"The emperor, the front is the king city." Shen Wei whispered to a man with a cold face and a clear face.

Murong Zhan glanced at him faintly.

Shen Shen immediately understood that he said the wrong thing, "Mu Ye."

“First find a place to settle down.” Murong Cum whispered, “Is there any news for Wu Chong?”

This time, Murong Chong only brought Shen and Wu Chong out. Wu Chong has already inquired about Lin Zhanhong. If it is renamed Yi, it will take some time to find out.

"Mu Ye, do you want to ask the owner of the county to go down first?" Shen asked.

"No." Ye Yiqing is the prime minister of Dongqing State. Knowing where Ye Family is, naturally she can know her whereabouts.

There is no objection to the disappointment, and the decision of the emperor is that they cannot be controlled.

"There are all the orders of Bai Ziqi everywhere, Grandpa." Shen looked at the wanted order on the wall, how even Wang Ducheng was looking for Bai Ziqi.

Murong Chong looked at the portrait on the Tongyu order with a slight blink of an eye. "White Ziqi will definitely come to Wangducheng."

Shen looked at Mo Rongzhan, "Yes, is Bai Ziqi also looking for Lin Zhanhong?"

Bai Ziqi may not know that Lin Zhanhong has changed his name to change his surname, but he went to rob the ship in order to arrest Cao Lei's little sister, apparently knowing Cao Lei's secret.

A show that was framed by Ye Yisong became a pirate, and killed Cao Lei who colluded with Ye Yisong. Murong Chan felt that Bai Ziqi knew a lot.

"Looking for Bai Ziqi!" Murong Zhan whispered.

"Yes." Shen Qi immediately promised.

Ye Hao in the palace did not know that someone had come to Wang Ducheng. She thought about when she could go out of the palace day and night. She saw that it was going to be Lantern Festival. She also thought about going out and going to see the lantern with her brother.

"The emperor, have you still had a headache in these two days?" Ye Hao took the silver needle on Li’s head. She felt that Li Wei’s temperament was really much better. Maybe the master’s medicine was sent back, Li The disease of sputum can really cure.

Li stunned his eyebrows. "I have recently felt a lot of spirits. Not only have no headaches, but even dizziness."

"That's good." Ye Yan said with a smile. "Then you don't have to take acupuncture every three days, the emperor, then you will have acupuncture once in ten days."

"Okay." Li Wei had thought that his life was not long before he could stop moving. He felt very satisfied.

Ye Hao reopened the prescription and adjusted the original dose.

Wang doctor was looking at the prescription and said to Ye Hao, "Lu girl, is this a problem with changing the prescription?"

No Huangfu is here to check, Wang doctor is worried.

"No problem, the emperor's disease has improved, and it is definitely not possible according to the original dose." Ye Hao said.

"Would you like to wait for Mr. Huangfu to come and change it again? I don't know when Mr. Huang Wei will come back?" Wang Yizheng is not worried about Ye Kaikai's prescription, but he thinks it would be better if he had the emperor's check.

Ye Hao understands that Wang Zhizheng’s worries, she also understands him, “Wang Yizheng, please rest assured that Master is here, and will make this change.”

Li Wei said, "Just do what you said."

These days, Lu Hao gave him acupuncture and boiling medicine. He didn’t think that Huangfu’s medical skills could be better than Lu Hao’s. Even if Huangfu gave him treatment, he might not have the effect of Lu Hao. Li Wei is more convinced of Lu Hao’s.

Wang Yizheng heard the emperor say this, naturally he dared not have any objection again, "Yes, the emperor."

"You go ahead." Li Wei said to Wang Zhengzheng.

There was only Ye Hao in the sleeping hall, only to listen to Li Wei, "Hey, how is the Queen's body?"

Ye Hao stunned in her heart. The couple were really... The Queen had asked Li Wei’s body this morning. Now Li Wei is asking, “The Queen has been much better after stopping the previous medicine.”

Li Wei nodded with satisfaction and said so, he already understood, "You should go back to Kunning Palace first."

"The emperor, the minister died." Ye Hao left his head and left the dormitory.

There are still a few days in Yuanxiao. Ye Hao thought that when he could go out of the palace, his mood was also a lot lighter. She went to the partial hall and cooked the medicine herself, so that Su Gonggong sent it to Li Wei, and this returned to Kunning. palace.

The spring sunshine is bright, and the flowers and trees everywhere in the palace are full of vitality, making people feel happy.

The emperor's body became better and better, and Ye Hao felt that her days of leaving the palace were getting closer.

I don’t know when I can return to the country.

She misses Murong Cham very much.

"You, the palace lady, come over!" Ye Hao had not yet walked to Kunning Palace. When he passed a cobblestone trail, he suddenly heard someone shouting loudly.

Listening to the sound is like a child. She turned her head in confusion and saw a child standing in a big silk dress under a big tree. It looked like she was ten years old. He stood still with two palace ladies, and his face looked a little bit. Anxious.

"I heard no, this prince told you to come over." The child shouted at Ye Hao.

In the palace, it is so arrogant, and it is so old, Ye Hao almost never knows who it is.

"The big prince, I don't know what to order?" Ye Hao did not come over, just standing on the cobblestone and asking the great prince.

"You go up and take the kite down." The big prince pointed at the kite on the big tree and ordered Ye Hao to go up and take it down.

Ye Hao looked at the big tree. "The big prince, I can't climb, you still have to find someone else to take it."

"Bold! The prince called you to do what you do." The great prince cried, "Go up and take it down."

This big prince... It really is Liu Guisheng's birth, and the arrogance of Zhang Zhang's is almost the same.

"It's hard to die." Ye Hao said faintly, turned and walked away.

The great prince was used to the glory in the palace. No palace woman dared to talk to him like this. He slammed his foot and pointed at Ye Hao. "Stop! Grab her to me, dare to talk to the prince, tie her up. ""

The two palace ladies behind him immediately smiled, as long as the big prince no longer thought about climbing the tree, no matter what he could do.

Ye Hao’s face sank, “You dare!”

The two palace ladies didn't know who Ye Hao was, but they were stunned by her imposing manner. When they saw Ye Hao's dress different from them, they looked at the big prince a little.

"In this palace, there is no such thing as the Emperor did not dare to do, bring her to me," cried the great emperor.

"The big prince, she... she seems to be the person around the Queen's maiden." There is a palace girl who remembers the rumors in the recent palace. I heard that there is a beautiful beauty around the queen, it seems to be the person in front of me.

The palace lady did not say this sentence okay, the great emperor heard that Ye Hao was a queen, and his face was even more suffocating. "No matter who is around, dare to be rude to the prince, even if it is killed?" ”

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