"I have never heard of you and Master before." Ye Hao asked confusedly as he asked Mo Rongzhan.

Inkor Zhan glanced at her and whispered to him. "My eyes were poisoned. Although it was detoxification, but the meridians were blocked, I couldn’t practice. Once, my practice in the military camp was almost enchanted. After I woke up, I already I was brought into the mountains by my two brothers. Zhuo Lao has a set of exercises that can help me get through the meridians. I lived in the mountains for three months."

Ye Haoxiu's eyebrows are slightly embarrassed. "So, Zhuo Lao has kindness to you, how are you doing to him..."

"He taught me martial arts, just want to use me. If it wasn't that I was like a fool in front of him, how could he let me go?" Murong Cum whispered, "I haven't found out what he is. Origin, but if you didn't guess wrong, he wanted to make me a killer."

"Killer?" Ye Hao raised his head in horror. "Who is he, how can he turn the apprentice into a killer?"

Murong Zhan shook his head. "I just guessed that I met a while ago... I brought me into the two brothers in the mountains. He didn't look like he was being used by Zhuo Lao."

Ye Hao said, "I don't think this old man seems to be like a deep-hearted person. If your two brothers are savvy, they should not be used by him."

"Zhuo Lao is the best person to hide his nature. The way you see it now is not necessarily the real one. When I saw him once, I felt that he was amiable. Later, he knew that his nature was sinister and sinister. If I didn't guess wrong, my two brothers have already left his control, otherwise he won't even know where Zhuo Yunyu is." Inkrong's mouth floated a smile, thinking of this possibility, he I feel very pleased.

"I just heard what you said about wolf nest, what is going on?" asked Ye Hao.

Murong Zhan's face was slightly sinking. He gently held her palm. "I learned his exercises in the mountains. I have already opened the meridians in the second month. I probably value my martial arts talent. He started teaching me. Other martial arts, I think the move is too sinister and sinister, so I didn’t study hard. Zhuo Yunyu and the second brother also secretly reminded me that I should not learn his martial arts. Zhuo Lao probably saw that I didn’t want to learn his martial arts. I threw me into the wolf's nest in the mountains. I was exhausted after killing a dozen wolves. It was Zhuo Yunyu who sent me back to the military camp."

So this is why he looked at the two brothers differently?

"Don't Zhuo Lao still know your true identity?" Ye Hao listened to the meaning of Murong Zhan's words, as if Zhuo Lao knew nothing about his identity.

Murong Zhan whispered, "At that time, I deliberately concealed my identity and entered the mountain. He always thought that I was a fool, probably would not deliberately check my identity."

Ye Hao snorted. "But we walked with them to Fenghuang City. If Zhuo Lao really feels as deep as you said, he will definitely see what comes."

"If he sees anything, he will not guess that I am the emperor of the Jin State, and we will be separated from them when we arrive at Fenghuang City." Murong Zhan said with a smile, "Don't believe too much about Zhuo Suer." If she said that she grew up with Zhuo Lao, she did not have the innocence that she saw on the surface. You are far away from her."

"I think she is good to you." Ye Hao, ink-filled Zhan, smiled.

Murong Chong reluctantly licked her hair, "try to think."

Ye Yi gave him a look, that is more obvious, how is she thinking?



Dongqingguo, military aircraft office.

As night fell, Li Wei and several ministers had already returned to Kunning Palace after negotiating the state affairs. Ye Yiqing was still sitting in front of the case. The ministers sitting on both sides looked at him and looked at him curiously, as if these days were frequent. I saw this Ye Daren stay in the palace,

"Ye Daren, are you still not going back to the government?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

Ye Yiqing smiled faintly. "There are still some things that have not been dealt with. It will be fine."

These words have scared other ministers. They are all subordinates of Ye Yiqing. How do the chiefs have more things than them? "Ye Daren, what do you want to do or tell us to do it, you have not returned to the house for several days."

"A little thing, it doesn't matter, you should go back first." Ye Yiqing said indifferently, he just didn't want to go back to the Xiangfu to smash the time here.

"Ye Daren, isn't we doing enough?" Someone asked eagerly.

Ye Yiqing said helplessly, "It doesn't matter to you, go back soon, I have to go."

He didn't want to go back to Xiangfu because he was afraid to see Zhaoyang...

When she took the initiative to kiss him that day, he didn't push her away! It must have been that he had not been close to the female color for too long, so he would be in a hurry and almost gave her her arms.

Ye Yiqing stunned his eyebrows and met Cao Yu when he was about to leave the palace.

"Teacher, are you going home?" Cao Yu looked at him with a smile and took the initiative to go to salute.

"I haven’t returned so late?" Ye Yiqing glanced at him and asked faintly.

Cao Yu said with a smile, "The case of the kidnapper has just come to an end and is about to go back."

Ye Yiqing looks cold, "How to execute?"

"A total of five people, two principal offenders, and three accomplices have all been exiled." Cao Yu said.

"Yeah." Ye Yiqing nodded faintly, such a kidnapping made them die cheaper, and they should be tortured for a lifetime.

Cao Yu smiled and glanced at him. "Teacher, don't you know what the Zhaoyang County Lord is?"

Ye Yiqing’s face was so heavy that “you care about her.”

"Teacher, students think that Zhaoyang County will become a master in the future, and they will inevitably ask a few more words, you must not misunderstand." Cao Yu hurriedly said.

"I am so different from her age, she is my daughter's good friend, how can she become your teacher!" Ye Yiqing screamed.

Cao Yu shook his head and sighed. "Teacher, the student always thought that you were not tired of the mundane world. I don't think you can't avoid the secular gaze. What the men and women care about is always a matter of mutual affection, and what is the relationship with others. You are not as brave as Zhaoyang County."

Ye Yiqing was said to be old-fashioned and asked himself. He was not indifferent to Zhaoyang. She used to be her younger generation. In the days when she took care of him, it was difficult for him to treat her as a younger generation.

Moreover, when she kissed him that day, he had a feeling... and was impulsive.

"Teacher, the prime minister is coming." Cao Yu whispered.

"Don't I know?" Ye Yiqing said with a sigh of relief. He lifted his foot and walked over to Suixiangfu.

When he first entered the house, he let people see what Zhaoyang County is doing.

"Drinking?" Ye Yiqing heard the next person's reply, couldn't help but screamed out, "What kind of wine do you drink?"

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