Back to Ye Family, just entering the door, I saw Ye Xiaonan ready to go out.

"Brother, where are you going?" Ye Hao asked with a bright eye.

"I want to go back to the barracks. Do you think I want to go? If you want to go out and play, wait two days for the Lantern Festival, I will take you to see the lanterns." Ye Xiaonan gently bounced Ye Hao's forehead, handsome face With a refreshing smile.

Ye Hao nodded hard. "Brother, this is what you said. You don't leave me as before."

I remembered the fact that I had cheated my sister before, and Ye Hao’s face flashed a slap in the face. “How long ago, how can I remember it!”

"It’s hard to forget." Ye Hao stunned.

Ye Xiaonan smiled. "Okay, let me go first."

"I will stay at home later, and I need to go to the palace again. If nothing happens, don't pay attention to it." Ye Yiqing whispered.

"Hey, what happened to Cao Yu?" Ye Hao whispered to Ye Yiqing. She is most worried about this matter now. I don't know if it is a psychological effect. She always thinks that Bai Ziqi wants to get this. The map is not simple, and Shen Yuexuan’s reaction at the time.

He did not seem to doubt what Li Yuniang said at all. He was very sure that the map was a treasure map. Why is he so sure? Did he already know that Cao had a treasure house?

Ye Yiqing whispered, "I checked Cao Yu's life. He lived with his mother in Bohai City since childhood. He has never even met Cao Lei. He may not know that he is the son of a pirate."

"Ah? Is Cao Lei not only a son? How could he let Cao Yu leave him at an early age?" Ye Hao asked puzzledly, if Cao Yu did not know who his father was, why Cao Lei would have to be so important. Give something to him?

Ye Yiqing said, "Because Cao Lei is a pirate, he does not want his son to become a pirate like him, so he would rather let Cao Yu not know his existence."

"Hey, then, do we want to tell him about Cao boss?" Ye Hao asked, if Cao Yu was told about Cao Bo, then his life would not be able to live, Cao Yu would rather not Knowing that there is a father who is a pirate, this is really hard to say.

"When I find Bai Ziqi, I will find it again." In fact, Ye Yiqing did not want to control this matter. He did not care about the treasure map. Maybe there was nothing in it, but if he intervened in this matter, That Cao Yu’s life experience can’t be concealed. At this time, he really needs a few more confidants, and he doesn’t want to lose a good prospective student.

Ye Hao has already heard that she doesn't want to pay attention to this matter. She thinks that she may be related to Cao Yu. If Bai Ziqi does not appear again, she does not want to be nosy. Anyway, Cao Yu should not want to expose her life.

"Oh, then I will go back to the house first," said Ye Hao.

"Okay." Ye Yiqing nodded. After Ye Hao took a few steps, he called her again. "Yes, hey, there is something I want to ask you, the man I saw in the palace that day, you know. Who is he?"

Ye Xiaomei asked, "Hey, are you talking about that Murong? I only heard Shen Yuexuan and they called him Liu Ye. As for the other... I am not too sure."

Liu Ye? Ye Yiqing thought about it carefully. This day, the number of people who called Liu Ye was gone. How did he find out who Liu Ye was.

"You met him on the boat?" Ye Yiqing asked.

Ye Hao remembered that she saw Murong Yu at the inn for the first time. She still thought that he was like Murong Zhan, and almost looked at it.

"I have seen the inn on the road once." Ye Hao said, but did not mention Murong Cham, she knows that she does not like her mention of him.

Ye Yiqing gently nodded, want to find out who Murong is who still needs time, "you go back to the house to rest."

"Okay." Ye Hao smiled and nodded, and Ye Yiqing went to a ceremony, then went back to his yard through the hanging flower door.

Her yard is the largest of the entire prime minister's house except for the upper house. The surrounding environment is also the most quiet and elegant. The yard has been vacant for a few years, and now it finally greets its owner.

Ye Hao walked through the garden, thinking that she didn't know how long she would stay here, and she missed Murong Zhan a little.

"Aunt, girl."

Ye Hao was about to walk into the courtyard of Taoyuan, and she heard someone calling her. Looking back, she was the woman who met on the street that day.

"Do you call me?" asked Ye Hao.

The woman walked to the front of Ye Hao, and she went through it. "Girl, slave named Cuihua, that day is a slave. I don't know Taishan. I don't know if you are a girl at home, I will not know how to distract you." Please look at it... Look at the slaves who serve the young master, don’t care about slaves."

Ye Hao raised an eyebrow and said with a smile, "What do I care about with you? I didn't care about you."

Cuihua’s face was a joy, “Girl, then can you talk to the young master and let him not take the slaves away?”

"The thing in my brother's house, my sister can't intervene. If you don't want to leave, you can ask your brother." Ye Hao said faintly, although she had a good relationship with her brother, she did not reach into her brother's house. The truth.

"But...but it is because the slaves offended you, the young masters have to drive away the slaves, if not the girls... the young masters will not rush to the slaves." Although Cuihua did not dare to blame, she still has a few voices. Resentful.

Ye Hao looked at her like a smile, "So, I am tired of you."

Cuihua said with a low head, "The slaves dare not think so."

"Don't dare to think like this or not think about it?" Ye Yan asked with a smile. "You are just a little acolyte, dare to glory outside by the reputation of Ye Jia, leaving you at Ye Family, isn't it?" Let you bring trouble to my brother in the future, my brother will let you leave, it is already leaving you a little bit of affection."

"Master is a prime minister, the young master is a small general, Ye Jia is outside there is no one to dare to bully, although the slave is only an acolyte, but also a young master, as the saying goes, the dog has to look at the owner, the slave does not know where it is wrong. Cuihua asked unwillingly.

Ye Hao smiled. "You don't know, so I want you to leave."

Cuihua gritted her teeth and looked at Ye Hao.

"Let my brother see you coming to me, you want to leave so decently, it is even more impossible. Let's go faster." Ye Hao said faintly, turned into the courtyard door.

"Girl, are you back?" Hong Ling and Hung Hom saw her and stood up happily.

Ye Hao saw two rings and thought that she would not have to live in the palace again. She could comfortably be a lady, and she felt very good.

She hasn't taken a good look at Wang Ducheng yet, right, and the illness of Shen Yuer, she has to go to cure first.

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