Outside Wangdu City, Liu Wenxue began to command soldiers to hit the wall. They have lost patience, especially in the absence of food and grass. If they do not attack the city, they will be starved to death if they are not killed by Ye Yiqing.

The only thing Liu Wenxue didn't think was that he underestimated Ye Yiqing. He thought that there were not many generals in the city who were good at fighting. Ye Yiqing was just a literati. He had any experience in fighting. He was a strange man and he was 20,000. The soldiers are not allowed to go further outside the city.

"Ye Yiqing, what do you want? You are not a Dongqing country. Do you want to sell your life for Li Wei? Your son is still alive and dead in Liusha City. Do you think he can really resist the army of the North Ming Dynasty? If there is no order from me, Liu Jiabing will definitely not help him. You want your son's life, or you will hold Wang Ducheng for Li Wei. You think that you can hold it now, how long it will take, not long after, not the same. Did the Northern Ming Dynasty embezzle?"

"This is two different things." Ye Yiqing looked down at Liu Wenxue. "The lord of the king, the sorrow of the lord, now that you are rebellious, if I can't protect the emperor from you, then what is the meaning of this prime? What about you? A kind of infidelity and injustice is not worthy of cooperation with the official."

"Is not loyal and unjust?" Liu Wenxue sneered. "If it wasn't for him, Li Wei couldn't accommodate our Liu family. How can we have a rabbit dead dog today? Do we have to sit still?"

Ye Yiqing said, "Is it true that the emperor can't hold you down, or are you in the Liu family?"

"More to say no benefit, Ye Yiqing, if you have to be in the present, if your son is in the end of the quicksand city, you should be very clear." Liu Wenxue is cold.

"If you can attack the city, come in, don't talk about these nonsense." Ye Yiqing is not worried about his son, but the quickest way is to subdue Liu Wenxue first, otherwise he will not be able to send reinforcements to Liusha City.

Liu Wenxue ordered, "Siege!"

Ye Yiqing also waved his hand, "killing innocent!"

Ye Hao, who was in the Xiangxiang House, once again heard the sound of shouting and screaming outside. She was so shocked that she sat up straight. "Liu Wenxue began to attack the city?"

"They have been attacking outside for five days and there is no chance to enter the city." Xue Lin said.

Yes, the reinforcements that have been said to have arrived must have arrived. It’s just that there have been no actions for so many days.

"What happened outside?" Zhaoyang came in from the outside and looked at Ye Hao with a nervous look.

Ye Hao said, "Nothing, just Liu Wenxue is attacking the city."

Zhaoyang’s heart is tight. “Are you still not coming back?”

"At this time, he must still be on the wall." Ye Hao looked at Zhaoyang and found that she seemed to care about her.

"There is news from your brother?" Zhao Yang asked again.

This issue is also the most worrying of Ye Hao. Her big brother has not heard any news yet. I only heard that there is a change in the North Ming State. Now I don’t know how. "Xue Lin, there is no news on the Liusha City?"

Xue Lin whispered, "The city gate is blocked, and the news can't come."

Ye Haoxiu squinted, "I know."

The war on the wall stopped at midnight, Liu Wenxue was oystered, and only 5,000 soldiers were left in the 20,000 soldiers. They have already surrendered. Liu Wenxue did not think that Ye Yiqing actually had such terrible patience, and actually let 50,000 soldiers watched them attacklessly. The city, when they were exhausted, ordered them to be encircled.

Even Liu Wenxue, who has experienced many battles, has to admire Ye Yiqing’s strategy and patience.

However, he at least took a breath for himself, shot an arrow on Ye Yiqing's shoulder, even if he could not ask for his life, at least half of his life is ok.

Ye Hao was awakened in the middle of the night.

"Girl, the master is hurt." Hong Ling hurried in from the outside.

"What?" Ye Hao was shocked and sat up. "What?"

Hong Ling said, "Wu Chong sent him back. In the house of the outer court, Wang is also working."

Ye Hao didn't care too much, and put on clothes, "Go get my medicine box."

They rushed to the outer court and found that in addition to Wang Yizheng, there were several medics, and Li Wei told them to treat Ye Yiqing.

"Wang Zhengzheng, what happened to me?" Ye Hao went straight into the room and asked Wang Zhengzheng who was giving Ye Yiqing a stop bleeding.

"Lu girl!" Wang doctor is seeing her face loose, "Ye Daren's arrow is next to the heart, we are not afraid to pull the arrow easily ... can only stop bleeding first."

Ye Yiyi saw that the arrow was a little bit right in the center of the mouth, her hand could not help but tremble, glaring at Wu Chong, "Is it not for you to protect me?"

Wu Chong was covered in blood. He kneeled down on one knee. "Subordinates dereliction of duty."

"Do not blame him, I am not careful." Ye Yiqing whispered to Ye Hao.

"Hey!" Ye Hao's eyes were red, "I am healing for you, don't talk."

Ye Yiqing took her hand. "Don't be afraid, you won't have anything to do."

"Wang Zhengzheng, please go out!" Ye Hao whispered, she must use Lingquan to have the confidence to take out the arrow.

"Ye girl, don't you need someone to help?"

Ye Hao said coldly, "No, you all go out!"

Wang doctor is frowning at her, "Lu girl..."

"Xue Lin, Wu Chong, please go out, don't let anyone come in." Ye Hao has been ordered directly.

Ye Yiqing nodded gently to Wang.

There are only two fathers and daughters left in the house.

"Hey, I will take out the arrow for you." Ye Hao looked at the wound that was still bleeding, and pointed her palm to Ye Yiqing, and thought together, Lingquan came out.

"What is this?" The fragrant and fragrant liquid dripped into his mouth. When the leaves were clear, the pain of the wound was relieved. He looked at his daughter in amazement.

Ye Hao avoids his eyes. "I don't know. In short, I can save people."

This is... the golden finger after the daughter's rebirth? This is the secret of her ability to cure Li Wei brain tumor?

Can the water automatically pop out in the palm? No, this is not an ordinary water, what is it called, Lingquan?

"Hey, I have to pull the arrow." Ye Hao said.

"After you are born again, is there something in the palm?" Ye Yiqing asked.

Ye licked his lips. "Do you think I am a monster?"

Ye Yiqing laughed. "How many people want to be a monster? Hey, this is a gift from heaven. It is sacred and precious. Don't waste your golden finger."

"What is a golden finger?" Ye Hao took a clean white cloth and pressed his wound, pulling out the arrow.

Ye Yi was snorted and his face became more whitish.

Ye Hao hurriedly dripped his springs into his wounds.

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