Ye Hao prepared a pile of wound medicine for Ye Xiaonan, and another bottle of porcelain filled with Lingquan.

"Brother, this is my refined... potion, it looks colorless and tasteless, but you can save your life when you are at a critical juncture, you must carry it with you, you remember, don't waste this level, There is no medicine to save, you can drink, if there is anything, you must write a letter back." Ye Hao whispered, put a porcelain bottle into the hands of Ye Haonan.

Ye Xiaonan smiled and received her arms. "Well, my brother remembered, you take good care of you."

"Do you think I need to take care of it?" Ye Yiqing snorted aside, he was less than forty years old, changed to modern, or diamond king five!

"Hey, hey, I just said, you can't take care of your sister." Ye Xiaonan laughed.

Ye Yiqing gave him a look. "Get off, be careful."

"Hey." Ye Xiaonan nodded. "Hey, hey, then I am gone."

"Be careful on the road." Ye Hao.

Looking at Ye Yinan on the horseback, he could not see his figure, and Ye Yiqing and his daughter regained their sight.

"Oh, I am a little worried." Ye Hao whispered, "Is the assassination of yesterday really done by Wanjia? How do I feel that they will not necessarily deal with you at this time."

"Not a million." Ye Yiqing smiled a bit and looked at Ye Hao with appreciation. Although she did not understand Wanjia, she also knew that this time it would be impossible for Wanjia to venture like this. "It is Chen Xianyu."

Chen Xianyu? Ye Hao frowned. "Chen's family is being provoked."

Ye Yiqing nodded. "It was indeed provoked. At the beginning, Wan Gui was favored. Wan Jia and Liu Jia were hostile. I used the method to pull the Liu family to help Li Wei to ascend the throne, but gave the Liu family the opportunity, and most of the forces of the family. They were all absorbed by Liu family. Now that Liu Wenzhi has lost power, the big prince has not become a prince, Liu Jia will not sit still!"

Originally, Liu Jia was a great hero from the Dragon. He did not see himself too high. He followed the footsteps of Wanjia and saw that Liu Guifei’s singularity was not in the eyes of the emperor. There were not many emperors. Can accommodate such a courtier, a pair of his own posture of the same day, did not put the emperor in the eyes, Li Wei did not suppress the Liu family, that Liu family is the second Ye family in the future.

Or she is clever, even if she is a prime minister, she is mainly based on the emperor, and she does not even give herself a private property on duty. Such a courtier can reassure the emperor.

I am doing this... I am also afraid that the emperor will treat him like a big uncle.

"Hey, then you let the big brother go to the quicksand city, can the Liu family really rebel?" Ye Hao whispered.

Ye Yiqing walked back to the study with her. "In case, just because Li Wei was just two years old, he should have spared no effort to eradicate the rest of the family. The Liu family is not safe. Now Li Wei’s foundation is not stable. Liu Jia and Wan Jia joined forces, and Dongqing is in danger."

"I just don't understand, Liu Jia is now considered to be one person below 10,000 people. Why do you have to do it against the emperor everywhere?" Ye Hao asked.

"Liu Jiaxin is big." Ye Yiqing sneered. "They want to let the big prince get up, and then become the person who Ye Xisong dominates."

Ye Hao shook her head. She was not very familiar with the situation in Dongqing. However, she still felt that if Liu Jia really wants to betray, the price to pay is really great. "Hey, the emperor knows the person who assassinated you." Is it related to Chen?"

"Chen's family used to be a broken family. Where is the foundation? When people are provocative, they have a fever in their brains. They don't have to go through the trial. The emperor has ordered Liu Hebin to be arrested. Chen Xianyu has also been banned." Ye Yiqing said faintly.

"Liu Hebin?" It seems that Liu Wenxue, who is left at the border, is now threatened.

"Don't talk about the Liu family, how is the main injury in Zhaoyang County?" Ye Yiqing asked.

Ye Hao said, "Zhaoyang has already woken up. Yesterday was a dangerous period. It has been passed safely. As long as you have cured your injuries in these days."

Ye Yiqing nodded with satisfaction. "Well, I am not convenient to visit her. You thank her for me."

"I want to go find her." Ye Hao smiled.

When she had just finished speaking, she saw the red dragonfly rushing from the inside of the hanging flower door.

"Master, girl." She gave a ceremony and said to Ye Yiqing, "Master, the Zhaoyang County Lord wants to see you."

Ye Yiqing and Ye Hao looked at each other. "She probably wants to ask me about... Qin Wangxi."

"Hey, Zhaoyang's character is cold and proud, and the speech may not be very good, you will bear the point." Ye Hao whispered.

"Go and see." Ye Yiqing said.

Zhaoyang was three years older than Ye Xie. At the age of fifteen, he was sent to the North Ming State and his relatives by the Emperor. He was married to a prince of the Northern Ming Dynasty. He also occasionally communicated with Ye Hao. Since he knew that Ye Hao became Qin Wangxi, they Lose contact.

When I came to the guest room, Zhaoyang’s face was pale, but she still resisted sitting up. Her eyebrows were very light, and she looked at the plain features of the five senses, but there was a strange beauty that made people unforgettable. .

"Zhaoyang County Lord, don't come innocent." Ye Yiqing walked in and saw the woman who stood upright and pointed at them. The mature and dignified woman could not let him associate with the little girl many years ago. If it is not for her identity, he certainly can't see that she is Zhaoyang.

"Ye Daren, please forgive me, I can't get up and see you." Zhao Yang's eyes fell on Ye Hao for a while, then he looked at Ye Yiqing coldly.

Ye Yiqing said with a smile, "Zhaoyang County is heavy. If you are not trying to save the official, you will not be hurt. It is the official who feels embarrassed to you."

Zhaoyang's lips were pale, and she smiled. "Ye Daren doesn't have to feel embarrassed. I didn't think I had to block my knife. It was just a mistake. I can only blame myself for not being self-sufficient."

"..." Rao is Ye Yiqing can say that he can distinguish. At this time, some people do not know how to answer the words. He thought that Zhaoyang recognized himself, so he only blocked him for a knife. Is it self-love?

"Ye Daren, I made a special trip to Wangdu City to have something to ask." Zhaoyang's face was very poor, and she held her hands tightly.

"The county owner asks." Ye Yiqing looked at her with a smile.

Zhaoyang looked at Ye Hao, "Is Ye Hao dead?"

Sure enough, this is the problem! Ye Yiqing’s eyes flashed a bit. “The county owner, Ye Hao has indeed gone. This is Ye Xi’s sister. The nickname is also called 夭夭, who has been lost since childhood, and Ye Hao is a twin.”

Zhaoyang helped Fang Zhen’s hand to stand up. Her eyes fixed on Ye Hao. “She is Lu Hao?”

"Yes!" Ye Yiqing nodded. She said she was going to get up and said, "The county owner, you are hurt, don't mess up."

"You..." Zhaoyang stood up and had not had time to talk, his feet were weak.

Ye Yiqing was closest to her, and she subconsciously reached out and hugged her.

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