"Who are you?" Lu said outside, looking at Ye Wei, "The people in the concierge are dead. If there are outsiders, why don't you look back?"

The two concierges squinted and bowed their heads. They couldn’t say that they saw the appearance of Ye Yu’s fall into the country, so they forgot to look back.

Ye Haoyin looked at the Lu’s outside. “We’ve only seen it yesterday, I’m not here today, I’m looking for a girl.”

The lander has recognized this woman as a young man who followed one of Lu Xiang yesterday. It turned out to be a girl. "Please come back to the girl. Today our family is closed and thank you."

"Which door is closed, I have already come in." Ye Hao said with a smile, looking at Lu Pearl, "Lu girl, I am a doctor, when I caught your wrist yesterday, I found that your fetal image is not stable, you can rest assured. I went to see you again today."

Luzhu held his lower abdomen with one hand. "Girl, you... how do you know?"

"Don't talk nonsense, the doctor just left, he didn't say that our pearls are not good." Mrs. Lu displeased.

"Mother, I am a little uncomfortable. Liu Dafu is a man. Maybe it is not good to check carefully. Since this girl is a doctor, let her diagnose a diagnosis for me." Lu Pearl said in a low voice.

The lander was cold outside, "Go back to the house!"

"Hey, you want my husband to die, do you want me to die?" Lu Pearl asked in a whimper.

"You..." The lander’s small eyes were round and round. "You are mad at me."

Looking at the back of the squadron, Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows. It seems that this squad is desperate for these days. Wen Ze said that it is not very true.

"Girl, I don't know your surname?" Lu Pearl stepped forward and looked at Ye Hao in two steps. Her eyes were still red, and she should have been crying for a long time.

Ye Xiao said with a smile, "I don't want to be a surname, I felt quite fat when I saw it with the girl yesterday, so I wanted to talk more to remind me of the body."

When Lu Pearl heard Ye Hao’s words, tears were in the eyelashes. “I am still in jail now, I am worried about it day and night, which affects the fetal image.”

"What are you worried about, are you not mediating? Wen Ze will not have anything," said Mrs. Lu.

"Mother, don't think that I don't know anything when I don't go out on weekdays. If it's really for Wenze, I will have said Zheng Shizi out. He wants to sacrifice his husband for the future of Lujia. I know. In your heart, Wen Ze is always an outsider." Lu Pearl said it was crying again.

Mrs. Lu looked at Ye Hao and looked at the pearl with helplessness. "You only have He Wenze in your heart, and you don't care about your life at all."

"Then you care about my life and death?" Lu Pearl asked.

"I... I can't say you." Mrs. Lu felt both her daughter and her husband, and sighed and left without a good sigh.

Ye Hao looked at Lu Pearl, who was crying at the head. This woman is totally different from Lu Shuanger. Although she looks the same, her temperament is different.

"Lu girl, you still don't cry often at this time, not good for the fetus." Ye Hao whispered.

Lu Pearl hurriedly wiped his eyes and said with embarrassment, "Ye girl, let you laugh."

"I am abrupt." Ye Hao said apologetically.

"Ye girl, let's talk to the house." Lu Pearl has wiped away the tears, and I have to go to the inner court.

Ye Hao and Lu Pearl walked side by side. "I just came back from Tuen Mun. I heard that He Wenze has already confessed. He has always been very happy to hear that you are pregnant."

Lu Pearl heard this and his eyes were full of tears. "Ye girl, you don't know. I am a very good person. He is an orphan. But since I was a child, I was angry. If it is not because I am not willing to I am married, how can he be wronged to become a female son-in-law? I am actually a childhood friend, and he knows his talents best. He is impossible to kill."

"Listening to the meaning of Lu’s girl’s words, is it that I don’t want to save He Wenze?” Ye Hao asked and asked if he didn’t want to save people outside the land, how can he go to the door to ask for a big brother every day? Is it just a good look?

Lu Pearl looked around and looked at Ye Hao seriously. "Ye girl, and you said so much, I don't know what relationship you have with Lu Daren? How... How do you care about my family?"

Ye Xiao smiled. "Lu girl, don't misunderstand. I didn't mean to inquire about anything. I just listened to my big brother yesterday... It was Lu Daren who mentioned that He Wenze is not like a murderer, so I was a little curious. I had a side with you yesterday. Yuan, I was originally a person who practiced medicine. I always liked to mention some other people. It happened just after I passed it. I remembered that your fetal image was not very stable, and I couldn’t help but say a few more words."

"It turns out that you are the sister of Lu Daren, but your surname is Ye..." Lu Pearl asked doubtfully.

Ye Hao smiled lightly. "Lu girl, this is not important. It is just a surname."

Lu Pearl nodded lightly. "I don't know what Wenze is doing now?"

"This... I can't say it well, but as long as he doesn't kill, he will definitely not be embarrassed." Ye Hao said.

"Ye girl, you don't know, Zheng Shizi, who is loyal to his family, has become accustomed to bullying male tyrants in Fengqi City. If it is not the business of our family that needs loyalty to help, Wenze will not be like that. Walking together, I don’t believe that Wenze will kill people. It must be that Zheng Shizi killed people and pushed the charges to him. I dare not offend the loyalty, afraid that I can’t stay in Fengcheng, so I’m only With the loyalty to wait for Wen Ze, he is now asking for help everywhere, but also because of his heart." Lu Pearl said, there is great dissatisfaction between the words and the land.

Ye Hao said, "Money is a foreign body, life is the most important. If He Wenze does not kill, why should he take such a murder charge for him? Even if he sends his son-in-law to be a scapegoat, he is afraid to make a future. It may not be satisfactory."

"But I told him he couldn't listen." Lu Pearl whimpered.

"If He Wenze is willing to help himself, there may not be no way." Ye Hao said, "I will give you a prescription for the fetus. You should try your best to relax your mind. Don't think too much, it is not good for you and the fetus."

Lu Pearl gave Ye Hao a bow, "Thank you for the girl."

"You...had you lived in Fengqi City since childhood?" Ye Hao looked like unintentionally, "I heard that you and the Lujia of Kyoto are the same, I have never heard of it before."

"If it wasn't for Lu Daren to go to Fenghuang City as a county magistrate, I don't know that there was still a relative in Kyoto." Lu Pearl said with a smile, "I have lived in this Fenghuang City for 18 years and never left. However, if Wen Ze is safe and sound, I really want to leave..."

Lu Pearl probably realized that he had made a mistake and hurriedly held his mouth.

Ye Hao smiled when she didn't hear her words.

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