Murong Chan finally tasted a big meal tonight, holding a little man who had fallen asleep in his arms, and he had a sense of satisfaction that he never had.

It’s really tired for her.

This little guy, whether in Ye Family or Lu Jia, grew up spoiled, and his skin was like water. He was both delicate and petite. He thought he was too heavy for a while, and he thought he was too fast. He In order not to let her feel uncomfortable, she always listened to her restraint and later lost control.

In the end, she grabbed his shoulder and asked him to hurry.

Murong shouted and laughed, and kissed her on her cheek.

Ye Hao’s sleep was disturbed, and he was unable to scratch his chest in the middle of the ink.

Murong Chong had let go of her, and took her to sleep together.

No dreams overnight.

When Ye Hao woke up, it was already three days outside, and Murong Zhan was no longer around her. She turned over and found that her body was sore and sore. The memory of last night flooded into her mind, she remembered My last indulgence, really... she buried her face in the quilt and screamed incompetently.

"Wake up?" Murong Chong came in from the outside and saw her rolling around in the quilt. She sat down beside her and looked at him with a smile.

Ye Hao will open the quilt and reveal a pair of watery eyes watching him. "Where have you been?"

Her voice was still a bit hoarse, which was called too much last night.

Murong Zhan said with a smile, "I saw the memorial in the next room, I didn't think about it? I will accompany you to have a breakfast."

"I don't feel well all over the body." Ye Hao complained, "It's all you!"

"Yes, it's all bad for me. I must be gentle tonight." Murong Zhan whispered to her lips.

Ye Hao’s cheeks were filled with Xiaguang. When he heard the words of Murong Cham, he scratched his back. “Not allowed tonight.”

Murong was so upset and laughed, and she was even taken up by her. "Would you like to serve you?"

"Isn't I brought a palace lady? Let her come in." Ye Hao didn't bring the previous ring around her. When she came out of the palace, Murong Chong specially selected a palace girl for her, so that she could call someone along the way. .

"This little thing, you can still." Murong Zhan said, has begun to open the quilt.

Ye Hao only wears a small coat, but he can only cover the scenery in front. The back is skiing white, and there are fingerprints on his waist. They are all pulled out last night, not to mention the kiss on her neck and collarbone. Traces, even the shoulders are a little red marks, revealing a beautiful cockroach.

Mo Rong Zhan was so dark that he remembered the goodness of last night. He kissed her on the shoulder. "It's beautiful."

"Azhan!" Ye Hao avoided his kiss and glanced at him with a bite.

"I don't know what to do." Murong Cum whispered, holding her in her arms and kissing her for a while. "Today live in the inn for more than one day, and then set off tomorrow, or hurry." It will be too tired."

Ye Hao Xiuqiao’s nose wrinkled. "I don’t think you lived for a few days."

"We really have a good heart." Murong Zhan nodded with satisfaction. "So we should be like last night... to understand more about what each other is thinking."

“Does anyone say that you are shameless?” Ye Hao asked an eyebrow.

Murong Zhan smiled and kissed her lips. "Who dares to say this?"



It wasn't until the afternoon that Ye Hao finally got rid of someone's hustle and stalked downstairs.

The place where they settled was just a small town. Because of the difference between the west and the climate, Kyoto is now spring blossoming, but it is still cold and windy, but the weather is very dry, but there is no view.

Murong Zhan took Ye Hao’s hand to the inn. They had already used the meal in the room. If Ye Hao said that he wanted to go out, he would rather stay with her.


Just as Murong Cham and Ye Haogang walked out of the inn, they heard a crisp sound.

The hues of Mo Rongzhan are slightly sinking.

Ye Hao did not find his abnormality, and took his hand and said, "Azhan, you see, it is so lively."

"Today is the day of the market, so it will be especially lively." Murong Zhan whispered to her, only when she did not hear the brother.

"Three brothers, how are you here?" A figure of Qianli appeared in front of Murong Zhan. The girl, about 16 or 17 years old, looked at Murong Zhan with her eyes brightly, and her hands were behind her. "Hey, fast. Come over, I saw the three brothers."

Is this called Murong Cham? Ye Xie looked at him doubtfully, how she never heard of who he had worshipped as a master.

Murong frowned and looked up, his face looked at the thin old man who was slowly coming away.

I will meet him here!

"Three brothers, where have you been in these years? I have been looking for you for a long time." The girl whispered her mouth and looked at Murong Cham, ignoring the dissatisfaction of Murong Cham at this time. Hold his sleeves.

Ye Hao took Murong Zhan's hand and stepped back, looking at the woman with a faint look.

The woman couldn't catch the sleeves of Murong Chong. Only then did she find Ye Hao around him. She immediately looked at the past with disappointment, but she stopped when she saw the appearance of Ye Hao.

"Suer, what are you doing?" The thin old man came over and asked the woman, "I told you not to run around, what if I lost it?"

How did Murong Chan not want to meet them, and now they have met each other, and it is too late to pretend that they don’t know.

"Zhu old man, why are you here?" Mo Rongzhan asked faintly, the old man in front of him was named after the old man. He used to be a martial artist. He personally taught him martial arts. Murong Chan has been pretending to be in front of him. He was so simple and simple that he could not be liked him. He was finally thrown into the wolf's nest. Therefore, he never regarded Zhuo Lao as his master.

Zhuo Lao’s eyes looked at the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, revealing a black tooth. “Stupid boy, you are still alive!”

"Hey, I said, the three brothers will not die." Zhuo Suer's eyes swept Ye Hao's eyes and smiled at Murong Cham.

"I know that he is not dead!" Zhuo Lao took a look at his daughter and smiled at him to see Murong Zhan. "Stupid boy, how did you survive that year? Didn't tell you, you want you to live." Looking for me?"

Murong Cum said softly, "You have to die, why should I go to you?"

Zhuo Suer immediately explained, "Three brothers, I don't want you to die, just want to train you. When you know that you are gone, you have been looking for you for a long time."

"If I was killed by a wolf?" Murong Zhan asked again.

"Things are gone, let's not mention it." Zhuo Lao said with a smile. "You and I are good at mentoring. Don't say that they are not happy."

Murong’s mouth smirked with a sneer. “That’s not here.”

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