Ye Hao bowed her head. In fact, she understood the meaning of her brother and her brother, because Murong Chong had misunderstood her and caused her to die. If she was not born again, they would never see her again.

For her, the soul has been wandering for two years, but for her brother and brother, it is the grief that has really experienced the loss of loved ones.

"Brother, the person who killed me is Lu Yizhi." Ye Hao said quietly.

Ye Lannan nodded. "I know, but I will not forgive Murong Zhan, hey, don't marry him like he used to, and this time, no matter what, I will not agree." ”

"I know." Ye Hao didn't want to meet his brother to quarrel with him, especially not wanting him to hate Murong Cham.

Ye Yinan patted her forehead with satisfaction. "In the future, we can go hunting together. In the past few years, I have improved a lot. I won’t cry next time."

"I won't cry!" Ye took a look at him.

"Who was the one who lost and cried?" Ye Xiaonan asked with a smile.

"Who? Don't remember." Ye Hao stunned, she would not admit the stupid things.

Ye Xiaonan laughed haha.

"What is so happy to laugh?" Ye Yiqing walked in from the outside and saw his son smile so happy. He felt a little bit in his heart. He hadn't seen his son laugh for a long time.

"Hey!" Ye Yan took a small mouth and walked to Ye Yiqing. "Brother is bullying me again!"

Ye Yiqing laughed. "How did he bully you?"

"He said that I lost to him before hunting. When did I lose?" Ye Haosheng said.

"Oh, let's say you don't believe it." Ye Xiaonan said slyly, "Hey, look at your baby girl, all of them blink of an eye and say no."

Ye Yiqing gave him a look, "Don’t bully your sister."

"Hey, he is bullying me." Ye Hao proudly made a face to Ye Yinan.

Ye Xiaonan screamed angrily and wowed.

"You don't bother, I have something to tell you." Ye Yiqing sat down behind the book. "It's about your uncle."

"Hey, willn't the uncle be alive?" Ye Yannan asked in amazement.

Ye Hao is also so skeptical. After all, Ye Haoming is still alive. Who knows if Ye Yisong has also escaped?

"Your uncle is dead and can't die any more, don't worry." Ye Yiqing said, "I asked Yu Ming, who said that someone sent him to Zhaojiadao. I suspect that your uncle has residual power. If you don't worry about it, I am afraid that the people behind it will not know when it will appear. When you are tired, you will be tired."

"Hey, Ye Mingming said that Zhao Mingxi saved him." Ye Hao said, "How do you know what the uncle has left?"

Ye Yiqing said with a curse, "I guessed from the words of Yu Ming. As for whether it is true or not, let me see it again. What I am worried about is... Ye Yisong once colluded with the pirates."

Pirates? Ye Hao heard a word, "Speaking of the pirates, hey, I haven't told you something."

"What?" asked Ye Yiqing.

"When in Bailongjiang, we met the pirates to rob the boat, Bai Ziqi wanted to catch Li Yuniang, Li Yuniang was the boss of Cao boss, she said that Cao boss had been killed by Bai Zi, and she was looking for her to get Cao boss. The treasure house of the treasure, she gave me a map." Ye Hao took a few words and took the original dangerous situation.

Ye Yiqing looked at her in surprise. "Is Li Yu Niang giving you the picture?"

"She asked me to hand it over to Cao Yu." Ye Hao said, "Hey, your student... It’s hard to be the son of Cao."

"I have never heard of this!" Ye Yiqing said, if he knew that Cao Yu was the son of a pirate, then he must not even want to participate in the imperial examination.

Ye Yinan said, "Hey, you can't let people know that Cao Yu is the son of Cao boss."

"Hey, how do you know that Cao Yu is the son of Cao boss?" Ye Yiqing asked, he still does not like his students to have such a life experience, if it is debunked, it will have a great impact on his future.

"Li Yu-nian said, she asked me to hand over a map to Cao Yu." Ye Hao said.

Ye Yiqing gently nodded. "You will put the map first, and wait for me to find Cao Yu and then hand it over to him."

"Hey, Bai Ziqi already knows that Li Yuniang’s ambiguity is false. He is now skeptical that Li Yuniang will give me a picture." Ye Hao thought of Bai Ziqi’s frown, and always felt that Bai Ziqi’s person was really inexplicable, saying that he was a scholar. The singularity of the work is simply with the pirates. It is hard to be a thief for a few years. Does he really forget his original identity?

"Bai Ziqi this person... I heard it a little." Ye Yiqing said for a moment. "He used to be a scholar. He once participated in the imperial examinations. He was cheated in the examination room and cheated to cancel the examination. Later, he returned to his hometown and the old mother was not. Living in the stimuli passed away, how Bai Ziqi became a pirate, it is not known, but this person is not a big sinister, will kill Cao boss must have a reason."

Ye Yinan whispered, "Hey, who was the president of Bai Ziqi's invigilator?"

"Your uncle." Ye Yiqing glanced at him and said.

"It seems that Bai Ziqi is being defamed." Ye Xiaonan affirmed that the uncle had never done this to let his own person replace other people's examination papers.

Ye Yiqing said with no anger, "How do you know that he can't really cheated?"

"Hey, you don't believe this when you say it." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile.

Ye Hao can't figure it out. "Hey, is it not related to the uncle?"

"You should let me sort out first. I will tell you when I want to understand the joints." Ye Yiqing always felt that he had missed something and didn't want to understand anything. He couldn't grasp the point in his mind.

"This matter has little to do with us. Hey, hey, today our family is finally reunited. Let's eat a reunion dinner first." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile.

Ye Yiqing nodded and smiled and said, "Go, time is almost the same. Today is New Year's Eve. Let's not talk about these troubles for the time being."

"Hey, when you go out of the palace, is there anything wrong with the emperor?" asked Ye Hao.

"Nothing, watching the color is much better." Ye Yiqing nodded. "Is that Murong son who saved you on the boat?"

Ye Hao looked at Ye Yiqing and said, "Hey, he saved me. However, I don't know who he is. How could it suddenly appear in the palace."

"It is natural that people who can appear in the palace to play chess with the emperor will not be ordinary people." Ye Yiqing said, "Don't see him again in the future."

"I don't want to see him at all," said Ye Hao.

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