Ye Yiqing met Zhaoyang when he passed through the garden. He was slightly dissatisfied with Zhaoyang’s dissatisfaction with him. However, after all, it was a matter of two younger generations. His daughter was a **** horse. He knew it himself, so Do not want to intervene, in his impression, Zhaoyang has always been a relatively early and intelligent girl, but I do not know when, this little girl has grown up.

She should be only twenty years old. In modern times, she is just a college student who enjoys the lush years. Here, she is already like a woman who has experienced vicissitudes.

"Ye Daren." Zhao Yang saw Ye Yiqing, and the beautiful face was still indifferent, and he wanted to leave after a slight ceremony.

Ye Yiqing returned a ceremony. "Zhaoyang County's Lord looks much better. Fortunately, you have nothing to do, otherwise I don't know how to explain."

It’s strange that Zhao Yang looked at Ye Yiqing. The man in front of him was actually the same as her memory. The years seemed to treat him especially. He didn’t leave any trace on him. Besides adding a bit of maturity, he still As handsome as ever, "Ye Daren, I am injured, it is my own bad luck, it doesn't matter to anyone."

"But I really did it because you were saved. Whether you want it or not, I owe you a favor." Ye Yiqing said.

Zhaoyang glanced at him. "Then I will remember this person."

Ye Yiqing smiled, "the county owner, these years in the North Ming country is good?"

"Not good." Zhaoyang said plainly and plainly, she looked sideways. "I used to complain about Ye Hao. Now I want to come but I can't help her. Ye Daren, you really want to let a daughter marry again." Murong Cham?"

"Immediately not willing." Ye Yiqing said.

Zhaoyang licked her lips. She didn't have a position to blame Lu Hao. She was just an outsider. "Is Ye Daren trying to revive your Ye Jiasheng, or is it going to take revenge? Don't you think that doing this would make Ye Hao sad? ?"

Ye Yiqing sighed. "She won't be sad."

"How do you know that she is not sad?" Zhao Yang stared at Ye Yiqing and asked, "You are really selfish!"

"Zhaoyang County Lord..." Ye Yiqing smiled, how could it be more inexplicable and selfish.

"When I am hurt, I will leave with a chance to leave. As for the personal feelings of Ye Daren, you will keep it for yourself." Zhao Yang said with a calm face.

Ye Yiqing laughed. "Where can the county owner go? It is better to stay here for the time being. You can become a good friend with Ye Hao. If you understand it carefully, you will find that she is a friend worthy of your sincerity."

Zhaoyang’s face changed. “I don’t have nowhere to go, why should I stay with you!”

"Wangducheng is not calm everywhere now. If you go there, you will worry about it. If you want to go back to Jinguo, I will arrange it for you, but it is not this time." Ye Yiqing said.

"Thank you for the good intentions of Ye Daren." Zhaoyang’s heart was loose. She thought that Ye Yiqing knew about her affairs in the North Ming Dynasty, so she felt that she had nowhere to go. It turned out that it was not calm outside.

Ye Yiqing is such a shrewd person. Naturally, he discovered the subtle change of look in Zhaoyang's face. He was slightly convinced, and he thought that it was true that Zhaoyang was in the North Ming State.

"Zhaoyang County Lord has a good rest." Ye Yiqing whispered.

Zhaoyang bowed his head and left the garden with his own ring.

Fang Zhen held Zhaoyang’s hand and looked at her side face. “Counter, Ye Daren is... is that person?”

"Don't talk nonsense!" Zhao Yang said with a calm face.

If not, why is the county owner somewhat different in the face of Ye Daren?

Also, when the North Ming State was wronged, the poem that the county owner hid under the pillow said to whom to listen?

Junsheng, I am not born, I am alive, I hate that I am born late, I hate Junsheng early, Junsheng is not born, I am born old, I hate being born, and **** and Jun are good... we live far away from each other.

Fang Zhen is really hard to suspect that this is related to Ye Daren. When the county owner was in Jinguo, he had never seen other men, except... except Ye Yiqing, who taught her horseback every day.

Zhaoyang sideways avoided Fangzhen’s suspicious eyes and said coldly, “If this is said in front of me, I will not mention it later. I am now a widow. This will make people misunderstand.”

"Soul, the lord is dead, it is liberation for you, you are not with him..."

"Shut up!" Zhaoyang whispered to Fang Zhen. "No more."



Ye Hao planned to come over to find Ye Yiqing and met him outside the garden gate.

"Hey, I heard that you are talking to Zhaoyang." Ye Hao smiled and asked her, "What did she say?"

"She feels that I should not use you selfishly and marry you to Murong Cham." Ye Yiqing glanced at her daughter and said.

Ye Hao smiled and knew that Zhaoyang would say this.

"Hey, you know that it was a misunderstanding before." Ye Hao said softly.

"Zhaoyang is definitely what happened in the North Ming State. She refused to say it and can only check it out." Ye Yiqing said.

Ye Hao gently nodded. "Yes, hey, is there news from my brother?"

Ye Yiqing said, "Yes, I have already arrived at Liusha City. Liu Jiabing, who stayed at the border, has indeed lost a lot. If your brother can convince them to vote, he may have a chance to fight with the North Ming Kingdom."

"Since Liu Wenxue left them, it should be confident that they will not be mutinized." Ye Hao said with concern. "Hey, haven't you found Liu Wenxue's trace? For so long, if they don't stop, they probably already Go to the capital city."

"I am afraid that it is almost coming." Ye Yiqing sneered.

"Hey?" Ye Hao looked at him in surprise.

Ye Yiqing said, "He took the 20,000 soldiers to hide and hide. On the road, he certainly did not dare to borrow food. When they came to the king's capital, they must have no food. It is impossible for them to enter the city immediately. I have ordered. All the people outside the city have been withdrawn. Now it is not the day of autumn harvest. There will be no crops in the fields. They cannot afford a long-lasting battle."

"..." Ye Hao looked at Ye Yiqing in an incredible way. Is this already calculated?

Ye Yiqing looked at her with a smile. "Liu Wenxue wants to force the palace. It depends on me."

"Wangducheng's strength can withstand the soldiers of Liu Wenxue?" Ye Hao whispered.

"When your brother left, he left all the elites." Ye Yiqing said quietly.

Ye Hao suddenly stunned. "That brother is not more difficult in the quicksand city."

Ye Yiqing nodded calmly. "I only hope that he can hold us to kill Liu Wenxue and send him to help."

"Hey, what does the Liu family really want, and let the soldiers from the North Ming State enter, will he have benefits in the future?" Ye Hao asked in a hurry.

"They must have reached an agreement with the North Ming State." Ye Yiqing is cold.

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