Ye Yinan is waiting for her outside.

"Brother." Ye Xiao smiled and looked at him. "You are still waiting for me."

"Yeah, there is nothing to do today, let's go riding." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile.

Ye Hao also wants to go to Murong Cham, she wants to see her own guess and tells him, "Brother, but I have something today, I don't want to go riding."

"Where do you want to go, my brother will accompany you." Ye Yinan said.

Just can't let him know! Ye Hao said, "I found a lot of interesting things in the streets of Wangdu City last night. I want to see, my brother, I am going to buy something from the girl's house. What are you doing?"

Ye Xiaonan saw that his sister didn't want to go out with him. He smiled and said, "Well, you should go out and be careful."

"Hey." Ye Hao happily agreed to come down, and went out with a red dragonfly.

After Ye Hao went out, Ye Yinan called the full hand. "Fushu, he went out, she is unfamiliar with life here. I don't trust her, you go with her."

Full of diligence and looking at Ye Xiaonan, he felt that the girl was very intelligent, and there were people around him, not so easy to get confused.

Ye Xiaonan whispered, "Manchu, you go and see, what the **** is going to see."

"Young master, you are skeptical..." Full of heart was shocked, who can see the girl in Wangducheng?

"Go." If it is not the best to see someone, he does not want to have any gaps with his sister.

Full of nodded, "Young Master, I will go."

Ye Hao didn't go to Murong Zhan immediately. She came out last night. It was really a heartfelt wish to come and see that her daughter has not opened a store in Wangdu City. If it is here, she can do business. She really wants to talk about the money.

"Girl, do you want to see the emperor?" Hung Hom knew who Ye Hao had seen last night. She was still in Ye Hao some time, still able to understand her thoughts.

“Are someone behind us?” Ye Hao asked faintly and turned into a ready-to-wear store next door.

The red dragonfly looked outside for a while before he went to Ye Hao and said, "Girl, nobody is following us."

Ye Lips smiled. "This cloak is good, just the clothes on my body."

She changed a cloak and bought a bonnet, and the whole person looked like it had changed differently.

"Girl?" Hung Hoen looked at her with horror.

Ye Hao looked for a wink. "I went to the opposite inn, you are waiting for me here, I will be back soon."

"Girl, if the master and the young master know... they will be very angry." Hung Hom did not know why the lord did not let the girl marry the emperor. Under the influence of Hong Ling, she understood it somewhat, if the master knew the girl Sneaking to see the emperor will definitely be embarrassed.

"You don't know if you don't say it?" Ye Xiao said with a smile. "I just said something and I will be back soon."

Hung Hom couldn’t stop Ye Hao, and she saw that she had walked out of the ready-to-wear store briskly.

The inn of Murong Zhan lived in the vicinity of the ready-to-wear store. Ye Hao knew which room he lived in, and went up the stairs, and saw Shen Shen waiting for her.

"Counter." Shen Yi went to Ye Hao for a ceremony. "Mu Ye knows that you are here, let your subordinates wait for you here."

How did he know that she would come to him today?

Ye Haoxiu slightly picks up and enters a wing room under the leadership of Shen.

This should be the best room in the inn, no one is not refined, but naturally it is not comparable to the luxury of the palace.

"Looking for me?" Just as Ye Hao lamented, she was held in a warm embrace, and a kiss fell on her neck.

"How do you know that I will come to you?" Ye Hao looked back at his waist and smiled at him.

Murong Zhan whispered, "I saw you in the ready-to-wear store by the window."

"I have something to look for in your life." Ye Hao said, she didn't come to him because she thought about him.

"Well, I know, I have something to tell you." Murong Zhan laughed and took her hand and sat down.

Ye Hao asked, "What is it?"

"First talk about what you are looking for?" Murong Zhan smiled and asked, he has found Bai Ziqi, it is almost to leave the capital city.

"I went to see Ye Haoming today. Like I guessed, Ye Haoming had a layout of treasures in his hand. My uncle and Cao Lei really hid the tax and silver." Ye Hao said.

Murong Chong heard her say that her mouth was high and her heart was always toward him. "I know."

Ye stunned. "You already know?"

"I have found Bai Ziqi, everything has been the truth." Murong Zhan whispered, Shen Yuxuan is the future generation of Lin Zhanhong told Ye Hao.

"..." Ye Hao didn't think it was only one night. How did the development of things go completely differently? "That... what are you going to do next?"

Ink Murray’s bright scorpion glanced at her deeply. “Bring back Bai Ziqi and review the case in Jiangnan that year.”

"But, without a map, it may not be able to get those tax dollars." Ye Hao said, "I brought the map to you."

"You just gave it to me?" Murong Chong did not take the shackles in her hands, just looked at her like a smile, she did not keep this for him.

Ye Hao said, "Those silver is originally the taxation of Jin Guo. Isn't it normal to hand over the map to you?"

Murong Zhan pushed the map back, "for the time being, don't give it to others."

"Why?" Ye Hao didn't understand what he meant. Didn't he want those tax dollars?

"After revisiting the case of the year, many people are interested in taxation, and they may be able to get rid of Ye Yisong's colleagues." Murong Zhan said.

Ye Hao asked, "Do you think my uncle has the same party?"

"Jiangnan has been complicated in existence until now. Ye Yisong can be so arrogant that such a large amount of money can not be done by him alone. There must be people doing things for him in the back. Since I was enthroned, only Jiangnan has been unable to truly Control, now is an opportunity." He wants to eradicate Ye Yisong's party, but only Jiangnan has been involved for so long, even if he intervenes, he will be blinded, so if you can control Jiangnan by this matter Then, what is the relationship between his loss of tax and silver?

"Then I will save the map first, and then I will find a way to arrange it with Yu Ming." Ye Haodao, "What about Shen Yuexuan?"

Murong Chan smiled a little. "Lin Jiaben is the people of Jinguo. As long as the case is re-examined, they become fugitives. By then... unless he has the ability to escape the hunt."

"Well, then are you going to leave Wangdu City soon?" Ye Hao asked whisperedly.

"Take it in two days." Murong Zhan looked at her lowly, and her thin lips gently kissed her lips.

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