Shen Yuexuan drank more wine, was squatting at the little cockroaches in the house, and suddenly heard the eager footsteps outside, his confession called him outside.

He pushed the woman who was attached to him, "What?"

"There was something going wrong in the temple." The people outside whispered.

Shen Yuexuan was excited and immediately got up from the bed. He refused to accept the woman who had not been satisfied in the bed. He quickly changed his clothes and opened the door to look at the middle-aged man outside the door. "Uncle Jing, what do you say?"

"Bai Ziqi was rescued," Uncle Jing said in a low voice.

"Who is it?" Shen Yuexuan's face became white. If Bai Ziqi was saved, the secret in the temple is no longer a secret.

Uncle Jing shook his head gently. "The four guards who are in the temple are killed. No one knows who saved it."

Shen Yuexuan’s face is black like the bottom of the pot. “Go and see.”

The two of them came to the ancestral hall together and saw the guards lying outside the door. The heart of Shen Yuexuan sank. These guards were killed by the masters. It was impossible for Bai Ziqi’s men. The pirates did not. The skill.

"Master, who will save Bai Ziqi?" asked Uncle Jing.

"I don't know." Shen Yuexuan felt powerless. He thought that Bai Ziqi would be caught. No one in the world would know the true origins of Shen's family, and he would not be able to find out the truth of the year. He is still too much.

Uncle Jing said, "Will it be Murong?"

Shen Yuexuan thought for a moment, "I went to look for him. However, I don't think it will be him. If it is Murong, he has already asked me, and will not quietly take Bai Ziqi away."

"In addition to Murong Yu, this ... who will know that Bai Ziqi is in your hands." Uncle Jing asked in surprise.

"So, Uncle Jing, we may have been eyeing." Shen Yuexuan said in a deep voice, "The only person who can help me now is Murong."

Uncle Jing looked at Shen Yuexuan, "What should I do now?"

Shen Yuexuan said, "You cleaned up here, I went to Murong."

Murong Yu had his own house in Wangdu City. Shen Yuexuan came to him in the night and met Murong. He was not in a good mood tonight. He was telling his people to check any man who had been with Lu Hao. .

He wants to know who the man who makes her a sweet smile today.

"Six Ye, Shen Ye asked to see." Ying Quan said outside.

Murong Yu slightly stunned, at this time Shen Yuexuan looking for him to do? "Let him go to the study."

When Shen Yuexuan was waiting for the group to turn around, he finally saw Murong Yu coming. He hurriedly stood up. "Six Ye, there is something to ask for your help."

"You came here in the middle of the night, is there something to ask me?" Murong looked at him faintly. Guessing that Shen Yuexuan was completely lost, and desperately rushing to find him, it would certainly not be a simple matter.

"What?" asked Murong.

Shen Yuexuan said, "Bai Ziqi was saved by people... Liu Ye, apart from you and me, there are people who want to catch Bai Ziqi."

"Bai Ziqi is a pirate. It is normal for someone to catch him." Murong said that he did not feel that this matter is worthy of such a fuss.

If it is so easy, it will be fine.

"No one will know that Bai Ziqi was caught by me. I suspect that someone has been following me." Shen Yuexuan said.

Murong snorted and said, "Are you too arrogant? Bai Ziqi also hurts Lu Hao before, you also know who Lu Yu is, and Ye Yiqing does not let Bai Ziqi be normal, not necessarily aimed at you."

If it is only for him, Shen Yuexuan is not nervous, but the person who went to save Lu Hao today must have discovered his secret. This is what he is most worried about. Is it really Ye Yiqing?

"You have other things to look at me." Murong Yu is to understand Shen Yuexuan, knowing that he could not find him in the middle of the night because of this incident.

Shen Yuexuan thought that if Ye Yiqing saved Bai Ziqi, Ye Yiqing would definitely know his secret. "Six Ye, I... I have one more thing to look at you."

Murong Yan looked at him slightly, "said!"

"This matter... It’s about eight or nine years ago. My father is not the surname Shen. We changed the name of the old grandmother when we arrived in Dongqing. In fact, the ancestors of our ancestral hall were Lin." Shen Yuexuan knows If you don't tell Murong Yu about this, it will be exposed sooner or later. No, it has already been exposed. Instead of letting Murong know his true identity from other places, it is better for him to speak first.

As a Murong Yu, even if they can't keep their family business, they can at least keep them safe.


Murong’s eyes became sharp. “Where is Lin Linhong from Jiangnan? Who are you?”

"It is the father." Shen Yuexuan looked down at Murong.

"With Ye Yisong collusion, Lin Zhanhong, who has been loyal to Jiangnan for many years, is your father? Are you not dead in your family?" Murong asked coldly.

Shen Yuexuan whispered, "In order to avoid Ye Yisong's cross-river bridge and the court's tracing, my father had to make this decision. We are changing our name to the Dongqing country. Liu Ye, the person who is going to save Bai Ziqi today is not easy. The secret of Shen’s family has been known."

"If it is not the secret of your family, you are not going to tell me the truth? You want me to help you?" Murong asked coldly.

"Six Ye..." Shen Yuexuan looked at him pleadingly.

Murong Yu knew what happened to Jiangnan. He looked at Shen Yuexuan with a deep look and thought about whether he would help him.

"You have dealt with Cao Lei in the past few days. He doesn't know your details?" Murong asked.

Shen Yuexuan said, "I don't know, when my father and Cao Lei came and went, I was not allowed to follow."

"You go back first, and watch it change." Murong said faintly.

"Six Ye, Cao Lei and Ye Yisong collaborated to hide more silver than anyone imagined." Shen Yuexuan said that he wanted to seduce Murong Yu to be interested in the treasure house.

Murong Yu only looked at him coldly and did not speak.

Shen Yuexuan bowed his head and dared not speak again.

After sending Shen Yuexuan down, only two men came in to meet Murong, one of whom was Song Wei who had been with Fujisawa.

"Six Ye." Song Yu gave Murong a ritual.

Murong Yu said, "I will check the things that I have told you."

The person who will save the white child is not necessarily Ye Yiqing. Murong Yi thinks of the man who is with Lu Hao today.

If Shen Yuexuan is the son of Lin Zhanhong...

For the case of the year, Murong Zhan will personally come to Dongqingguo?

Thinking of that person may be Murong Cham, Murong Yu's face is more gloomy.

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