Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 548: The courtiers restored their memories.

Jin Guo, Ci Ning Palace.

The Queen Mother held the stove in her hand, and her eyes looked at the old Princess Wang who was sitting under her with a faint smile. Since she became the Queen Mother, she was still the first time to go to the Cining Palace to give her peace.

The meaning of drunkenness is not in the wine. How can the Queen Mother not understand what these people are thinking?

In the eyes of all people, the emperor’s original identity has been dead for many years. No one in the palace has been able to give birth to the emperor. Although the emperor had established Lu Yu as a queen, who thought that Lu Hao was actually a descendant of Ye’s family, even in the future. What about becoming a queen? It is not certain that the prince can be born, so no matter who it is, as long as he can give birth to the prince, he will not be able to step into the sky in the future.

"The Queen Mother, originally this should not be said by the courtiers, but now the uncles in the clan are in a hurry, and the emperor is not a good persuasion. After you are the mother of the emperor, it is useful to want your persuasion." A worried and said.

"Let the uncles worry, the emperor is such a temper, and he can't change the things he decides," said the Queen Mother.

An old Wang Hao said, "The emperor still does not understand the importance of the child, do you still understand?"

The Queen Mother naturally hopes that the emperor cannot have a prince as soon as possible, but now that no matter how she persuaded him, he did not favor those scorpions. Is there any way?

"The emperor is not a child, he has his own size." The Queen said.

"You can't say this." An old Wang Yan frowned and said, "Which county in the clan has reached the emperor, there is no child at this age. Do you really want to wait for Lu Hao to enter the palace and watch her give birth to the emperor?" ?"

The Queen Mother smiled and asked, "What is wrong with this?"

An old Wang Hao shook his head and sighed. "You didn't want to understand. Lu Yan is the descendant of Ye Family, and Lu Jia raised the family. Ye Jiajia broke the dead. Lu Jia copied his family and lost. If she really became a queen in the future. Is it really not to avenge the Ye family and the Lu family? If her child became a prince, would the country be a surname or a surname in the future?"

The Queen Mother frowned. "You are too heavy."

"You still don't know, Ye Yisong's eldest son Ye Yiming did not die. He was almost caught by the emperor. As a result, Lu Hao put him down. Later, you think about it, if Ye Yisong appears in the future? Since Ye Haoming can live, is it true? Is Ye Yisong impossible? If the emperor is in the future because of Lu Yi’s thoughts, what kind of disaster will happen to Jin Guo?” said An Lao Wang’s slang.

"Ye Yuming?" The Queen Mother was shocked to see the old Wang Hao, she has never heard of this! "How can he still be alive, where is he now?"

An old Wang Hao said, "Chen Chen heard that he was taken away by Ye Yiqing."

The Queen Mother took a sigh of relief. She knew Ye Yiming. When the Emperor was almost killed by Ye Haoming, how could he let go of this person?

Is it for Lu Yi that the emperor has changed his own persistence and principles?

Seeing the reaction of the Queen Mother, An Wang Wang’s eyes flashed a smile. "The Queen Mother, the most urgent task, is to let the emperor give birth to the emperor as soon as possible. The nephew in this palace can’t enter his eyes. No one can let him outside. Like it?"

"You don't know the emperor. He can't choose to enter the palace again. The mourner has already persuaded him." The Queen Mother said.

An Lao Wang said with a smile, "The emperor is also a man, which man does not like the beauty, the Queen Mother, is not necessarily a draft into the palace, is it not through the draft of the woman can not enter the palace?"

The Queen Mother carefully considered the words of An Lao Wang Shuo. She knew that today’s An Wang’s Princess Wang said that these words must have a purpose. Although she hopes that the emperor can have a prince as soon as possible, she does not want to let the clan’s bad thoughts come to fruition.

If you didn't make a mistake, the old Wang Hao definitely wants to recommend her to the woman. They want to plug the woman to the emperor's side, but they don't have any thoughts. Since she wants to guard against the Ye family, don't she guard against the clan?

Last year, the lessons of Kang Lao’s Wang Ye and Shun’s King’s Palace are still there!

The Queen Mother laughed. "Today, thank you for reminding the mourners. You tell the princes of the clan, and the mourner knows how to do it."

An old Wang Hao raised a high eyebrow, she said for a long time, the Queen Mother this reaction? Shouldn't you ask her what is the choice?

"After the Queen Mother, do you have any good people?" asked An Lao Wang.

In fact, in the heart of An Lao Wang, she couldn’t see the Queen Mother. She used to be a laundry lady. If she had a certain color, how could she become the emperor’s nephew? This low-lying woman is so blessed that her son actually Become an emperor!

Well, even if the royal clan can't afford to see their mother and child, they can't resist, and now they can only put their hopes on the future emperor.

The prince must be born by the woman they choose.

The Queen Mother said with a smile, "I will celebrate the New Year. At this time, where is it suitable for women to enter the palace, or wait a year to say it."

An Lao Wang smiled reluctantly. "What you said is."

"You can't enter the palace, stay and share a meal with the mourner." The Queen said with a smile.

"Thank you for the Queen Mother." An Lao Wang squatted his head and lowered his head.

On the other hand, Murong Zhan, who is doing the Qing dynasty, also heard that the old Wang dynasty entered the palace to give peace to the Queen Mother.

He immediately remembered that the clan and the imperial court had always forced him to confess, and it seems that some people want to start from the Queen Mother.

Murong Chong frowned uncomfortably. His mood has been extremely bad recently. These people are still lingering. There is a father-in-law who wants to empathize with him. Even a group of guys who keep moths. What do these people think of him?

He stood up and planned to listen to him personally. He was planning to tell the Queen Mother how to do it. He remembered that this old Angkor Wang had not fallen behind with others. Even if he was enthroned, she did not enter the palace to give the Queen Mother. Please Ann, today is coming!

Just came to the harem, still did not take a few steps, a slender figure suddenly squatted at him reluctantly, "seeking the emperor as the courtier."

I heard that this is Ye Yaoyao's voice. The look in the eyes of Murong Zhan is even colder. He doesn't even look at Ye Yaoyao, and he will leave if he lifts his foot.

"The emperor, the courtiers have restored their memory, and ask the emperor to be the father of the innocent dead." Ye Yaoyao slammed his head heavily, her voice calm and calm, completely different from her former cowardly timidity.

"What do you say?" Murong Chong's face sank, stopped and looked back at Ye Yaoyao.

Ye Yaoyao raised a beautiful face, and his face was only resolute and determined. "Chen Yu was originally named Ye Yaoer. The father was not the Ye County magistrate who was in the middle of the shock... Chen is a Jiangnanese who has never been to Kyoto before. ”

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