When Ye Hao gave Li Wei acupuncture, it was almost dark.

Her forehead sweated, and some tiredly leaned beside it. There was only her and the Queen of the Queen in the dormitory. The Emperor remembered the method of treating headaches in the medical books he had read. He wanted to go back and check the medical books. Ye Yiqing will be nine. Both the Admiral and Jin Wuwei are called into the palace and are telling them about things.

"Lu girl, why did the emperor still not wake up?" Fang Queen has been around Li Wei, even if Ye Yiqing let her go back to rest, she is reluctant to take a step.

Ye Wei took the pulse of Li Wei and found that his pulse was better than before. He whispered to the other queen, "The Queen's maiden, the pulse of the emperor has already improved, and should wake up soon, I will cook again. medicine."

The Fang Queen heard Ye Hao say so, his face finally showed a happy color.

There were no other palace ladies in the dormitory. Ye Hao was not afraid of adding the elixir when she was seen by others. She added two drops to the medicine. She just handed the medicine to the queen, and heard the noisy sound from outside. The emperor’s close-fitting body. The **** Su Gonggong ran in, "Queen Empress, Liu Guifei came, and the slaves could not stop her."

"Lu girl, you first feed the emperor to take medicine, this palace goes out." Fang Huang whispered.

Ye Hao’s bow is supposed to be, and it’s really not easy to think about the nobles coming from outside. If there is no summoning, it will go to the sleeping hall, which is even more powerful than Lu’s children.

When Fang Huang just walked outside the dormitory, he happened to meet Liu Guifei who was going inside.

"Liu Guifei, what do you want to do? What is the place here? Is the Dragon Palace also you can just arbitrarily? What is the system?" The Queen is not vulnerable in the bedroom, she is both eyes Condensed, the face is not angry and contenduous, looking at Liu Guifei coldly.

Liu Guifei was about twenty years old, and she was charming and charming. When she saw the Queen, her red lips sneered a sneer, but she didn’t go inside again. "Queen of the Queen, the priest is hanging in my heart. The emperor, but this group of dog slaves stopped to let the ministers go in, the courtiers heard that the emperor was sick, can't you come over and care about it? Is it only the queen that you can care about the emperor?"

The Queen Queen looked at her coldly. "Without the emperor's call, no matter what happens, the harem will not get the dry dragon palace, Liu Guifei, do you forget what the emperor once said? You know that the palace is in the dormitory. You still have to go inside, do you put the palace in your eyes?"

Liu Guizhen chuckled, she really did not see this party queen in her eyes, a queen who could not give birth, what is terrible, "Queen Empress, you still tell the truth to the courtier, the emperor is not sick Yes, the courtiers have been here for a long time, how have you not heard the voice of the emperor?"

"Liu Guizhen, this is not what you should ask!" Fang Queen looked at her with a stern look.

"How can I not ask this? Do I care about the emperor?" Liu Guizhen cried. "If the emperor really has three long and two short, what should we do with the emperor? Queen, you can't control the emperor at this time. I must see it today. emperor."

"This really shouldn't be what Liu Guizhen can ask!" Ye Yiqing walked in from the outside, and looked at Liu Guizhen with a cold look, and he followed the party.

When Fang Huang saw Ye Yiqing coming back, he secretly sighed in his heart. "Ye Daren is back."

Ye Yiqing looked at Liu Guizhen, "The noble lady, the emperor said that only the Queen Empress can go to the Dragon Palace, please come back first."

Liu Guizhen did not want to offend Ye Yiqing. She wanted to achieve her goal. She also needed Ye Yiqing to help. "Ye Daren, this palace just wants to know the physical condition of the emperor. In case someone is stalking from it, our great emperor is not going to suffer."

I really thought that the big prince must be a prince? Ye Yiqing smiled lightly. "The emperor is good, just got the cold, just took medicine and slept. I hope that you will not make a big noise here, lest you wake up the emperor."

too noisy? Liu Guifei almost violently jumped up. "Ye Daren, this palace is only concerned about the emperor, how can it be a big noise?"

The Queen Queen looked at her with cold eyes and said, "Are you not making a big noise? This is the Dragon Palace, not the place where you can sprinkle, Liu Guifei, you still go back."

"Today, the palace must see the emperor. The emperor has not seen his father in a few days. The queen, you have no son, it is not clear. He has not seen his father in so many days, and his heart is uncomfortable. However, it is not easy to accept, no matter what, this palace will not go today, unless the palace is seen to the emperor." Liu Guizhen said coldly.

No child is the pain in the heart of the Queen! She has been married to the emperor for almost ten years. The two have supported each other today. Whether it is before or now, he has the most time in her, but she is unable to give birth to a half-female for him.

Even... even the most expensive people in the emperor who want to make her pregnant, but only a few times, she can give birth to the emperor.

Fang Huang knew that the emperor’s most hope was that she could give birth to the emperor. She resisted the pain and loss in her heart and looked at Liu Guifei with a blank expression. “If the emperor wants to see the big emperor, it will naturally bring her to her. Dry Dragon Palace, you don't need to come here personally, Liu Guifei, this palace will say it again, leave here immediately, otherwise don't blame this palace for not giving you a face."

Liu Guizhen cried, "Why don't you want to give me a feeling of love, do you want to watch the emperor wake up, you have to bully our orphans and widows?"

"What are you talking about!" the Queen Queen yelled. "You dare to curse the emperor. The emperor is just a bit cold. Have you already regarded yourself as an orphan and a mother? Do you feel that you have been wronged?"

"If this is not the case, let me go to see the emperor." Liu Guizhen immediately said, she also knows to say the wrong words, although she is so hopeful, when the emperor fell, then the entire Dongqing country is Liujia's .

Ye Yiqing glanced at her faintly. "You are a noble lady. You said that the great emperor missed the emperor. Why didn't you bring the big emperor over? If you heard that the emperor is in poor health, you should bring the big emperor to come to the hospital. So, The emperor will think that the big prince is a dutiful son."

"When the palace meets the emperor, it will naturally let the great emperor come over." Liu Guifei said.

Fang Huang frowned and glanced at her, and felt that it would be useless to say it again. "Come, please return to Liu Guifei."

Liu Guiyan said with a calm face, "Who dares to touch this palace! This palace is not going back today, who dares to order this palace!"

"Can you command you?" A low, hoarse voice was gently transmitted from the bedroom.

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