Ye Hao had a sly attitude and saw the face of Murong’s indifferent face. He knew that he was definitely annoying her. She didn’t want to see her time in the cold war.

"That... then I will go back tomorrow morning." Ye Hao leaned in front of him and looked at him brightly. "You don't do this."

Murong Zhan tilted her and said, "You won't stay strong, you don't have to be stubborn."

Ye Hao shook his long fingers and shook a few times. "I am not stubborn."

“Really?” Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

"When are you going back? My brother said that he would send me back to Wangdu City in a few days." Ye Hao found his tone softened, and his beautiful face also brought a sweet smile.

When Murong Zhan saw a blue color in her eyes, she knew that she would have slept badly in the past few days. He lay down with her, and the big palm patted her back gently. I will not send troops any more in a short time. I will go back in the next few days."

He could have used this trick, but since he came, he did not intend to return empty-handed.

Ye Hao heard that he would soon return to Kyoto, and he felt a bit in his heart. "I didn't know that you still have a nickname called the battlefield Shura. In those few years...Is it very hard? What?"

No one can be invincible when they are born. All the victories are exercised a little. She can't imagine how much suffering he has suffered before he has success.

Murong Zhan gently sighed, feeling her distressed, and his heart became soft. "It’s just the name of someone else, don’t care, there is never an absolute victory on the battlefield, any battlefield needs Calmly thinking about the layout strategy, what is more important is not just the kingdom."

Ye Hao’s heart moved and looked up at him. She was the first to see the ambition in his eyes and wanted to dominate the world’s ambitions.

"Frightened you?" The color of the ink in the ink was replaced by gentleness. He turned his head and gently kissed her lips.

"You will take me wherever you go," Ye said with his neck.

Mo Rongzhan heard a word, and smiled in the random eyes. "Good."

Ye Hao let him kiss him, and when his hand began to be unruly, he struggled to resist.

She doesn't want to talk to him at this time...

"I heard that Ye Daren is injured, don't worry?" Murong Zhan resisted the impulse, and the big palm slipped into her clothes and posted on her smooth back.

"I didn't hurt the key, as long as I have more rest, I will get better soon." When Ye Hao found him around, she would still be accelerating her heart. Like now, her heart is still shaking slightly, and even there is a desire. Taking the initiative to be more intimate with him, she can only talk and cover up, "Yes, Zhaoyang is in Wangdu City."

Murong Chan a slight glimpse, "Zhaoyang? How did she go to Wangducheng?"

Ye Hao shook his head. "I don't know. Fortunately, she left the Northern Ming Dynasty. Otherwise, the war between the two countries may also affect her."

"She knows you..." Murong Zhan knew that they used to be friends, but now she is the identity of Lu Hao, Zhaoyang should not treat her like she used to.

"I don't know!" When it comes to Zhaoyang, Ye Hao remembers one thing. She just sat up and sat up. "Mo Rongzhan, have you stopped the letter that Zhaoyang wrote to me?"

Ink Murray flashed and looked at her sulking look. She knew that she could not admit it anyway. "Is it a letter to intercept Zhaoyang? I never knew she wrote a letter to you, what happened?"

Ye Hao did not believe him! This awkward guy, "Don't lie to me, I know it is you! You can't wait to put me under house arrest. It's not easy for me and my brother to see me. Would you send Zhaoyang's letter to me?" I haven't been in contact with Zhaoyang for many years. I don't even know what she suffered in Beiming. You are all you!"

"When I was at the border, how could I know who wrote to you, it must be that others made their own opinions, and they were embarrassed." Murong Zhan said quickly, and returned her to her arms. "The things that have passed, We don't care, is Zhaoyang now widowed? After returning to her to seal her, she will have no trouble in her life for the rest of her life. Is this okay?"

"What do you want to seal, do you want her to keep a lifetime? Zhaoyang is only a few years old." Ye Hao didn't scream, he just kicked him.

Murong Zhan screamed and looked at his lower abdomen in pain.

Ye Hao was shocked by his look, only to think of his injury. "I... I kicked your wound? I see, will the wound crack open?"

"It's okay." Murong Chong grabbed her hand and held her in her arms. "It's just a wound. It hurts and it's okay."

"You are too bad!" Ye Hao shot his shoulder and bit his lip and glanced at him.

Murong Chan locked her in her arms and kissed her again. In fact, he did not know that Zhaoyang wrote to her, but it was indeed him who ordered her not to be connected with outsiders. At that time, he misunderstood her with Mo Ronghui. However, this truth does not need to tell her. If she knows, she will definitely turn and go back. "I haven’t slept for a few days, and I will sleep for a while."

Ye Hao's pink lips were a little red and swollen, and she looked at him and leaned in his arms.



In the military camp of Liusha City, Ye Yannan came back with a big bag of things. He asked Ge Kuan to go to Ye Hao. He didn't find anyone for a long time, until he heard the news that Murong Zhan was injured in the city.

Damn ink Rong Zhan! It’s really hard to be shameless, in order to let my sister take the initiative to find him, even this trick is coming out!

"General, where have you been, what is this?" Ge Kuan looked at the things in Ye Yinan's hand and asked.

Ye Xiaonan glanced at him. "There are so many words! Is that gold glittering?"

"It's still in your camp." Ge Kuan said quickly. "Would you like to call her to work?"

"No." Ye Xiaonan said faintly, he walked back to his own camp.

Jin Shanshan drank the medicine of the leaf oysters. The colic in the lower abdomen was much better. She did not sleep on Ye’s bed, but slept alongside.

When Ye Xiaonan came in, she saw her sleepy, but the little face was pale and fragile.

Hey, if it weren’t for the deputy who was the place and the daughter of Jin Xiong, he would not be so good to her!

Jin Shanshan... Jin Xiong is really like a rumor. The big character is not one. What kind of name is given to her daughter, I feel golden when I hear it.

"What are you going to do?" Jin Shanshan did not know when he woke up, watching Ye Yannan with vigilance.

"This, for you!" Ye Yannan threw her baggage to her with no expression.

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