Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 543: Plan can't keep up with changes

The plan can't keep up with the changes! This sentence is always the truth.

Ye Yiqing was planning to wait for the daughter to enter the palace the year after, but he went to the palace to return to the emperor. When he was ready to let the emperor see the emperor, the emperor suddenly had a nosebleed and fainted in front of him.

He had suspected that Li Wei had a brain tumor in his head, and now he saw his nosebleed, and he was more certain of his own guess.

Now he can only let Li Wei live as long as possible. He has not dared to expect him to be cured.

What makes Ye Yiqing most entangled is that if Li Wei is in danger, who should inherit the throne?

Li Wei is composed of three sons, and the eldest son is the son of Liu Guifei. Today, he is ten years old. However, Liu Guifei’s maiden family is a famous family in Dongqing, and it is more arrogant. If it is inherited by the great emperor, it will be Liu family will definitely take the opportunity to eradicate dissidents. The country that has settled down is unlikely to experience some turmoil. The second emperor is Chen Xianyu’s son. He is only seven years old this year. Because Chen Xianyu’s origin is not so good, he is not the most favorite of the emperor. Not outstanding, no one thought that he would become a Prince.

The little prince...is the son of Wangui, the servant of Wangui, who was able to become the emperor of the emperor. It was the reason of Wan Guifei. Now that the family has broken down, the emperor has not given the death of the nobles. In the past, Wangui was still very fond of the emperor. Probably because her surname was 10,000, even if the emperor liked her any more, she could only let her fall out of favor. Her son was only three years old, and even less likely to become a prince.

Ye Yiqing quickly made a judgment in his mind. The best result is to let Li Wei live for a few more years. It is better to let the Queen of the Queen give birth to a son and a half. At that time, there is no suspense for the candidate of the Prince. The Fanghuang backend Zhuang Shanliang, and the emperor love each other, her children will certainly not go anywhere.

"Mr. Huangfu, how is the disease of the emperor?" Ye Yiqing looked at the emperor who was giving Li Wei the pulse.

Wang Yizheng is also guarding the side, they are very aware that the illness of the emperor is worse than before.

"The emperor's illness should be in his head..." Huangfu indulged for a moment. "Ye Daren, I need someone to help me, can you let people go to the palace?"

Ye Yiqing looked at Wang Zhengzheng.

"I immediately let people go to the house to take Lu girl into the palace." Wang said.

Wang Siyue, standing next to him, bit his lip and looked at the emperor, who has always been very respectful to her. "Mr. Huang, you need to do something for you, and I can help you."

Huangfu shook his head faintly. "Only you can help me."

Wang Siyue snorted in her heart. The people in their family were not the apprentice of the emperor, Lu Hao. She had already checked it. The imperial concubine had only one apprentice. There was no one called Lu Hao. Maybe they lived in them now. The head of the family is fake.

"Mr. Huangfu, I am afraid...the person who came here is not your apprentice." Wang Siyue said with a bite.

"Yueer, what do you want to say, don't go out!" Wang Yizheng was helpless to look at his daughter. He knew that she was Lu Yu, but she did not expect to be arrogant at this time.

Wang Siyue cried, "I am not talking nonsense, I am telling the truth."

"Wang doctor, go down." Ye Yiqing's face was cold, and he looked at Wang Siyue sharply. If he didn't need a medical woman to take care of the emperor's usual medication, he would not let Wang Siyue step into the dry dragon palace.

"Ye Daren!" Wang Siyue yelled in anger.

"From now on, I will not be allowed to step into the dry dragon palace. The emperor's living medicine does not require you to intervene. As for what should be said and should not be said, I believe you are very clear." Ye Yiqing did not look at her, as the exclusive medical woman of the emperor. There should be no personal feelings at all. A medical woman who only wants to express herself is not worthy of treating anyone.

Wang Siyue’s face was blue and white, and she looked at Wang Zhengzheng in horror.

"Go on, Wang doctor." Wang Yizheng said faintly, that his daughter should be taught some lessons.

"Yes!" Wang Siyue's eyes floated with tears, and she succumbed to the ceremony and quit the Dragon Palace.

Ye Hao was quickly taken into the palace from the Wang family.

The palace of Dongqingguo and Jinguo are still somewhat different, but Ye Hao does not have the leisure to appreciate where it is different. She came to the emperor’s palace with the palace who came to pick her up.

Seeing the words of Ganlong Palace, she remembered the ink-filled Zhan Zhan in the Qing Palace.

"Lu girl, please here." The palace man whispered, and introduced Ye Hao to the Ganlong Palace.

"Hey." Huangfu saw her, her face showed a faint smile.

Ye Hao heard his voice and looked up. "Master, are you here too?"

Ye Yiqing sent the palace people in the dormitory to the public, and said to Ye Hao, "Hey, the emperor's condition is aggravated, and it is only necessary for you to enter the palace. You should first give the emperor a look."

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded and looked at Huangfu. "Master, what do you think is the disease?"

"Head." Huangfu said, "You will take the pulse first, and we will discuss it again."

Ye Hao sat down on the bed next to the dwarf, and took the pulse for Li Wei. When she touched his pulse, her eyes flashed a bit of surprise, and then examined his pupil and tongue, the disease... except in the medical case Seeing that she had never been in touch.

"Hey, when did the emperor's disease start?" Ye Hao whispered to Ye Yiqing.

Ye Yiqing said, "Six months ago, I only felt dizzy at the time, and it was only serious recently."

Ye Hao and Huangfu exchanged their eyes. She said, "I have seen similar illnesses in my medical books. Master, what do you think?"

"The emperor's head has something in his head, so he will stun nosebleeds, just the treatment..." Huangfu hesitated how to speak.

"The only thing I have seen is one way." Ye Hao whispered.

Wang doctor is hurriedly asking, "What method?"

Ye Hao looked at Ye Yiqing. This method was really shocking. She didn't know what to say.

"Let's talk." Ye Yiqing knows what methods their teachers and apprentices are saying, but the current medical technology simply cannot.

"Open your head and cut off the things inside," said Ye Hao.

Wang doctor was scared and cried out. "What? Can that person still be alive? It’s just a mess."

Ye Yiqing ignored the scream of Wang Yizheng. "I know this method, but... this is impossible."

"I can't do it." Ye Hao saw the specific method of craniotomy. It was not so easy to do. She looked at Huangfu. "Master, can you?"

"I have not tried it." Huangfu said.

Ye Hao looked at Ye Yiqing. "Hey, you can only take medicine first."

"The emperor handed it to you." Ye Yiqing said that he believes that their mentoring will definitely create miracles.

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