Ye Yiqing seems to have long suspected that Ye Hao will sneak away, and the guards around the home have been strengthened. Ye Yiyi has become a small scent of the night scent, leaving Xue Lin in the cover of Xue Lin.

"Come on, and soon after, it was a curfew. We went out tonight tonight." Ye Hao changed his clothes and changed from a young man to an ordinary man, and they went straight to the same easy Xue Lin. To the gate, the city came out at the last minute.

"The county owner, here is not close to the city of Liusha, do you want to think about it again?" Xue Lin whispered to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao didn't even hear Xue Lin's advice, "What about the horses you prepared?"

"It’s in the woods over there." Wu Chong whispered.

"Go!" Ye Hao nodded.

Xue Lin said again, "The county owner, if you go to the Liusha City on this road, you are afraid that you will not be able to stand it. Your subordinate will prepare a carriage for you."

Ye Hao looked back at him. Of course, she knew that her skin was delicate. It would definitely hurt to ride a horse for a few days. However, the speed of the carriage is much slower. Is Xuelin planning to delay her time?

"The carriage is on the carriage, but if I let me take it back, you will die."

Xue Linyi smiled. "With us covering you, it will definitely not be discovered by Ye Daren."

"That is the best." Ye Hao nodded with satisfaction.

They went to the Liusha City very smoothly. Ye Hao could not wait to go to the Liusha City immediately. Only Xue Lin was anxious. He also hoped that Ye Daren could stop the county owner. Who knows that he is coming to the Liusha City. Ye Daren still has no news. .

Ye Yiqing did not want people to go back to catch Ye Hao. He also wanted to go back and bring his daughter back. Why did someone stare at him? It is not easy for him to see his peers now, let alone go out.

"Zhaoyang County Lord, Cao Yu is my student. He came to me because of the imperial court, you let him in."

"Ye Daren, since he is your student, you should know that you are now injured and should not worry about the outside. You have blocked the rebel. Wangducheng is safe now. All you have to do now is to take a rest. Zhaoyang sat on the side of the Taishi chair and said with a blank expression.

Ye Yiqing smiled helplessly. "Since I am a country, I can't stand by and naturally know what's going on outside."

Zhaoyang said, "The outside is very good, nothing happened."

"What about it?" Ye Yiqing asked quietly. "Is she asking you to come here to look at me?"

"Yes, since Lu girl entrusted me to look after you, I naturally can't let others disturb your rest." Zhaoyang said.

When I mentioned the daughter’s entrustment to Zhaoyang, Ye Yiqing did not fight for a fight. “I am going to bring the girl back!”

Zhaoyang is cold, "Lu Hao is as smart as Ye Hao, do you think she will wait for you to catch her back?"

Ye Yiqing looked up at Zhaoyang’s beautiful face. “It’s really impossible to get back. She wants to do something, almost no one can stop her.”

"Then please raise your wounds." Zhaoyang said faintly.

"..." Ye Yiqing was a little helpless. "Zhaoyang County Lord, even if you are injured, you have to let me see you."

Zhaoyang frowned at him. "Do you have energy?"

Ye Yiqing felt that this girl was really doing her duty. She asked her to look after herself. Did she really regard him as her father? "There is still some energy to listen to."

"Lu girl confessed, you can only see an outsider an hour every day, other time you need to rest, Ye Daren, I hope you don't make me difficult." Zhaoyang said.

"Okay." Ye Yiqing nodded, thinking that he must let her daughter intercept it. She thought it was the place where she went. It was the battlefield. Can a girl have a bitterness there?

Zhaoyang glanced at him and took the medicine bowl at hand. "This medicine is almost the same. Ye Daren takes medicine first."

Ye Yiqing shook his head and smiled. "Well, I am tired of the county."

Zhaoyang looked at his handsome smile and his cheeks were slightly red. She hurriedly lowered her head and watched him drink the medicine before he took the bowl. "Ye Daren please rest, I will go back first."



Ye Yaoyao thought that when she returned to the palace, she would be able to be different from the previous one. However, she obviously felt that something was wrong in the last two days.

After living in the wilderness for a few years, her instincts have always been keen, and she felt murderous.

Murong Chong has already killed her! I was afraid that I did not want to let the Queen Mother find out, so I did not directly order her to be executed.

I thought I could stay in the palace, but now I am afraid... I have to leave here.

"Mother, since you can hypnotize others, why not hypnotize the emperor?" Dongmei said in a whisper, if the emperor can listen to the maiden as the Queen Mother, they still have something to worry about.

"What do you know, the emperor is actually so easy to hypnotize." Ye Yaoyao faintly looked at Dongmei, did she not want to let Murong Zhan obey? Hypnosis is only effective for talented people with weak willpower. People like Murong Chong are afraid to even sleep around, not to mention hypnosis. She has no chance to approach him.

Dongmei whispered, "Mother, what should we do now?"

Ye Yaoyao also some do not know what to do next, is it really leaving like this? There is something in her heart that she is not reconciled. Where can she not compare with Lu Yan, and Murong Chong is so disdainful to her?

"Leaving the green hills..." Ye Yaoyao whispered, "As long as the Queen Mother is there, I will definitely have a chance to come back in the future."

"Mother, where can we go after leaving?" Dongmei asked.

Ye Yaoyao meditates, she is thinking about where she can leave after leaving. "We may be able to go to the wasteland."

Is Lu Yanzhi still there? She wants to know if Lu Yuzhi can survive in the wilderness. If he really has the ability, he is qualified to cooperate with her.

"First go to the Queen Mother to bid farewell." Ye Yaoyao said with a smile, even if you want to go, you must make the Queen Mother more aversion to Lu Hao.

At this time, Murong Zhan in the Royal Study Room just received the urgent letter sent by Wu Chong people. When he saw the contents of the letter, he suddenly stood up.

Did you actually go to the quicksand city?

There was a raging anger in his heart, and General Meng went to the palace to ask for it. It turned out that while the North Ming State was attacking the Liusha City, it also shot at the border of the Jin State.

It’s true that Murong Chan had guessed before. The North Ming Kingdom seems to want and swallow the sand city. In fact, it is convenient to send troops to the Jin State after the quicksand city.

"Meng General, point five thousand soldiers, you want to kiss." Murong Zhan said.

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