a way to cure you." Ye Hao said with a smile, thinking that it is a disease brought from a mother's womb. I want to cure the roots. I only need a long time. I don't know if I will use Lingquan. Will heal faster.

Shen Yuer cried, "Lister Lu, you are so good. Those people didn't play with me after seeing me. I saw that I still have to avoid it. Even my grandmother said that I am a broomstick. , uh..."

Ye Hao felt a bit of anger at Mrs. Shen, who had not seen her face. How can she say this in front of a child? Shen’s next person must not be a child, and the next person is watching the dishes. There is no serious hostess in the family. Naturally, I look at the old lady’s face. The old lady doesn’t like her granddaughter. Will other people still be the masters?

"How can you be a broomstick? This is just a small illness. As long as the right medicine is right, it will be good." Ye Hao said softly, and he calmed down in his arms. "You are obedient on this road. Sister Lu will cure your illness and you will not be the same as your mother."

"Thank you, Lu sister." Shen Yaner said gratefully, even if her illness was not cured, she felt very comforted. Since her mother died, Lu sister was the first to see her after her illness. Also willing to hold her comfort.

Ye Hao helped her to lie down. "You just took the medicine and slept for a while. You can't go out today."

Shen Yuer is now willing to listen to Ye Hao, "Good."

Looking at Shen Xiaoer falling asleep, Ye Hao took her back to her back and got up and walked out of the house.

Just went out and saw Murong Yu leaning against the door. She turned and wanted to go back.

Murong Yu reached out and grabbed her arm and gently brought her out. "Is it impossible for you to avoid me for a lifetime?"

"How come, after two days, you don't have to see you." Ye Hao said softly, "Let me go."

"You don't think... I will let you go to Wangdu City alone?" Murong snorted.

Ye Hao frowned at him. "What do you want?"

"Can you really cure the illness of your nephew?" Murong did not answer her. He had just heard what she and Shen Yuer had said outside the door. Shen Yuexuan could not find the doctor to cure the illness of Shen Yu's child for so many years. She was a little girl. Can it really cure the disease?

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